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Written Report

This assessment began with our teacher explaining what it was all about, she then allowed us to
get into our groups to discuss and prepare for our final report. For me and my group members,
the process of selecting our theme was quite simple; under the supervision of our teacher, we
grouped all of our ideas into one and joined them together. After deciding on a theme, we began
developing our individual topics and objectives.
Secondly, we used the internet to find our three artifacts after focusing our investigation on the
consequences of cyberbullying. The artifacts we discovered fit our overall topic the best. A
poem, a video, and a poster were the three items selected. We had excellent results from this
assessment because our reading, writing, comprehension, and grammatical abilities all improved.
Our understanding of cyberbullying has expanded as a result of this research, and we now
understand how harmful it may be for numerous people as well as how to prevent it. Our goal
was to investigate the causes and effects of social media.
Our objectives were met, and we completed the assessment within the timespan that was
assigned to us. In conclusion, by the end of the research, each person had improved their English
skills and learned to work together to achieve the goal.

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