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A Narrative Report about how we did our

Concept Paper

John Mark Mangulabnan, Glaiza Mae Moralde,
Jhon Marl Guieb, Nick Ashley Laiman

To be submitted to:
Ms. Charmine Cumpio

G.A.S. – 1AM
January 26, 2023
On our Day 1 of doing our concept paper I ask each of my members about the
topic that we are going to do. After we chose a topic we do a brainstorming about
the topic to make sure that all of us has an idea about the topic. We drafted after
the brainstorming, After we drafted we have a little misunderstanding about the
purpose of our topic, which is why I ask my members to change the topic but they
disagree and they say "If we change the topic then the whole draft will be
changed too". In that, we decided to continue finalizing our paper.

On the second day of working on our concept paper, we try to figure out how to
accomplish our goals. To do this, we conduct research and only consult reputable
sources, such as the World Health Organization, the National Institute of Mental
Health, and other psychologists.

On the third day of working on our concept paper, we decided to finalise it by

using the Google meet app, we set a schedule to talk about our topic there. While
John Mark Mangulabnan is reading of some articles we searched on I and Jhon
Marl Guieb are writing more important details to add in our paper after an hour
we arrange it one by one and double check it if there is any errors. Afterwards we
passed it on Google classroom like Ms Charmine said the members will upload the
blue card and the leader will upload the paper.

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