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Colorado Anomalies

Ley Lines, Earth Mysteries or Cosmic Coincidence?


Jeanne Turnbull Gripp

Text copyright © 2015 Jeanne Turnbull Gripp

All Rights Reserved

To Gomez ~ whose uncanny ability to communicate sent me down the

rabbit hole


This book is dedicated to all future generations who should question


Throughout my life I have had an interest in the Unknown, the
Mysterious, and the Paranormal. Growing up in the latter half of the 20th
century, I devoured all I could read on the Paranormal. At that time, the
Paranormal consisted of only a few categories – UFO’s, Crop Circles, and
Ghosts. It seemed that everything we read about today was lumped into
these fields. And there were no mysteries in archaeology or civilizations.
Yet, I knew deep down that all was not as it appeared. There was so much
more to learn and discover.
I grew up in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. To those in the UFO
community, this area is well known. Did this area of unknown lights,
strange creatures and ancient legends influence my interests? Maybe. Or
perhaps it is embedded in my genetic code. Regardless, I have spent a
lifetime of searching for answers. Only to find more questions. This book is
an attempt to compile and explain the relationship between many of the
anomalies that have given me cause to question our reality.
This book would not have been written without the undying love and
support of my best friend, soul mate, and husband. Ed believed in me and
my research. Without his endless encouragement, I would probably have
left most of this information collecting cobwebs in my computer. Thank you.
I would also like to thank those in my family who share with me a love
of the unknown - my sister, Becky, for always believing in my writing and
abilities; my son, Jeremy, for being a sounding board for my theories; and
my daughter, Jennifer, for just being you.
And I would also like to thank everyone who has always been so
willing to offer assistance and answer my questions. It is because of all the
wonderful people who have entered my life that I am sitting here writing

This is the first in a series of books about various anomalies found in
the United States and how these anomalies are possibly related as well as
being associated with Ley Lines or Earth Energy Lines. I am writing about
them on a state by state basis, making it easier for those who would like to
visit these areas and see for themselves the mysteries which reside there.
I have read extensively on the topics of Ley Lines and Energy Grids
and the oddities found near them. This is my interpretation, my
understanding, of how the energies found along these grid lines may
interact with local geology and other natural elements to create and/or
enhance mankind’s (un)earthly experiences. I reference the books and
websites from which I obtained information. Many of the tales of the
unexplained have come from people I encountered throughout my life.
While the science of Ley Lines is still in its infancy, many
knowledgeable people have come to similar if not the same conclusions
about them. There is an invisible (to most people) energy grid which
encompasses the Earth. This grid is the source of magnetic anomalies,
power surges, strange sightings in the sky and on the ground, and the
location of remnants of ancient civilizations.
Ley Lines were often, and still are, scoffed at. Those people who
have felt the pull, seen the unseen, and have been able to locate this Earth
Energy Grid are believers. It is these people who have left the naysayers
behind and continued to do the research necessary to further the
understanding and knowledge of this ancient energy system. Many thanks
to them for persevering.
It is my belief that the Earth Energy Grid has been a source of
inspiration, enlightenment, and energy since time immemorial. Is it a
coincidence that ancient mysteries and oddities are located on or near Ley
Lines? Not likely in the majority of cases. Our Ancient Ancestors knew
more about the environment in which they lived than we can even possibly
imagine. They built magnificent structures on these grids. Unique
petroglyphs were used to mark locations of portals and vortexes. Strange
occurrences and odd beings have been seen on or around these energetic
sites for centuries. Our Ancestors, the Ancient Ones, were able to utilize
these energies to their advantage and advancement. Unfortunately, we
have lost the instruction manual for what possibly might be the greatest
tool we could possibly hope to utilize in our search for knowledge and
enlightenment – Earth’s Energy Lines. May we have the strength to open
our hearts and souls so that we may find answers

Table of Contents

Part 1 Ley Lines

Types of Energy Lines
Locating Energy Lines
Influences & Energy Lines
Anomalies & Energy Lines
Part 2 Colorado Anomalous Areas
San Luis Valley
South East Corner of Colorado
South West Corner of Colorado
Central Triangle
Central Kite Polygon
Part 1 Ley Lines

To better understand the occurrences which take place on or near ley
lines, a basic understanding of ley lines is needed.

There are a variety of ley lines; some producing good energy while
others produce dark or bad energy. Many follow fault lines (or do the
earthquake fault lines follow the energy lines?) while others follow a more
geomagnetic path. While they are all different, they are also the same. Ley
lines receive their energy from either the sun, the moon, or the Earth's
geomagnetism. Ley lines produce energy which can influence living
organisms located near them, they can influence mankind through enabling
enlightenment, and strange phenomenon can be seen near them.

Some people believe that ley lines are the invisible lines which
connect man-made sacred sites - ancient monuments, henges, standing
stones and megalithic structures – rather than the actual energy line.
These structures were built on an existing power grid which the ancient
peoples knew about. Where their knowledge of this earth energy grid
system came from is anyone's guess. Folklore says the Ancients were told
of these grids by the Star People. Others say that the Ancients were better
in tune with the Earth and were able to sense them or even dowse for them
like many people do today. I use the term ley line to refer to the naturally
occurring energy grid which encircles the Earth.

