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Section: 201 O3

Brithany Valera


(1). Would you have survived if you had been lost on a mountain in the snow? Amazingly, two
snowboarders were found alive after almost three days in temperatures of 15° C, and one of them
had a broken leg. A: Do B: Did C: Will D: Would

Jessica Townsend -17- and Pete Baxter -16- were on a snowboarding vacation with a school group,
when they got lost in the mountains. Their teachers immediately reported that Jessica and Pete (2)
were missing but it took rescue services over 60 hours to find them. The teenagers were finally
picked up by helicopter and now recovering in the hospital. A: are missing B: were missing C:
missed D: had missed

"We (3) shouldn't have left the group," said Jessica, "but we didn't understand how easy it was
get lost. And then it got dark. That was when things really went wrong - Pete fell badly and hit a
tree". A: should B: shouldn't C: should have D: shouldn't have

"Then he told me he (4) broke his leg". A: has broken B: broke C: had broken D: was broken

Pete continued the story. "I didn't scream, but the pain was terrible. I tried to get up, but Jessica
told me (5) didn't move She made a kind of shelter with our snowboards, but it was still
freezing cold. And we got very hungry, because we only had a couple of sandwiches and some
chocolate in our daypacks". A: don't moving B: didn't move C: aren't to move D: hasn't moved

The teenagers guessed that people were looking for them, because they kept hearing the sound of
a helicopter. Finally, Jessica climbed up above the tree line, and waved her yellow jacket until the
rescue helicopter saw her. The paramedics asked the teenagers why they didn't have cell phones.
Jessica replied that she had a cell phone in her pocket, but the battery was dead. "I (6) : couldn't
have checked that my phone was working before I left the hotel.

A: could B: couldn't C: could have D: couldn't have

If I had checked, "I would have charge it first", she said. Pete explained that he (7) had lost his
phone When hen fell. A: has lost B: did lose C: was lost D: had lost

"I know I (8) : wouldn't be alive if it weren't for Jessica", he added. A: can't B: won't C: didn't
D: wouldn't

"We're both lucky to be alive", said Jessica. The teenagers promised that they (9) Will never leave
the group again. A: will B: won't C: would D: wouldn't

Write two (2) sentences from the text, indicate and change the tense that they are (one into simple

tense and another into compose tense)

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