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STUDENT’ ID: 20010070

Table of Contents


I. ASSESSMENT OF PAST OPPORTUNITIES.....................................................................................3

II. ASSESSMENT STRENGTH................................................................................................................4

III. ASSESSMENT WEAKNESS...............................................................................................................8

II. PERSONAL MISSION, VISION, AND VALUES..........................................................................9

III. DEVELOPMENT OF LEADERSHIP PLAN...............................................................................10

IV. CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................14

V. REFERENCES......................................................................................................................14

This is my leadership development plan and will be my guiding tool based on the key learning
activities on leadership from this course. The reason behind the assignment is to design a

leadership philosophy and be able to put that philosophy in use. Great leaders need a map to
help them in the overall process of organizing and ascertaining that they have the right team
(Sugrue, 2014). They also need to effectively communicate their plan to their followers and
welcome their contributions. My leadership development plan will, therefore, help me
consistently define and refine my leadership missions as I engage in the active process of
communicating to my followers both the objectives as well as the milestones projected to reap
success. My leadership plan is founded on my leadership philosophy and set on personal values.

After studying and practicing leadership in this term, I believe that my leadership journey was
started 4 years ago when I was a student at high school. With the innovation of education
today, I was able to participate in group work with everyone in the class by visual presentation.
And the teacher arranged me in a group with excellent members of the class. And I was
accepted by her. The teacher elected to be the leader of the group. Honestly, organizing and
leading a team with members who are better than you is not an easy responsibility. Of course,
working in a group will inevitably have conflicts. Members of my group have egos that are too
big to deal with. While I'm the leader of the group, I don't know what to do to get things
resolved. I hastily reported it to the teacher and to avoid any trouble, she changed my group
members to another group. And that group work we got ranked last because the content was
so bad. 

As described after self-assessment and learning leadership I believed that the leadership
journey just has started. Now there is no chance to accuse others of our failure. There is no way
to charge organizations or team members about the deficiency. There are many challenges for
me in this regard. Leading and inspiring human resources or better to say intellectual capital of
any organization is not easy. It is so complicated as it is correlated with human. Change
management in recent dynamic and contingent environments is also very important. To identify
all the obstacles in change management and mitigate the consequences needs many soft skills
that I must work on it. Developing team members empathetically can be sometimes challenging

and misaligned with the organizational goal or priorities. It is hard to find an optimum direction.
Identifying all stakeholders and leading and inspiring them toward a strategic goal is so
challenging too. 

My leadership philosophy is structured from my collective observations, life experiences,

successes failures and most importantly, the leadership theories. I perceive leadership as a
journey jointly taken by both the leader and his followers to a common destination. As part of
my leadership philosophy, I believe that leadership is not a one-man show and that no man is
naturally born to lead. As such I don't believe in the 'Great man theories' of leadership. Great
man theories view the capacity to lead as inherent (Alloubani & Akhu-Zaheya, 2018). It holds
that great leaders are born not made. I think leadership is a collection of skills, experiences, and
attributes that can be learned. I find the contingency and participatory leadership theories. For
contingency theory, good leadership is not entirely based on the qualities of the leader as
portrayed by both great man and trait leadership theories. Instead, it is about striking a balance
between the needs, behaviors, and context. As such a good leader should be able to assess the
needs of followers, examine the situation and make necessary adjustments to the behavior. On
the other hand, participatory theories advocate for leaders who take into account and consider
the input of the followers (Alloubani & Akhu-Zaheya, 2018). Leaders need to encourage and
appreciate the contributions of their followers. Like I had mentioned, leadership is a journey
involving both the leader and followers, they travel together. 


How Self-Confident Are You?
Indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements. Use a 1- to-5
scale: (1) disagree strongly; (2) disagree; (3) neutral; (4) agree; (5) agree strongly.
Scoring and Interpretation: Calculate your total score by adding the numbers circled. A
tentative interpretation of the scoring is as follows:
65–75: Very high self-confidence, with perhaps a tendency toward arrogance
55–64: A high, desirable level of self-confidence
35–54: Moderate, or average, self-confidence

15–34: Self-confidence needs strengthening
Source: DuBrin, A. (2015) Leadership: Research findings, practice and skills, Cengage
Learning, US
1. I frequently say to people, “I’m not sure.” 5 4 3 2 1

2. I have been hesitant to take on any leadership 5 4 3 2 1


3. Several times, people have asked me to be the leader of 1 2 3 4 5

the group to which I belonged.