Types of Energy Lines

There are several earth grids and energy waves - Becker & Hagens
Grid, Hartmann Grid, Curry Grid, Black Lines, Vile Vortices, Potential
Portals, and the Schumann Wave. I will write briefly about each of these
and hopefully explain how they are relevant to our world.
The first written account of earth grid lines came from Plato in his
writings, Timeaus . Plato theorized that the planet Earth evolved from
simple geometric shapes into more complex ones. These geometric
shapes became known as the Platonic Solids. Plato associated each of the
five shapes - cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and
icosahedron - with an element - earth, fire, air, ether (Universe), water. The
Earth's Energy Grid evolved through each of these shapes over time into
what it is today.

Ivan T. Sanderson, a Scottish biologist and writer, was the first to

postulate about the relationship of the icosahedron shape and the Earth.
Sanderson claimed that there are twelve geographic areas that are alleged
to all have the same mysterious disappearances occur within them. Of
these twelve locations, five are located on the same latitude north of the
equator, five are located on the same latitude south of the equator, and the
remaining two are located at the North Pole and the South Pole. These
areas were called Vile Vortices by Sanderson. T he Bermuda Triangle, the
Devil's Sea near Japan, and the South Atlantic Anomaly are a few of the
Vile Vortices.

In 1973, a Russian team of scientists took Sanderson’s theory one

step further. They overlaid a combination of icosahedrons and
dodecahedrons over Sanderson’s map; lining up seismic zones, ocean
ridges, gravitational anomalies, sites of ancient civilizations (known at the
time) and routes used by migratory animals.
Bill Becker and Bethe Hagens then added to the map generated by
the Russian team. They superimposed a spherical polyhedron (developed
by R. Buckminster Fuller) over the Russian planetary grid map. This is
known as the Becker & Hagens Grid.
The Hartmann Grid was discovered in 1954 by Ernst Hartmann. This
grid is associated with the Earth's magnetic field and influenced by the sun.
These lines run in a north to south direction as well as east to west. The
Hartmann Grid is often called the Global Grid.

The Curry Grid is named after Manfred Curry, though it was

discovered by Siegfried Wittmann in 1950. The Curry Grid runs at a
45degree angle to the Hartmann Grid and encircles the Earth. It is believed
that the Moon, not the Sun, influences the strength of this grid. During a full
moon, the Curry Grid will have exceptionally strong energy levels at the
points where it crosses the Hartmann Grid. There is speculation that where
the Curry Grid crosses underground waterways, the energy can be
especially dangerous.

Black lines are naturally occurring energy with no real pattern or grid
formation. How these lines are generated is unknown and often they are
confined to a local area. Regardless, these energy lines are of a negative
type of energy.
The width of ley lines can vary greatly. Some can be miles wide while
others can be so narrow that there will be many ley lines within a mile’s
Portals or openings to other dimensions or wormholes to other
universes are thought to exist at the junctions of ley lines. Various
Anomalies, including UFOs, Ghosts, and Cryptids, have been reported at
specific points around the globe. These specific points are generally
located at places where ley lines cross and their energies mix.

The Schumann Wave or Schumann Frequency is the name given to

the frequency which is generated by the Earth as it rotates on its axis. This
rotation causes the Earth to act as an electro-magnet by generating
electrical current in the metals found in its core and an electromagnetic
field is generated on the surface. The frequency of this surface field is 7.83
Hz, which is almost the same as alpha brainwaves in humans. Physicist
W.O. Schumann identified this frequency in 1952. Distortions to this
frequency can occur from underground water ways, fault lines,
underground caverns, mineral deposits, and man-made structures such as
roads, railways, underground utilities, tall buildings or towers. There is a
theory that states that as the strength of the magnetic poles weakens, the
frequency of the Earth becomes lower. This lower frequency causes
stronger influences of ley lines on life forms.

Telluric current is an electric current which moves underground or

through the sea. Telluric currents result from both natural causes and
human activity, and the separate currents interact in a complex pattern.
The currents are extremely low frequency and travel over large areas at or
near the surface of the Earth.
Locating Energy Lines

Ley lines can be located by dowsing for them. An experienced

dowser can follow an energy line across hill and valley. While most energy
lines run fairly straight, many are attracted to depressions like valleys,
holes in the ground or even empty vessels. When searching for a ley line,
go to a sacred site and try locating the energy there as a starting point.
Once a person has a feel for the energy, it will become easier to locate a
ley line 'out in the open'. Another method to locate earth energy lines is to
use a Lobe Antenna which was developed by Dr. Ernst Hartmann to trace
the Hartmann Grid.

Geometry also comes into play when the location of ley lines are
being determined. Becker & Hagens took their revamped map and
developed it further to a grid based on the rhombic triacontahedron. This
new grid has 30 diamond-shaped faces but it also revealed 15 great
circles, 120 scalene right triangles and 62 node points. The great circles
divided each rhombic face into four right triangles. This model was named
"The Rings of Gaia" by Becker & Hagens. This model was later developed
into the 'Unified Vector Geometry' theory, which connects all the vertices of
the five Platonic Solids placed inside a sphere. Interestingly, Buckminster
Fuller had previously noted the four right triangles which came from the
division of the rhombic face. Fuller recorded the internal angles in planar
and spherical notations. Those internal angles are what was used to divide
the right triangles.

For the sake of this book, I am using the Becker & Hagens Grid. I am
also using the sacred geometry angles which Fuller made note of.

