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Teacher Name – Tr.

Khin Moh Moh Aye

Grade Level & Subject – Year- 7,8 and 9 (English)
Campus – Morado
Email –

Dear Parent or Guardian,

I am writing to tell you about an exciting project we are about to do in our class.
As you might know, in our school we use the teaching method of Project Based Learning, or PBL, to
help students learn better. A project motivates students to gain knowledge, and they remember it longer.
Projects give students the chance to apply the skills they learn in school to personally relevant and real-
world situations. Your child also learns skills in PBL such as how to think critically, solve problems,
work in teams, and make presentations. These skills will help students succeed in the future, both in
school and in today’s work world. More importantly, we are using PBL as an assessment tool for this
semester as a final exam.

Our projects will last about a month from April 3 to May 15. The project’s driving questions, which focus
our work, are _

1. How can we provide a better learning environment for students to get healthy food and a
healthier lifestyle using slideshows and our opinions?
2. How can we utilize the advancement of modern society to alter the state of mind of people
who have experienced trauma through enhanced societal components?
3. How can we foster a harmless environment for civilians to live in a threat-free community?

Students will be involved in researching on the Internet, interviewing community members, preparing a
presentation, creating a video, using technology, etc. Your child will work in a team, guided by me. We
will be working with schools, organizations, experts, etc.
At the end of the project students will share their work publicly with audience. This event will take place
in Conference Hall, EDUSN and is scheduled for 15-19 May 2023. We hope you will be able to attend.
Students will be assessed individually in the project, based on the knowledge they gain and the skills
they demonstrate. I have attached the rubrics we will use to guide students’ project style, daily
assessment by teacher and final presentation skills. You may find these helpful in understanding what
we are asking students to do and supporting your child during the project. As parents or guardians, you
can discuss the project at home, encouraging your child to think hard and ask questions about the topic.
You can also support the project by [helping in the classroom, providing expertise and resources, etc.].
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the project!

I have read and understood expectations of EDUSN Project Based Learning.

Student Name:

Student Signature: Date:

Parent/Guardian Name:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

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