4. I perform well in most situations in life 1 2 3 4 5

5. At least several people have told me that I have a nice, 1 2 3 4 5

firm handshake

6. I am much more of a loser than a winner. 5 4 3 2 1

7. I am much more of a winner than a loser. 1 2 3 4 5

8. I am cautious about making any substantial change in my 5 4 3 2 1


9. I dread it when I have to learn a new skill, such as reading a 5 4 3 2 1

foreign language.

10. I freely criticize other people, even over minor matters 5 4 3 2 1

such as their hair style or word choice.

11. I become extremely tense when I know it will soon be my 5 4 3 2 1

turn to present in front of the group or class

12. Speaking in front of the class or other group is a 5 4 3 2 1

frightening experience for me

13. When asked for my advice, I willingly offer it. 1 2 3 4 5

14. I feel comfortable attending a social event by myself. 1 2 3 4 5

15. It is rare that I change my opinion just because somebody 1 2 3 4 5

challenges me.


Self-confidence relates to the assessment of individual competency, talents, and capacity to

succeed in a certain task (Fu et al. 2016). While Kotter 1990 believed that in order to provide
direction, associate individuals, and motivate followers, a leader must have complete self-
confidence. Based on self-confidence test of Dubrin 2015, I received a high score in this test
Appendix 1: Self-Confident Test), which has resulted clearly in how I do presentation in front of
many people and through feedback from my manager and my teammates. For example, in the
marketing course, I have to suggest about marketing campaign for our company , I need to find
out what are their opportunities at the moment to develop a plan. When I presented it in front
of classmate and lecture, I talked in a clear and confidence way. It makes my presentation more
credible and reliable towards audiences. I believe that my confidence based on the careful
preparation process. Furthermore, I was complimented by Xmen shampoo’s brand manager for
being confident and professional when I responded to his questions about my presentation.
Additionally, with a high level of self-confidence, most of my teammates have told me that they
were affected by my confidence and optimistic in every situations. Thus, it motivates them in
the desire to complete their work well to contribute to the achievement of the group goals.
From the team leadership skills test, I can see myself have participative leadership style, where I
respect the opinions of all members in group decisions. According to Rok 2009, employees from
all levels of the hierarchy are involved in decision-making under participatory leadership.
Leaders that are participative include their subordinates in decision-making and
implementation. They seek advice from subordinates on major choices and appreciate the
opinions of others. Reflecting with myself, when I am working in any group project, I always
listen to other members opinions even though sometimes they are not reach my demand. I will

find a way to combine all members opinions to develop the most adequate plans that please
my affiliates. Moreover, because this strategy may decrease team disagreements and promote
teamwork productivity, it aids in the decision-making process. Participative leadership style
tends to boost subordinates' work performance because it increases subordinates' intrinsic
drive and psychological empowerment (Huang et al. 2009).


From EI test result, I scored high on both social-awareness and self-management, at 8 and 7
point respectively. Social-awareness refers to the capacity to get a profound grasp of how
others are feeling or thinking (global leadership foundation 2021). While self-management is
the ability to manage disruptive emotions and impulses. People who have self-management
tend to address everything transparently, which means the ability to maintain standards of
honesty and integrity while managing themselves and the ability to adapt to changing situations
and overcome obstacles. They are normally achievement orientation which is the guiding drive
to meet an internal standard of excellence without other directions to be success (global
leadership foundation 2023). In my case, during the group work, I will spend a lot of time
discussing with my teammates, through that I better understand each member's background,
their strengths and weaknesses when studying this course. For example, in the Leadership
course, I was in a group with 4 other friends. I realized that this is a hard course. Thus, they
might not have enough knowledge to complete their task at some points. Hence, I have group
meetings every day not only to better understand their strengths but also to know their
weaknesses and promptly support them at the right time in order to achieve my goal. Thanks to
that, the results turned out to be very good.