Influences & Energy Lines

Ley lines have a dramatic influence on living beings. Many maladies,
insomnia, lowered immune systems, disorientation, hallucinations, can
occur from negative energy or from the energies produced by the
intersecting of multiple energy lines. Vegetation can become distorted and
have a shortened life span. Animal life generally avoids such places,
instinctively knowing the detrimental effects of the dark energy. The
Ancient Peoples often built temples, henges, and other sacred structures
on positive energy lines. These structures would often be built from specific
stones which contained quartz or magnetite or iron. The electrical energy
or telluric energy at these locations would interact with the composition of
these stones possibly altering the Schumann Frequency and causing
visions to appear to people within these sites. Shamans and priests would
utilize this system. It is believed that the interaction of the telluric current
and the stones would cause the pineal gland to vibrate and visions would
be the result. The stones used in building these sacred sites could store
the earth energy and it would later be accessed.

Ley lines may also be influenced by other things - water, both moving
and stationary, geology, time of day, seasonal changes. Ley lines vary in
width and where two lines intersect, their influence will radiate out around
the point of intersection. The circle of influence can vary in size.

Anomalies & Energy Lines

Petroglyphs (carved images in stone) can often be found near earth

energy lines. Certain specific shapes and patterns can be found across the
globe. Perhaps there was once a global society who utilized rock carvings
to mark special vortices, portals or other unique earth energies. There is
also the thought that when specific petroglyphs or images are placed
together in a specific order, the portal, vortex, or energy would be
activated. Some of the most common petroglyphs found across the globe
are circles, spirals, zoomorphic humans or horned humans. It is believed
that a serpent carved on an ancient temple or stone is meant to signify that
this is a location where telluric current passes through the site. Circles and
Spirals are believed to represent a portal or place of extreme energy
Ley Lines have been shown to have more energy during the day than
at night, leading to the conclusion that they receive, at least, some of their
energy from the sun - either directly or in a round-about way. Scientists
have confirmed that the Earth 'connects' to the sun approx. every eight
minutes through magnetic portals. These portals are as wide as the Earth
and an exchange of magnetic energy takes place. Is the Earth's magnetic
energy being recharged through these portals? Is the magnetic energy
charging the ley lines? Could the sun be imbedding universal knowledge in
the energy lines for people to access?

Water is a conductor of electricity. So it is no surprise that water and

waterways attract geomagnetic lines. Locate underground water sources
and chances are you'll locate a ley line. Strange floating lights can often be
seen near where a water source, especially moving water, and a ley line

When a building is placed along an energy line as well as being

located near an underground water source, the atmosphere inside and
outside of the building will become charged electrically and light
phenomenon can occur. This charge can also affect the people in close
proximity by changing their mood or behavior or way of thinking. The
composition of the building material of temples, henges, etc. which are built
on the energy grid greatly influences the effect of that site.

Magnetic Anomalies can occur on or near ley lines, standing stones

and henges. Magnets will read inaccurately and electronic devices will
malfunction. Perhaps the telluric currents are interacting with the stones
and causing interference. The geography over which ley lines run, often
contain quartz, granite, limestone, or iron. All these can effect electrical or
magnetic currents. Magnetite increases the magnetic properties. Granite
can cause an even greater magnetic influence.

Ancient People knew more than modern society gives them credit for.
They used earth energy lines to locate their temples, cities, and ceremonial
sites. Often archeo-astronomical sites - places where the solstice or
equinox would be seen - are located in proximity to these energy grids.
Today, modern man has located military bases, large utility plants, and
major political buildings along these very same grids.

Paranormal activity can also be found in these areas. Perhaps the

energy generated along these lines provides a way for spirits or other
beings to manifest. Perhaps the energy enables the veil to thin between
dimensions or it opens a wormhole between universes. If this is the case,
then it would be explain why the majority of UFO sightings occur along ley

UFOs are thought to work on a type of anti-gravity propulsion system.

In school we learned that a magnet will repel or move away a magnet of
like polarity. Perhaps the pilots of these craft are utilizing this effect to move
their craft, aided by an energy line. Does their appearance along ley lines
support this theory?

Earth lights are another phenomenon which can be seen near Earth's
energy grid. These lights could be from the fault lines which are generally
located near energy grid lines. Scientists have found that the friction of the
tectonic plates can cause a buildup of electrical energy (think static
electricity) and this energy is then dispelled into the atmosphere. Perhaps
the electrical energy is given an extra boost by the energy grid line –
almost as if the energy grid was breathing life into the electrical energy.

The best way to access the energy which flows along ley lines is by
physical contact. Walking barefoot provides a good way for the currents to
flow into the body. A health benefit called Grounding or Earthing is based
upon this. Connecting to the earth increases the number of electrons in a
person's body which then improves the immune system and has an
antioxidant effect.

Regardless, if you are a serious researcher or simply someone out on

a weekend adventure, be sure to respect all posted signs and fence
boundaries. Take only pictures and never, ever do anything which might
harm the environment. And most importantly have fun!
Oh, and if you happen to find anything interesting, give me a shout-
out at
Part 2 Colorado Anomalous Areas
San Luis Valley

There is no place more enigmatic in the state of Colorado than the

San Luis Valley (SLV). There are legends of cryptids, occurrences of
unusual animal deaths, tales of underground alien bases and the frequent
UFO sightings. The Valley, as it is called by the locals, is located in the
south-central part of the state of Colorado and straddles the Colorado-New
Mexico border. It is surrounded by mountains and is considered a high
alpine desert and generally receives less than eight inches of rain a year.
The SLV is surrounded by four major energy lines, forming a kite shape
which extends into New Mexico. The four corners of this ‘kite’ are
intersections of two ley lines.

