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ABSTAIN – it is to choose not to do or act; there is an effort of self-denial from an action or practice.

ACTION - it is the accomplishment of a thing usually over a period of time, in stages or with the
possibility of repletion which is always done by the agent.

ACTS OF MAN – it pertains to non-deliberate actions or activities; it is an action without knowledge

and influence of the will.

AGENT – doer of the action; someone who performs the action based on intellect and will.

CHOICE – it is the opportunity or power to choose between two or more possibilities; it is the
opportunity to make a decision.

COMMUNITY – a group of people who have the same interests, religion, race, etc.

CONSCIENCE – it is an inner voice that leads one to rightly discern the correct values appropriate to
the given situation.

CONSCIOUSNESS – it is a quality or state of being aware of something either within or outside the

COURAGE – it is a moral virtue to venture, persevere, and to stand for what is right despite the
danger that will occur.

DECISION – it is ability to make choices quickly and confidently after thinking about it; it is a result of

DILEMMA – it is a situation in which you have to make a difficult choice; a necessary choice
especially on both good.

ETHICS – it is a practical and philosophical science that deals with the study of human acts.

ETHICS – it is a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of what is good or wrong behavior.

EVIL - it is something that is morally bad or wrong.

FIDELITY – it is the quality of being faithful or loyal to a country, organization, etc.

FREEDOM – it is a quality or state of being free.

GOD – it is the perfect and all-powerful being that can affect nature and lives of the people; a spiritual
being who is worshipped especially by Christians.

GOOD – it is something that is morally right or correct.

GOOD - it is one of the properties of the Supreme Being; it is in a state of well-being.

HUMAN ACTS - it pertains to deliberate actions or activities; it is an action based from full knowledge
and the influence of the will and hence, bears responsibility.
INNATE – it is the primordial existence of something or someone as part of the basic nature.

INTENTION – it is a determined action that is planned or purposely aimed.

KNOWLEDGE - it is the acquisition of ideas, information and theories, the application of certain
scientific principles and formula, or the mastery of certain methods or procedures.

MORALITY – it is a practical and philosophical science that deals with the study of human acts; a
principle of what is considered to be right or wrong, in knowing what is good from what is bad.

MORAL AGENT - it is primarily a doer of an action with full knowledge and will; who stands for what
is morally good in the morally problematic situation.

NATURE – it is a way that a person behaves; it is the character or personality of a person.

NORMS - it is a principle of right action binding upon the members of a group and serving to guide,
control or regulate proper and acceptable behavior.

PRACTICAL JUDGEMENT – it is something that judgment is based from value.

PRUDENCE - it is one of the Cardinal virtues that pertains to the ability to govern and discipline
oneself by the use of reason or careful good judgment.

PRINCIPLE - from which something proceeds.

REASON - it enables people to reflect on or examine the underlying meaning of things and reality.

RESPONSIBILITY - it is a task or duty that one is required to do because it is morally right, legally
required, etc.

SUFFRAGE - it is a right to vote.

TRUTH – it is an object of knowledge and the proper end of wisdom.

VALUES – it is something that is held with great importance.

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