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Acids taste sour, conduct electric current, react with metals to

produce hydrogen gas, and destroy the chemical properties of bases.

2.  The word "base" has a more complex history (see below), and its
name is not related to taste. All bases taste bitter. For example,
mustard is a base. It tastes bitter. Many medicines, because they are
bases, taste bitter. This is the reason cough syrups are advertised as
having a "great grape taste." The taste is added in order to cover the
bitterness of the active ingredient in cough syrup. Bases feel slippery,
or as some people would say, soapy, but they really possess the great
characteristics of changing the color of litmus from red to blue, being a
good conductor of electricity, and destroying the chemical properties
of acids.

3. Camote tops (ipomoea batatas) is considered as an acid-base

indicator because it has the presence of anthocyanin which produces
specific colors in solutions of different acidity and basicity.

4. Mayana, gumamela, eggplant, cherries, and onions are some of the

indicators of acids and bases that are naturally occurring in colored plants.

In conclusion, indicators like the camote tops we used in our

experiment or a device called a pH meter can be used to more
precisely differentiate between these two categories of substances by
seeing how they react. An indicator which is a chemical that changes
color when it is mixed with an acid or base. Therefore, as we’ve seen
their properties, they do possess the characteristics which we really
can identify the reaction of neutralization.

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