The Valley sits atop an underground aquifer which supplies the

numerous artesian wells and hot springs which can be found there. The
mighty Rio Grande River flows through the Valley on its way to the Gulf of
Mexico. The Arkansas River once ran through the Valley but years of
sediment and land uplift changed its course to where it is today, to the
north of the Valley flowing in a southeasterly direction towards the Royal
Gorge and points east. This entire region was once part of the Western
Interior Seaway, a shallow sea which divided North America into two
sections. Fossilized seashells can be found in the mountains should a
person look.

The SLV sits at the northern end of the Rio Grande Rift, an area
where the Earth's crust is being pulled apart by tectonics. Minor
earthquakes have been known to occur. This area is also known for its
(ancient) volcanic activity. Many old cones can be seen in the foothills.
Because of the volcanic activity, precious minerals were discovered here.
Many gold and silver mines are located here in the foothills of the San Juan
Mountains to the west and the Sangre de Cristo mountains to the east. But
those are not the only minerals found in the SLV; copper, iron, magnetite,
quartz are only but a few that have been discovered and mined in this
region. Precious and semi-precious gems have also been found; turquoise,
opal, hematite, plume agate. There is a fault line which runs along both the
east & west sides of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.
On the eastern side of the Valley is the western slope of the Sangre
de Cristo Mountains. Sangre de Cristo means 'blood of Christ'. The early
Spanish explorers named these mountains after seeing them turn red from
the glow of the setting sun. It is here that the Great Sand Dunes National
Monument is located. This area, covering roughly 19,000 acres, contains
some of the tallest sand dunes in the United States, with some exceeding
700 ft. These dunes were formed, several hundred thousand years ago, by
the wind depositing sand against the foothills after blowing across the
Valley floor.

Strange floating lights have been reported at the Great Sand Dunes.
Are these lights coming from alien craft or are they simply lights coming
from static electric charges generated by the sands movement? Vibrations
can be felt deep underfoot. Again, is this a vibration generated by the
shifting sand or the movement of an underground fault or is this evidence
of an underground realm?

Reports of missing people seem to go hand in hand with the Great

Sand Dunes. In the late 1880s there are reports of a Mormon Caravan
disappearing in the area, as well as a family of local sheep herders who
went missing. Even today, people get lost at the Great Sand Dunes. It is
quite easy to get turned around and confused when nothing but sand is
seen. Could early people have gotten inexplicably lost and then the Dunes
simply swallowed their lifeless bodies?

South of the entrance to the Great Sand Dunes, is Zapata Falls. This
waterfall is located about a half mile from the road. If a person sits quietly,
small dancing lights can sometimes be seen in or near Zapata Falls. It is
rumored that these lights have a playful aspect to them, much like a fairy.
Are Elementals or Nature Spirits showing themselves? Or are the lights
simply a play of the natural light?

At least a dozen different tribes - Ute, Navajo, Apache to name but a

few - lived or visited the SLV; it was an abundant hunting ground as well as
a vision quest area. Many Southwestern tribes consider the area around
the San Luis Lakes the location of a Sipapu or a place of emergence
(portal). It is here that tribes believe they were led to safety underground
during a time of cleansing and Earth changes. It is here that Ant People
cared for them until it was safe to re-emerge to the 'New World'.

To the south of the Sipapu is Mt. Blanca, considered by the Dine` or

Navajo to be the Sacred Mountain of the East. This is the location that the
Dine` say that the 'Star People' enter into our dimension on 'flying seed-
pods'. Mt. Blanca is located in the Sangre de Cristo mountain range.

In keeping with Navajo lore about the Sky People who emerge near
Mt. Blanca, innumerable sightings of unexplained lights and aircraft can be
seen in this vicinity. A viewing tower has been constructed nearby to better
watch for the Sky People. It is also here that unexplained animal
mutilations occur. Many believe these killings are done by aliens while
others believe it is perpetrated by a more 'home-grown' entity. At the very
southern end of the Valley there is believed to be an underground base
manned by aliens and humans alike, though no concrete evidence has
ever been found. Many of the locals feel that this may be the source of the
animal mutilations and unusual lights seen at night. While most of the
UFOs are seen in the vicinity of Mt. Blanca, unexplained lights can also be
spotted from any good viewing point throughout the SLV.

Petroglyphs decorate rock faces and the walls of canyons in

numerous places in the SLV. Zoomorphic human figures and horned
human figures are common designs. But the circle is found more frequently
than any other. The early nomad tribes left their stories, their 'graffiti' for
younger generations to find. If only they had left a code book.

Near the western end of the Valley, lays an area of petroglyphs, odd
lights, and unusual gravity. Along Rock Creek Canyon and Greenie
Mountain, strange lights are seen. Some people report these lights belong
to known aircraft like small airplanes or helicopters. But oddly, these
aircraft will circle Greenie Mountain often with a search light pointed
towards the ground. Other folks say they have seen lights which cannot be
attributed to any aircraft they know about because the aerial maneuvers
performed by these lights are beyond the realm of possibilities. The Rock
Creek Canyon area is an abundant area of petroglyphs. The canyon walls
provided an excellent canvas for their artwork. And then there is the
backward gravity which can be found about five miles up Greenie
Mountain. A car parked on one of the mountain’s rolling slope and aimed
downhill will actually roll back uphill.

And no mysterious place should be without its share of cryptids.

Sightings of a Sasquatch like creature have been reported in the
surrounding mountains. Out on the Valley floor, people have claimed to
have seen 'desert dragons or prairie dragons'. This is a creature many
report looking like a miniature tyrannosaurus rex about three feet tall. And
there are even rumors of a giant bird-like creature being seen in the skies.
Could this be the elusive Thunderbird of native legends?

