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7A GRAMMAR past simple of be: was / were

Q Complete with was / wasn’t or were j w eren’t to make true sentences.

1 Edward VIII wasn’t King for very long.

2 Julius Caesar___________ the first Roman emperor.

3 Tchaikovsky__the composer of Swan Lake.

4 The Vikings_______________from Germany.

5 Helena Bonham Carter____________ in the Harry Potter


6 Roald Dahl___________ a famous British musician. _

7 The 2010 football World Cup___________ in South Africa.

8 Brad P itt_____________married to Jennifer Aniston.

9 Socrates and Plato______________ Brazilian footballers.

10 Pablo Picasso___________ Spanish.

11 Beethoven___________ a Swiss composer.

12 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin___________ the first men

to walk on the Moon.

13 Hilary Clinton_____________President of the USA in the


14 The Incas___________ from Mexico.

15 Marco Polo___________ born in Italy.

16 The Beatles________ from Liverpool.

17 Vincent van Gogh and Leonardo da Vinci___________

famous German painters.

18 William Wallace (Braveheart)______________ from Ireland.

19 The last Olympic Games in Asia____________ in Beijing in


20 The Wall Street Crash_______________________in 1939.

Q Work with a partner. Make questions and test your partner’s memory.
Was Edward VIII King for very lon g Q ^ J No, he wasn’t.

English File 3rd edition Teacher's Book Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012
7В GRAMMAR pas^ff.^ie.iegular verbs
Q Complete the dialogues in the past tense. Use the verbs in brackets.

Annie 'D idyou study French at university? (study)

Beth No, 12_________________ French, 13_________ . Italian. I . in
Rome for six months in my third year, (not study, study, live)
Annie Where you ______in Rome? (live)
Beth Near the Forum. I a house with some Italian students, (rent)
Annie you in Italian all the time? (talk)
Beth _______ to practise their English. But I
Not always, because th e y 8________
9___________ to cook great pasta! (want, learn)

Alan .you . Brazil? (like)

Ben We H_ it! We . to come home, (love, not want)
Alan 13____ you . around the country? (travel)
Ben We . much because we were only there for two weeks.
(not travel)
Alan 15___________ you. . in hotels? (stay)
Ben No, we 16_________ . We stayed with Brazilian friends.

Dave .you. .the match? Arsenal and Real Madrid? (watch)

Carl No, 118___
Dave Why not?
Carl 119_______ . late last night. I : until 7.00.
(work, not finish)
Dave But the match 2I_ _____at 7.45. (start)
Carl Yes, but 122_____ . my train. 123________ . home until 9.30.
(miss, not arrive)
Dave What a pity! It was a fantastic match.

Sam . you three times last night but you

(call, not answer)
Lucy Sorry. I was in the cinema with my sister.
Sam And 126___________ you too. W hy27______ .you - me back?
(text, not text)
Lucy Because I was angry.
Sam Angry? Why?
Lucy Because you . to me at the party last week. You
to Eva for about an hour, (not talk, chat)
Sam | 30
______ to Eva for an hour! She had a problem and she just
_______ to tell me about it. (not chat, want)
Lucy A problem? Is tha t why yo u 32___________ with her for twenty minutes?

Q Practise the dialogues on this page in pairs.

English File 3rd edition Teacher’s Book Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012
7С GRAMMAR past simple: irregular </erbs
ф Complete the story with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

My memorable night at the Edinburgh Festival

by Lotte
his happened in my first sum m er w hen I was a t Edinburgh University. I lived in a room in a big

T house with three friends. That sum m er some musicians rented two oth er rooms in our house. It

1w as (be) August and the Edinburgh Music and Arts Festival was on. The m usicians2__________
(be) from Poland, Italy, and the Netherlands. One afternoon th e y 3_______ _ _ _ (tell) m e about a Latin
music club. My friends and 14_____________ (say) th a t we wanted to go w ith them . W e5____________
(meet) them a t the club th a t evening a t 9.00 p.m. I t 6_____________ (have) a really friendly atm osphere
and the m u sic7____________ (be) fantastic! Our new frien d s8_____________ (speak) English very well and
w e 9____________ (spend) the evening dancing and chatting. W hen we 10_____________(leave) the club,
w e 11_____________ (find) th a t w e 12____________ (not have) the money for a taxi home. I t 13_____________
(be) a w arm night, so we walked hom e through the streets. The m usicians14____________ (see) the
historic buildings and m onum ents for the first time, and th e y 15_____________ (think) th a t they
16 (be) really beautiful. W e17___________ (get) hom e at 4.00 a.m., but w e 18_____________ (not
go) to bed. W e19____________ (make) some coffee and chatted. Then our friends played their guitars
and w e 20____________ (sing) songs th a t we a ll21_____________(know). I t 22_____________(be) a wonderful,
m em orable evening and, ten years later, we are still friends.

Q Complete these questions about the story.

1 Which month was the Edinburgh Festival in? It was in August.
2 Where_____________ ________________from? They were from Poland, Italy, and the
3 What.__ _ . Lotte about? They told her about a Latin music club.
4 What time. _ at the club? They met at 9.00 p.m.
5 _________ _____ good? Yes, it was fantastic.
6 What. . at the club? They danced and chatted all evening.
7 Why _ . a taxi home? Because they didn’t have enough money.
8 What. . for the first time? They saw Edinburgh’s historic buildings
and monuments.
. when they got home? No, they made coffee and chatted.
10 What. _________ after that? They played their guitars and sang.

Work with a partner. Cover the answers. Take turns to answer the questions. Then cover the
questions and take turns to make the questions from the answers.

English File 3rd edition Teacher’s Book Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012
7С VOCABULARY go, have, get
Student A Student В
0 Complete the questions with go, have, or get. Q Complete the questions with go, have, or get.

1 i
What time did you Where did you lunch
to bed last night? last Saturday?
2 2

Did you up early yesterday? Did you out last night?

3 3
What did you for breakfast Did you a good time
this morning? last weekend?
4 5
How many emails did
What car does your family ?
you yesterday?
5 5
Did you to the cinema What time did you out
at the weekend? during the week?
6 6
How often do you Do you usually dressed
a taxi? before breakfast?
lL zJ
When do you usually How do you usually
shopping? to work / school?
8 8
Do you usually dinner with How often do you to bed
your family at Christmas? before midnight?
9 9
How many brothers and What did you for dinner
sisters do you ? last night?
10 Ю
Do you up at the
Do you usually home
same time during the week
after class?
and the weekends?

Q Ask your partner the questions. Ask for Q Ask your partner the questions. Ask for
more information. more information.

English File 3rd edition Teacher’s Book Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012

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