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TEACHER: Luis Ángel Güemez Sarao

23th March 2024

A Narrative Essay is one that tells a story. It talks about a
particular event or series of events and describes the kind of
experience it was. You also say how it impacted you.
Use your answers to the questions in the pre-activity to write a
narrative essay about the topic you chose. (190 words minimum)

Title: The Interview that Changed Me

Some time ago, I had an experience that left me with a valuable lesson. It all began with the
excitement of an opportunity but ended with a valuable insight into life and work. The story
I am about to share is about how an interview at Mega empack marked a turning point in
my life.

Beginning of the Story:

On a typical day at the Technological Institute of Mérida, with my two best friends, we
received news of a new graduation system called the "dual system." This system would
allow us to work on a project for a year in a company, bypassing social service and gaining
work experience. We were thrilled by the idea and decided to venture into the renewable
energy sector. Although initially, there were only three of us for three positions, when we
shared the news with other classmates, some criticized the idea, saying we would be cheap

Middle Events:
In the days leading up to the interview, something unexpected happened. The four
individuals who had criticized our decision to apply for the position ended up submitting
their applications as well. It was disheartening to realize that those who had initially
dismissed the opportunity were now vying for the same position.
The day of the interview arrived, we were nervous but confident. After answering some
basic questions about my career and future goals, they asked me a question that left me
stunned: "How would hiring you benefit us?" I wasn't prepared for that question and
nervously replied that I could bring new ideas and excel in my tasks.
End of the Story:
A week later, I found out that I didn't get the position, but one of my friends and two of
those who had criticized us did. I felt discouraged throughout that month, questioning my
abilities and decisions. It was thanks to the support of my parents and my best friend that I
understood an interview does not define my worth or my future. My grandmother reminded
me that everything happens for a reason and that I should keep moving forward.

From this experience, I learned two valuable lessons. Firstly, never reveal plans or ideas to
the competition. Secondly, even though life may reject us, we must not reject ourselves.
Every experience is an opportunity to grow and improve. So here I am, ready to move
forward, learning and growing, without letting a rejection define my path.

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