While most areas of the country have their fair share of ghosts and
hauntings, the Valley seems to have more than normal. Everything from
ghostly cowboy posses to haunted homesteads to La Llorona - a ghostly
woman who can be found by the river crying for her dead child - can be
found in abundance here. Perhaps the veil between worlds is thinner in this
area, making it easier for the spirits to visit. Or do the energy lines
combined with the water and minerals found in the ground provide the
power necessary to open and shut the portals?

No story about the SLV would be complete without a mention of the

town of Crestone, the Shambala of the Rockies. This small town is located
on the eastern side of the Valley, on the western slope of the Sangre de
Cristo Mountains. It was originally a mining town but has now grown into a
spiritual community with a Hindu temple, several Tibetan Buddhist centers,
a Carmelite Monastery, to name but a few of the religions represented in
Crestone. People will come from all over to spend time here to further
themselves on the path to enlightenment.
South East Corner of Colorado

The South East corner of Colorado is an area of short-grass prairie

with canyons and hoo doos carved out by the waterways found there. This
area is dissected by the Arkansas River as it rolls toward the mighty
Mississippi. It is sparsely populated with only a few major towns. Ranching
and farming are the main industries.

This is an area of limestone and sandstone. One of the longest trails

of dinosaur tracks can be found here in the Comanche National
Grasslands. Fossils of giant amphibians, sharks and other bony fish
species can be found here. These ancient aquatic species inhabited the
great sea which covered this land.

The Cheraw Fault line runs through this area and has produce minor
quakes into recent times. The Ogallala (aka High Plains) Aquifer can be
found in Eastern Colorado. Many small streams and rivers flow into the
Arkansas River. The Purgatoire or Purgatory River was called Spirit River
by the Ancient natives. This river has been witness to many human dramas
over the eons.

Petroglyphs can be found here covering the walls and escarpments

of the canyons. In fact, petroglyphs are quite numerous in this region.
Circles and concentric circles can be found as well as numerous
zoomorphic human figures. Early archaeologists found cup marks carved
into some of the canyon walls. These same scientists commented on how
these carvings reminded them of some which can be found in Great

But not all the rock carvings are of Native Peoples’ making. There are
carvings of a more unique origin. Ancient Celtic script called Ogham can
also be found here. Along with Archaeoastronomical sites which mark the
solstices. And an even more enigmatic writing can be found here, one
which many believe to be ancient Thamudic writing from the Middle East.
Did Old World people journey to this area seeking treasure? Minerals? Or
were they intent on trade? Did they leave behind a history for future
generations? Or were they simply following an energy grid?
This area was home to nomadic Native Tribes which followed the
animal herds. Should they have had any legends and lore about this area,
they were kept to themselves. We do know that many Native Tribes speak
of the spiritual power of the rocks.

Reports of giant size bones which appear to be of human origin come

from areas which have been farmed and settled, especially around the Las
Animas and La Junta areas. Desert dragons, a miniature tyrannosaurus
rex, have been spotted here as well.

Strange and bizarre animal mutilations have been reported in this

region. Along with sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects and other
mysterious lights in the sky.

Two energy lines, one running NW to SE and the other running NE to

SW, cross to the east of the town of Springfield, which appears to have its
fair share of unusual lights in the sky. If the ley line which runs NW to SE is
followed in a northerly direction, an area known as Sand Creek can be
found. This is an area where the energies of the ley line have probably
been altered by a horrendous act. In 1864, the U.S. Army killed approx.
two hundred members of a Cheyenne and Arapahoe encampment in an
unprovoked attack. Most of those killed were women and children. It is said
that on quiet nights, the screams can still be heard.

Also near this energy line is a small town with interesting name -
Lycan (near Springfield). For those of you who might be wondering why I
made note of that particular town and its name, Lycan is another name for
a werewolf. Wonder if they have any ‘odd’ wolves running around…

Another interesting tidbit, the U.S. Military has acquired a large

portion of land in this area. They utilize it for ‘military maneuvers’. It is
called the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site and is currently the second largest
training Dept. of Defense site in the nation.
When visiting this region, be sure to pack plenty of water and be
watchful of rattlesnakes. And should you hear whispers and moans in the
canyons, it is probably just the wind. Or is it?
South West Corner of Colorado

The South West corner of Colorado runs a close second to the SLV
for high strangeness. This area extends from the Colorado-Utah state line,
bordered on the North by an intersection of two ley lines near the town of
Nucla and extends to the east into the San Juan Mountains, bordered by
another ley line. This eastern ley line intersects with the energy line which
borders the western side of the San Luis Valley. These Two energy lines
cross in the vicinity of Chimney Rock National Monument. Chimney Rock
may very well sit at the intersection of these two energy lines, but I have
located it just below this intersection on the map.

It is at Chimney Rock that an archaeoastronomical site is located

along with ruins of ancient Pueblos and Kivas. Chimney Rock has a friend
called Companion Rock. Scientists believe that Chimney Rock was an
outpost for the Chacoan Culture (Chaco Canyon) where both the solstices
and the equinoxes were observed. Priests, Shamans, or religious persons
would communicate this information to Chaco Canyon via signal fires lit on
the tops of mesas.

It is between the two landmarks of Chimney Rock and Companion

Rock that the moon is framed for a period of roughly three years. This is
called the Major Lunar Standstill. Because of a wobble in its orbit, the
moon will rise at different points on the horizon for 18.6 years. At each end
of the moon’s varied swing, it will pause and rise in place before heading
back into its wobbly orbit.