My weaknesses in leadership positions include lack of charisma, poor problem-solving and
decision-making skills, and poor communication skills. Charisma is an important trait because it
involves inspiring and motivating employees to attain goals. I am not charismatic and thus find
it hard to inspire and motivate employees. It is difficult for me to motivate employees and as
such increase their productivity and performance. This is evident from my role as the leader of
the development department at the organization. Another weakness I exhibit is poor decision-
making skills due to inadequate experience and knowledge of leadership. The decisions that I
make are usually misinformed and only include personal thoughts and perspectives. I do not
involve other members in the decision-making process. I also have poor problem-solving skills.
This is due to the unwillingness to seek opinions and different perspectives from other people.
The notion that I am the leader prevents me from accepting apparent limitations. Therefore,
the inflated ego prevents me from seeking assistance from people with more experience and
expertise. Finally, I have poor communication skills. Poor communication comprises the inability
to communicate goals and visions to employees, and the presence of frequent conflicts due to

Without proper communication, a leader cannot manage employees effectively for the
achievement of organizational goals. To develop my leadership capability, it is imperative to
eradicate these weaknesses by acquiring skills to replace them. The development of strong
decision-making and problem-solving skills will involve seeking alternatives to problems,
seeking assistance, soliciting feedback and criticism, and developing contingency plans. On the
other hand, it will be important to weigh the benefits and costs of each decision through a
thorough evaluation process. It is important to consider the anticipated outcome of a decision
or an action in order to determine its viability. Taking on more responsibilities and challenges
will also improve these skills. To improve my communication skills, I intend to undertake a short
training program on communication skills. The program will equip me with knowledge on the
dos and don’ts of proper and effective communication. In addition, I will learn to listen more,
speak clearly, and improve pronunciation. Finally, I intend to improve my charisma to be able to
motivate and inspire employees. This will involve learning to be compassionate, cooperative,

and open to new ideas. In addition, it will involve improving my confidence and self-esteem by
embracing more responsibilities and challenges. Looking at things positively and learning how
to be persuasive are also important aspects of developing my charisma. Acquiring strong
persuasion skills is the most important aspect of developing charisma as a leader.

Furthermore, I also got a low scores in self-awareness indicators. Self-awareness is where you
can read and comprehend your emotions, as well as realize how they affect your career and
relationships (global leadership foundation 2023). People are more trusted on leaders who
monitor their own behavior and actively try to control their reactions (Hayes and Caldwell
2016). From my own example, I know that I am still too young lead to sometimes neglect my
studies. I usually put less effort into subjects that are not my major and it will likely affect my
GPA. Which is sometimes very important to recruiters at large and multinational companies
that I want to work after graduation.


On my leadership values, I believe that a great leader needs to have a set of beliefs that
represent an individual's ideas and thoughts concerning what is desirable or good. As a such, as
part of my development plan, I have a set of values that I intend to use as guidance to what I
say or do as far as my associations, work and family are concerned. I believe that the values will
streamline my life towards the projected purpose and accomplishments. The values include but
not limited to: 
1. Community involvement and contribution 
2. Respect, advocacy, and appreciation for others 
3. Integrity and trustworthiness
 4. Responsibility and accountability 
5. Competency 
As a measure of my leadership competency, I will try as much as I can to live my by values in
almost every aspect of my life. Values define not only the personality of leaders but also their
associations with the family, their followers and the community as a whole (Cox, 2017). Since

the values represent my beliefs, living by them reveals the kind of a leader I can make.
However, I am imperfect and it will not be uncommon to find myself veering from what is
expected to be the right course as defined by my values. Could I find myself astray, I will not
hesitate to reflect and revisit my values to trace my way back to my leadership objectives and
mission. I am aware that great leaders do not let their failures or set-backs define them,
instead, they learn from them. As such I will not let any of my failures demean my sense of self-
respect and self-worth. It is on this basis that when my followers encounter challenges or set-
backs of whatever kind, I will not allow those failures to blur my recognition of their strengths
or demean the respect I have for them. Also, I find it not useful assigning blames to my
followers for small faults whether organizational, personal or otherwise. My concentrations lie
on the applicable corrective actions that better the leadership journey.


