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Table Of Contents

● Objective of the project 3

● Action Plan 4-5

● Material Evidence 6-13

● Script For Presentation 14-15

● The Main Report 16

● Values Learned 17

● Individual Reflections 18-19

● Bibliography 19
was done to analyze how online classes affected the lives of students
during the lockdown due to the pandemic. As we know, online classes are
common among students. Not only online classes but also a “work from
home” scheme was common to our parents. We were interested in how it
has impacted the lives of students, whether positively or negatively, and
how parents of students felt about the same. To know and understand
more about the same, we conducted surveys with our peers and some
parents and prepared a script among ourselves to entertain and convey
our message. We got a wide range of responses, and a successful script
was prepared. We also used the internet to gather more information on
the same. We finally analyzed our findings and wrote our reflections.

Also, through this project, we aimed to learn more about teamwork. We

also had an objective to improve our research and report-making skills.
We also wanted to learn how to be better interviewers and surveyors.

The following project is also done to meet the CBSE requirement for the
internal assessment (Project Making) for Term 2 AY 2022-2023.
October-November + Choosing the topic”
Online classes during
lockdown “.
+Ayaan-surveys & google
Minhal- Panel Disscusion
&google research
Fahad- Panel Discussion
& google research
Habib-Panel Discussion
& surveys
+Creation of action plan
+presention form Panel

November-December +Interviews and surveys

conducted and evidence
+Creation of the main report
and individual reflections.

December-January +final compilation of the

main report and evidence
with final editing.
+submission of the report and
During the period from oct-nov, we were given the necessary details of
the project and the guidelines for its preparation. The widespread
usage of online tools like meet, zoom and how it affects teenagers
interested us, and we on Nov 21st, decided on the topic for our project
and got confirmation from the teacher to proceed on the same and
prepared a preview for our project. During the months of nov-dec, we
divided the labor among us. Google research will be done by Minhal,
Fahad, and Ayaan. The survey will be done by Habib and Ayaan, Panel
Discussion will be conducted by Minhal, Fahad, and Habib. The
surveys were conducted on the 10th,11th, and 12th of January. The
Panel Discussion is conducted on the 13th and 14th of January. The
analysis of the surveys and Panel Discussion was created. The
preparation of the main report began. We made a detailed study on the
topic and concluded with our thoughts and findings. Individual reports
were created. The teacher told us to make the necessary changes and
we made them. During the months of Jan-Feb, the main report and the
individual reports were fully completed. The evidence was compiled.
All were arranged neatly in the file and binded. We finally started
preparing for our presentation, which is a Panel Disscusion. We
prepared the necessary scripts. We four joined Google Meet and
recorded the Panel Discussion session. We submitted it and the report
before the deadline and adhered to the instructions given by the
Material Evidence

Interview Questions and Layout

For Parents:
1. How much time do your children spend on online tools like Zoom and
2. Have you noticed any changes in your child's behavior or mental well-
being since the increased usage of online tools?
3. Have you set any guidelines or rules for your child's use of online
4. How do you monitor your child's online activity and interactions on
these platforms? 5. Have you had any discussions with your child about
the potential risks and benefits of online tools?

For Students:
1. How often do you use online tools like Zoom and Meet?
2. Do you feel that your use of online tools has had an impact on your
mental well-being?
3. Have you experienced any negative effects such as cyberbullying or
online addiction?
4. Do you feel that online tools have had a positive impact on your
education or social life?
5. Do you have any concerns or questions about the usage of online tools?

Thank you for participating and your valuable time.

Interview Replies

Interview 1:

Person Interviewing: Fahad Saleh

Person Interviewed: Noman Kaleem (Parent)
(Questions Were Asked From Parents Part)

1. 1-3 hours
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Use parental controls
5. Yes
Interview 2:

Person Interviewing: Fahad Saleh

Person Interviewed: Ahmed Ekkeri(Student)
(Questions Were Asked From Students Part)

1. Alot
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. No

Survey Questions And Replies

Survey Link:-

For Parents:
1. How much time do your children spend on online tools like Zoom and
2. Have you noticed any changes in your child's behavior or mental well-
being since the increased usage of online tools?
3. Have you set any guidelines or rules for your child's use of online
4. How do you monitor your child's online activity and interactions on
these platforms?
5. Have you had any discussions with your child about the potential risks
and benefits of online tools?

For Students:
1. How often do you use online tools like Zoom and Meet?
2. Do you feel that your use of online tools has had an impact on your
mental well-being?
3. Have you experienced any negative effects such as cyberbullying or
online addiction?
4. Do you feel that online tools have had a positive impact on your
education or social life?
5. Do you have any concerns or questions about the usage of online tools?

The questions for parents and students focus on the impact of online tools
like Zoom and Meet on children's mental well-being, behavior, and
education. The questions also touch on the importance of setting guidelines
and monitoring online activity for children.

For parents, the questions aim to understand how much time their children
spend on online tools, if they have noticed any changes in their child's
behavior or mental well-being, and if they have set any guidelines or rules
for their child's use of online tools. Parents are also asked how they monitor
their child's online activity and interactions on these platforms and if they
have had any discussions with their child about the potential risks and
benefits of online tools.

For students, the questions explore how often they use online tools, if they
feel that their use of online tools has had an impact on their mental
well-being, if they have experienced any negative effects such as
cyberbullying or online addiction, if they feel that online tools have had a
positive impact on their education or social life, and if they have any
concerns or questions about the usage of online tools.