In this region are located in-numerable large and small cliff dwellings,
with the most famous being Mesa Verde. Mesa Verde National Park was
home to the Anasazi Indians. Ghostly phantoms, strange orbs of light, and
faint sounds of activity can be heard in the ruins if one is able to quiet their
soul long enough to listen. Mysteries surround the disappearance of the
Anasazi. Though some believe they migrated south to later become the
Pueblo Indians around Taos and Santa Fe.

Tales of Little People can be found here. Especially in the Mesa

Verde area where it is said that they still dwell in the ruins of the cliff
dwellings. Are these ‘Little People’ Elementals or Fairies visiting from
another dimension? Or perhaps ghosts of a long gone people? Walk lightly,
lest you incur their mischief.

Petroglyphs are found here. There is even a Petroglyph Point Trail at

Mesa Verde. Spirals, circles, and unusual animal and human figures can
be seen carved or pecked into the rock faces. Sometimes even on the
stones used to build the cliff dwellings.

The cliff dwellings themselves are curious. Why would someone build
a home several hundred feet up the side of a cliff face? Everything needed
for daily living would have to be carried up ladders or precariously narrow
trails. Many people believe the cliff dwellings were built here as a defense
against marauders. Others have a theory that the water levels of the
streams were much higher and these cliff dwellings were accessible by
boat. We may never truly know the answer to that question.

The Canyon of the Ancients National Monument is also located in this

area. It, too, has pueblo ruins built centuries ago. And amazing sculptures
which Mother Nature has sculpted from sandstone. There are more than
5000 archaeological site in this area.

The San Juan Mountains to the east were once volcanic resulting in a
highly mineralized geology. Gold, silver, quartz, granite, iron, coal and a
variety of fossils can be found here.

Uranium can be found in the area around Nucla. Another interesting

tidbit about Nucla, it is the only town on the state of Colorado to mandate
that all heads of household own a gun.
Waterways include the San Juan River, which originates in the San
Juan Mountains and flows westward into Utah, and the Animas River which
runs through Durango. There is a large underground aquifer, the Colorado
Plateaus Aquifer, which is comprised of several smaller aquifers – the
Uinta-Animas, the Mesa Verde, the Dakota-Glen, and the Coconino-De
Desert dragons, and thunderbirds have been reported in the lower
elevation areas which are more desert like. Cryptids sightings of Sasquatch
have been reported in various locations – from high mountains to the lower

UFOs of every size, shape and form have been reported. Along with
sightings of unusual humanoid forms. There is a reported UFO crash site
not far from the Colorado-New Mexico state line. While it is located in New
Mexico, a person can’t help but wonder at why a UFO was in this locale?
Perhaps it was trying to make it to the wormhole before closing time.

The Devil's Highway runs north to south through this area. Originally
numbered US 666 this section of road has been renumbered US Route
491 to help dispel the tales of tragedy which surround it. An unusually high
rate of traffic accidents have occurred on this stretch of road, Travelers
have reported packs of large dogs that can run as fast as a car,
disappearing hitchhikers, ghostly wraiths, missing time, and even shape-
shifting Skinwalkers.

Sleeping Ute Mountain, a sacred mountain to the Southern Ute

People can be seen near the town of Cortez. It is said that the mountain
was once a great warrior who laid down to recover from his injuries while
battling the Evil Ones. This mountain is sacred to the Ute Mountain Ute

The energy of this area is strong and many people can feel its draw.
Should you visit, be mindful of the stray dogs. They may just be Hounds
from Hell or even Skinwalkers set on stealing your soul!
Central Triangle

This triangle shaped area is located in north-central Colorado. The

ley lines which form the triangle run from the Colorado-Wyoming border
near Mountain Home, Wyoming (intersection of three ley lines) to a
location east of Denver near the town of Lindon (intersection of three ley
lines) to the foothills south of Pikes Peak near the Royal Gorge and Canon
City (intersection of two ley lines). The eastern corner of the triangle is
located near Greeley.

The city of Denver is almost dead-center of the triangle. Boulder and

Colorado Springs are also included in this triangular area. Many of
Colorado’s Fourteeners (mountains over 14,000ft in elevation) are found
within these boundaries. The northwest to the southeast ley line runs
through a varied landscape – from the high peaks of the Rocky Mountains
to the prairie grasslands. The northeast to southwest ley line covers mainly
grassy prairie with only a short section reaching into the foothills of
PikesPeak. And the third ley line, which runs fairly north to south, runs
through the heart of the Colorado Rockies.

Numerous gold mining towns are to be found in this triangle. Two of

the largest, and richest, gold mining areas in the state are located in this
triangle – Central City/Blackhawk and Cripple Creek/Victor. During its
heyday of mining, Central City was known as the “richest square mile on
earth”! In the Cripple Creek/Victor area, 731 metric tons of gold have been
mined through the year 2005. Today, the Cripple Creek area is still being
mined for gold. But gold is not the only mineral – coal, copper,
molybdenum, are also located here as well as precious and semi-precious
gems – amazonite, topaz, smoky quartz, and even diamonds.

