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A lamb was grazing with a flock of sheep one day. She soon found
some sweet grass at the edge of the field. Farther and farther she went,
away from the others.
She was enjoying herself so much that she did not notice a wolf
coming nearer to her. However, when it pounced on her, she was quick
to start pleading, “Please, please don’t eat me yet. My stomach is full of
grass. If you wait a while, I will taste much better.”
The wolf thought that was a good idea, so he sat down and waited.
After a while, the lamb said, “If you allow me to dance, the grass in my
stomach will be digested faster.” Again the wolf agreed.
While the lamb was dancing, she had a new idea. She said,
“Please take the bell from around my neck. If you ring it as hard as you
can, I will be able to dance even faster.”
The wolf took the bell and rang it as hard as he could. The shepherd heard the bell
ringing and
quickly sent his dogs to find the missing lamb. The barking dogs frightened the wolf
away and
saved the lamb’s life.
The gentle and weak can sometimes be cleverer than fierce and strong.

Morals are a set of noble principles that originate in high spirituality and govern
human conduct. For this reason, people who neglect spirituality, and are therefore
lacking in spiritual values, cannot sustain conduct in accordance with these principles.

Preferring the interests of others over one’s own is high spirituality and liberality.
Those who always do good without expecting any return one day will bow before God in
wonder and admiration when, unexpectedly, they meet the accumulated results of their
considerate nature and all the good they have done.

Just because you are a learned one does not mean that you are truly human.
Learned people are freed from carrying the burden of superfluous information and attain
greatness to the extent that they serve humanity and set a good example for others
through their high morals and virtues. Otherwise, they are no more than people who
have wasted their lives. Those with high morals and virtues, even if they lack learning
and as dense as iron, may sometimes prove to be a useful and valuable, and even as
good as gold.

Never deceive anyone, even if they deceive you. Fidelity and uprightness are two of
the highest virtues. Even if following this advice brings you loss, which it usually does,
always be faithful and upright.

Morals were once thought of as virtues. Today, morals are regarded as a collection of
rules for social behavior. I wish people would behave in accordance with those rules,
even though they are not virtuous!
In the past, people would say: “The principles of good conduct are no longer
practiced; we only see them written down in books.” Today, they say: “The principles of
good conduct are out of date; whatever remains of them is written down in old books.”
Whatever they say, those principles are worth the sacrifice of many new things, even
though people try to present them as outdated.

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