In this part, I will develop a plan in order to improve my weakness and apply it to
succeed in the future goal. Notably, I have set out my future goal following SMART style
Table of my future goal following SMART.

SPECIFIC What do you want to I would like to become a sufficient

leader with effective skills including
increasing communication skills,
adequate emotional intelligence
and improving charismatic skill
through knowledge learning for
relevant tasks in Vietnamese and
international group work.
Who needs to be involved My mother who owns a business
to accomplish this goal?
and has experienced in the business
world for more than 20 years could
support me, for instance, teaching
me how to resolve negative

situations where staff are from
diverse cultures. - My uncle who is
the CEO of an enterprise in the real
estate industry. He is the one
inspires me, gives me practical
motivation and appropriate advice
in decision making.

When do you want to have The goal is expected to be finished

your goal finished?
after 2 years.

What will you do to achieve -Trying meditation to control

this goal?
emotions -Gaining knowledge about
working styles of different cultures -
Actively communicate with
multicultural individuals to
understand their background -
Learning from reading books on
leadership skills and practice in
group work -Observe and study
from successful example in daily

MEASURABLE How can you measure -I will conduct a pre and post
progress and know if you
development assessment checking
have successfully met your
goal? up improvement regarding group
work marks and achievements in
academic life. -Feedbacks on my
leadership skills will be collected
from teammates, followers,

teachers and supervisors.
ACHIEVABLE Are you capable of -My weakness is determined and
achieving the goal?
decisive.However, I improved it day
by day. If I have a plan on anything,
I will put my effort to accomplish it
for all I am worth.
-I have good managing skills as I am
capable of identifying others'
strengths and weaknesses. Thus, I
can divide suitable work for each
-Studying in an international school
enables me to be actively interact
with people from different cultures.
Hence, it is possible that I will
achieve appropriate crosscultural
leadership skill.
RELEVANT Why should you achieve this According to the Encyclopedia
Britannica (2007), charisma is a
component of effective leaders who
What is the impact?
have great competence and power,
which differentiates them from
others. This quality of such great
leaders is made by their voice and
outlook. To be specific, charismatic
leader includes special qualities of
trust inspiration, effective
communication skills, adequate self
confidence, ethical conviction and
ability to empower others, which

would generate to astonishing work
performance (Howell and Avolio,
TIMELY What is the due date of Within the next 2 years will be
your goal?
enough for me to notice the
Can the goal be achieved 2 years is the appropriate period for
until this date?
me to develop as this is the time
when I study at the university,
internship to practice what I have
learned and work in organizations
to improve more.

In conclusion, after conducting the self-observation, I discovered some significant strengths and
weaknesses that may have an impact on my leadership style. Leadership is one of the most
important factor that might help me in my future career when I have a chance to be a leader or
a manager and learning to develop it is never enough. Therefore, I have developed a plan with
specific objectives, activities at certain period of time and provided specific measurement
indicators to track the performance of the plan.

1. DuBrin, A. (2015) Leadership: Research findings, practice and skills, Cengage Learning, US,
Accessed 28/1/2023.
2. The Global Leadership Foudation , ,
Accessed 28/1/2023.
3. Charisma, 2007, ”The new encyclopedia Britannica”, Encyclopedia Britannica Inc.,
Chicago,vol. 3, p. 103, Accessed 28/1/2023.
4. Howell J M, and Avolio B J,1992, “The ethics of charismatic leadership” The Executive,
Vol.6(2), pp.43-54 , Accessed 28/1/2023.
5. Alloubani, A., & Akhu-Zaheya, L. (2018). Leadership Styles and Theories. Leadership Styles
and Nursing Care Management, 1-23, Accessed 28/1/2023
6. DuBrin A, 2015 “Leadership: Research findings, practice and skills”, Cengage Learnin ,
Accessed 28/1/2023.


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