The Denver Basin Aquifer rests under much of this area. This aquifer
is made up of several aquifers at different levels - the Dawson, Denver,
Arapahoe, and Laramie-Fox Hills. It is estimated that this water may be
upwards of 50 million years old. The knowledge which this water must
Fault lines – There is a short fault running north to south immediately
west of Denver and then another two fault lines by Colorado Springs. The
first of the two runs in a north to south direction and originates on the west
side of the city of Colorado Springs. The second fault line is longer and
runs along the west side of Pikes Peak and extends almost halfway to

In the Denver area are two air force bases – one of which is still
active and one which was closed in 2006. There is also an old arsenal
complex (which made chemical weapons) and a large federal government
building which sits inside a tall fenced in area. This building is the Denver
Federal Center, home to branches of several U.S. Gov’t. Agencies. It is
also the home of the National Ice Core Laboratory. A person can’t help but
wonder what secrets are held within the walls of that building!

Denver International Airport can be found to the east of Denver. DIA

is the largest airport in the United States by land area. DIA is the center of
many rumors regarding odd wall murals, gargoyles (stone) in the baggage
claim area, and mysterious underground tunnels.

A variety of Cryptids can be found in this triangle – Sasquatch,

werewolves, and a lake monster. Glimpses of Sasquatch, along with
footprints, have been reported in the foothills and higher peaks of this
region. Mysterious werewolf like creatures have been seen in the foothills
surrounding the city suburbs. And a Loch Ness type lake monster has been
spotted in the high mountain lake named Loch Lomond, to the west of

Unique geological formations can be seen near Boulder and on to the

south. The Flatirons outside of Boulder are a sandstone formation believed
to be 290-296 million years old. It was uplifted and tilted 35-80 million years
ago. This unusual formation looks like a series of old fashioned clothes
irons which have been stacked together. The Flatirons are part of the
Fountain Formation which extends south to Colorado Springs. Red Rocks
Amphitheater is also part of the Fountain Formation. This naturally
occurring amphitheater was once known as The Garden of the Titans and
was probably once used by the Ute Indians for ceremonial purposes. It is
now a world famous venue for performing artists.
Boulder is a unique community located to the northwest of Denver. It
has its own sort of enigmatic charm and many national laboratories are
located there, including several associated with space and astronomy.
There is also a fairly large community of esoteric thinkers located in or near

Greeley, a city to the northeast of Denver, is located very near a ley

line. This city was originally founded as an experimental utopian society in
1869. Greeley was always on the cutting edge of modern technology being
one of the first with electric lights, telephones, and one of the first
broadcasting radio stations in the U.S.A. Today Greeley is a modern
metropolis that has its share of hauntings, anomalous lights, and cattle

Colorado Springs is located near the southern corner of the central

triangle. It sits at the base of Pikes Peak. Located in or near this city are a
total of five military bases! The most interesting of these is NORAD - North
American Aerospace Defense Command - which is located inside
Cheyenne Mountain. Cheyenne Mountain is directly south of Pikes
Peak. The show Stargate SG-1 took place at NORAD. Could there possibly
be any truth to the show? An energy line runs through Cheyenne Mountain.

On the west side of Colorado Springs is the Garden of the Gods - the
southern edge of the Fountain Formation. The rocks of this unique geologic
feature have been sculpted over the eons by wind & rain, forming many
unique anthropomorphic formations. The Northern Utes have always seen
this as a sacred site. Now, people travel from around the world to
experience that same mysterious grandeur.

Further west from the Garden of the Gods is the Cave of the Winds.
The full extent of this cave system is unknown but more is being explored
and mapped as time goes by. The Jicarilla Apache migrated through this
area and spoke of a cave where the Great Wind Spirit lived. The Utes
believed it to be the entrance to the underworld.
Pikes Peak, fondly known as America's Mountain, dominates the
western horizon of Colorado Springs. Pikes Peak is unique in that it is the
eastern most 14,000 ft peak in the United States. The mountain’s shadow
at sunrise can extend as far west as 50 miles and the mountain can be
seen as far away as 80 miles to the east. The Utes believe that this is
where they emerged into this world. This belief hints at a portal to another
dimension. And a portal would need the energy produced by ley lines.

The region around Pikes Peak sees an inordinate amount of lightning

strikes. Meteorologists say it is because of the prevailing weather patterns
interacting with the mountains. Or is the lightning ‘super-charging’ the
energy lines found near here? For whatever reason, this fact brought
Nikola Tesla to Colorado Springs where he built a workshop and spent
many years working on his inventions.

To the northeast of Colorado Springs, approx. 30 miles, is an area

known as Painted Mines. This is an area of spires, hoo doos, and canyons
set amidst short-grass prairie. The variety of colored clay found here, which
forms the rock sculptures, brought many tribes to the area. The clay was
used in their pottery as well as their ceremonial paint.

There is the possibility of two vortexes in the Colorado Springs area.

The first is located on the top of a bluff on the northeast side of the city.
There are reports of electronic devices rebooting and cold chills
experienced by people during a hot summer day. The second is also
located to the northeast of the city, but further to the north. It is found in a
wooded location known as Black Forest. Reports of dark entities, strange
lights, and (possible) poltergeist activity have come from this area.

Also found in the Black Forest area are a large number of Ute
Culturally Modified Trees. The Utes who traversed this region felt trees
were sacred and utilized them with many of their ceremonies. The Utes
modified the trees to look like full grown bonsai trees. Trees which grow
over geopathically stressed areas will also grow in such a manner. My
belief is that the Natives knew of the ley lines which run through this area
and used them in creating these unique trees. Throughout the Pikes Peak
region Ute Cultural Trees can be found.
Located between Colorado Springs and Pikes Peak is a small
community named Manitou Springs. This area is rich in natural mineral
springs. It is said that if the water from all the springs is combined, it would
be the equivalent of the Fountain of Youth. Unfortunately, one spring is
privately owned while the rest are open for public use.