In summary, the questions highlight the importance of understanding the

impact of online tools on children's mental well-being, behavior, and
education, and the role of parents and guardians in setting guidelines and
monitoring online activity for children. It also emphasizes the need for
discussions around the potential risks and benefits of online tools, and
students' concerns and questions regarding the usage of online tools.
Script for presentation
Moderator: Habib,
Student: Minhal,
Media Person: Ayaan,
Anchor: Fahad

Moderator: Good evening everyone and welcome to our presentation on online classes

during lockdown. I am Habib, the moderator for today's discussion.

Joining us today, we have Minhal, a student who has been taking online classes

during the lockdown, Ayaan, a media person who has been covering the impact of

the lockdown on mineducation, and Fahad, an anchor who will be moderating the


Fahad: Thank you, Habib. So, Minhal, can you tell us about your experience with

online classes during the lockdown?

Minhal: Sure, Fahad. Honestly, it's been a bit of a rollercoaster ride. At first, I was

excited to be able to take classes from home and not have to worry about commuting.

But as the days went on, I found it harder and harder to stay

focused and motivated. It's been difficult to have the same level of interaction and

engagement with my classmates and teachers as I would in a physical classroom.

Ayaan: That's a common sentiment, Minhal. From my reporting on the topic, I've

seen that many students have struggled with the lack of structure and accountability

that comes with online classes. But at the same time, I've also seen some innovative
solutions being implemented, like virtual office hours and breakout rooms for group


Minhal: Yeah, that's definitely been helpful. I've been able to have one-on-one

meetings with my teachers and get extra help when I need it. But I still think it's not

the same as in-person classes.

Fahad: I can definitely understand that, Minhal. Ayaan, can you tell us a bit more

about the impact of the lockdown on education, specifically in terms of access to

technology and resources?

Ayaan: Sure, Fahad. Unfortunately, the lockdown has highlighted the digital divide

that exists in many communities. Many students, particularly those from low-

income households, lack access to the technology and resources needed to

participate in online classes. This has led to a widening of the achievement gap

between these students and their more affluent peers.

Habib: Thank you, Ayaan, for highlighting this important issue. And thank you,

Minhal, for sharing your personal experience. I think it's clear that online classes

during the lockdown have presented a number of challenges for students, educators,

and the education system as a whole. But it's also important to note that there have

been some positive developments as well.

Moderator: So, that's all the time we have for today. Thank you again to our panelists,
Minhal, Ayaan, Fahad, and thank you to our audience for joining us.
We hope this presentation has provided some valuable insights on the topic of online

classes during lockdown.

Main Report
Online classes have become a prevalent practice during lockdowns caused by the
COVID-19 pandemic. These classes have allowed students to continue their
education while staying at home and adhering to social distancing guidelines.
However, there are a number of challenges that have arisen as a result of this
shift to online education.

One major concern is the impact of online tools, such as Zoom and Meet, on
children's mental well-being, behavior, and education. There are questions about
how much time children are spending on these platforms and if this is having an
impact on their mental well-being or behavior.
Additionally, there are concerns about the potential for cyberbullying and online
addiction as children spend more time on these platforms.

To address these concerns, parents and guardians are being encouraged to set
guidelines and monitor their children's online activity. This can include setting
time limits for the use of online tools, monitoring interactions on these
platforms, and having discussions with their children about the potential risks
and benefits of online tools.

Students are also being asked about their experiences with online classes. Many
are reporting that they feel that their use of online tools has had an impact on
their mental well-being, and there are reports of negative effects such as
cyberbullying and online addiction. However, some students also feel that online
tools have had a positive impact on their education and social lives.

In conclusion, while online classes have allowed students to continue their

education during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are concerns about the impact
of these classes on children's mental well-being, behavior, and education.
Values Learned

1. We learned the importance of time management and

prioritizing tasks to meet deadlines.

2. We developed teamwork and collaboration skills through

dividing labor among team members and clear communication.

3. We gained experience in conducting research and analyzing data.

4. We learned the importance of adaptability to new technologies and

methods of learning.

5. We developed good communication skills, both in written and

oral formats.

6. We have a better understanding of how technology affects people and

the importance of technology in our day to day life.

7. We learned the importance of critical thinking through analyzing data

and drawing our own conclusions.

8. Overall, this project provided valuable learning experiences that will be

useful in future studies and professional lives
Individual Reflection

1. From the perspective of Minhal:

During this project, I have learned the importance of time management and
teamwork. I was responsible for conducting the Panel Discussion and it was
challenging but with the help of my team members, we were able to
successfully complete it. I was also able to develop my research skills and
understanding of how technology affects people. Overall, this project has
been a valuable learning experience for me.

2. From the perspective of Habib:

I was responsible for conducting the survey which was a great experience
for me to learn about how to conduct research and gather data. I have also
learned about the importance of adaptability and communication in working
with a team. This project has helped me to understand the impact of online
tools on teenagers during the lockdown period.

3. From the perspective of Ayaan:

I was responsible for conducting the survey and Google research with my
team members. I have learned the importance of time management,
teamwork, and communication. This project has also helped me to
understand the impact of online tools on teenagers during the lockdown
period. I found the research and data analysis to be challenging but also a
valuable learning experience. Overall, I am happy with the outcome of the
project and what I have learned.
4. From the perspective of Fahad:

During this project, I was responsible for conducting Google research with
my team members. This task helped me to improve my research skills and
understand how to gather and analyze data. Additionally, I have learned
about the importance of adaptability in working with new technologies and
methods of learning. I was also able to contribute to the Panel Discussion
and it was a great experience for me to understand the impact of online
tools on teenagers during the lockdown period. Overall, this project has
been a valuable learning experience for me.






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