Farther down the energy line of the triangle is a canyon where a

number of petroglyphs are found. Early studies of this area also turned up
stone circles and those who did the studies likened what they found to
early finds in Europe. Unfortunately this canyon and others surrounding it
are now part of a US Army military base. A person can't help but wonder
what their interest in it is.

The southern corner of the central triangle is found near the Royal
Gorge and Canon City. The Royal Gorge is also called the Grand Canyon
of the Arkansas. The Arkansas River carved a path (ten miles long)
through the deep (1,250 feet) canyon. It is truly a wonder to behold. The
Royal Gorge is located to the west of the town of Canon City. Interestingly,
there are a total of nine state and four federal prisons and penitentiaries
located here. The impact of all that negative energy on the grid cannot be

The western side of this triangle runs through the Front Range of the
Rocky Mountains. Most of the area is sparsely populated with a few
pockets of larger towns. It is also the area where most of the Sasquatch
activity is reported and the area where more people go missing while in the
high country. Coincidence?

The last ley line of the Central Triangle travels past the western slope
of Pikes Peak and the gold mining towns of Cripple Creek and Victor. Also
near this line is The Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. This is an
area rich in fossils from roughly 34 million years ago. Nearby volcanoes
erupted and their ash caused an algae bloom in the lake that was once
found here. The ash and the algae filled in the lake and created what are
now the fossil beds. To the Utes who traversed this area, it was known as
The Valley of the Shadows. The Utes saw the fossils found here as being
‘shadows’ of the real plants and animals.

Pikes Peak is composed of a pink granite called Pikes Peak Granite.

Topaz, Flourite, and numerous other high quality crystals and minerals can
be found in pockets of this granite. In fact, the Pikes Peak Granite is part of
a larger geologic formation called the Florissant Lineament. This geologic
formation extends for over 40 miles (as the crow flies) from Bailey to
Cripple Creek. The Florissant Lineament is believed to have been caused
by numerous small fault lines. The Lineament also follows the ley line
which runs from the Royal Gorge area to the intersection near Mountain
Home. Granite is slightly radioactive and can alter a person's
consciousness, like many of the stones used in megalithic structures and
standing stones. Does living here in such close proximity to this granite
cause a person to develop heightened psychic abilities?

Bailey and the surrounding area is known for its picturesque

mountains but also for the number of Sasquatch sightings in this region.
One small subdivision of Bailey is located far from the main road and was
once the location for the ‘wild crowd’ from Denver. Liquor and gambling
and wild women could be found in this little spot hidden away in the hills.
Sightings on unmarked black helicopters have been reported in the Bailey
area along with unusual lights in the night sky.

Many of the old mining towns in Colorado are located on or near

energy lines. Many of these towns have now become ghost towns with
most of their long deceased inhabitants still in residence.
Central Kite Polygon

The Central Kite Polygon is sandwiched between the San Luis Valley
area, the Central Triangle, the ley line which runs through the Chimney
Rock National Monument, and a fourth ley line which runs from Mountain
Home to the Nucla area. Located in the southeastern quadrant is a
mountain range, the Sawatch Range, rich in gems and minerals, especially
aquamarine. Also in this mountain range, which seems to run parallel to
the energy line directly to the east, are numerous hot springs.

Further north is a large open valley surrounded by mountains. This

area is called South Park. It is the last of three large, high-altitude park-like
valleys located in the Front Range of Colorado, with North Park and Middle
Park being the names of the other two. An energy line runs along the
eastern side of South Park and extinct volcanoes can be seen in the hills
surrounding South Park. This area is known for the high number of UFO’s
spotted here. Some people speculate that the UFO’s come for the uranium
which can be found there.

The north-western ley line, which runs from Nucla to Mountain Home,
goes very close to Glenwood Springs. Another area known for its mineral
hot springs. The Utes who traveled through this region would seek out the
healing benefits of the bubbling water. Glenwood Springs, while being only
a large town, is now draws people from all over the world to experience the
mineral water and it has its fair share of hauntings.

A lot of this region is wilderness and a person should take appropriate

precautions when hiking here. Notify friends or park rangers of your
location and take plenty of food, water and warm clothing. Bears, cougars,
or moose may not be the only wildlife a hiker might run into! And remember
to take only pictures and leave nothing behind.

Cowan, D & Arnold, C. Ley Lines and Earth Energies : Kempton, IL:
Adventures Unlimited, 2003
Cowan, D. & Silk, A. Ancient Energies of the Earth : London, Great Britain:
Harper Collins, 1999
Getz, C. Weird Colorado . New York, NY: Sterling, 2010
Kessler, R. San Luis Valley Rock Art . Monte Vista, CO: Adobe Village
Press, 2000
McGlone, W. Ancient American Inscriptions . Sutton, MA: Early Sites
Research Society, 1993
Mortimer, N. UFOs, Portals & Gateways , Settle, North Yorkshire: Wisdom
Books, 2013
Newman, H. Earth Grids . Glastonbury, Somerset: Wooden Books Ltd,
Renaud, E.B. Archaeological Survey of Eastern Colorado . Denver,
Colorado: Univ. of Denver, 1931
Silva, F. The Divine Blueprint . Portland, ME: Invisible Temple, 2015
Waters, S. Colorado Legends & Lore. Charleston, SC: The History Press,
Waters, S. Forgotten Tales of Colorado , Charleston, SC: The History
Press, 2013


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