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Work with EAV Testing Devices

For Purposes of Detoxification

Using Joalis Preparations

Prepared by MUDr. Josef Jonáš

History in Brief
In 1953 doctor Reinhold Voll together with engineer
Krammer developed an electro acupuncture device. Since
then the abbreviation EAV – Electro Acupuncture Voll has
been used for this type of device.
At the beginning of using this device, it was always
necessary to measure about 340 points on the surface of
the human body.
The number of measuring points has been gradually
Around 1995 Dr. Schimmel, the German dentist and electro-
acupuncturist, designed an electric modification of EAV
device and adjusted it for measuring in one point. The
reason for it was simple homeopathic remedies potency
testing according to the concept proposed by him. While he
was in Prague on a visit, he acquainted MUDr. Jonáš with Doctor Reinhold Voll

the device who included this EAV device modified by Schimmel into the concept of emerging
detoxification medicine.
Since 2000 this modification has been produced under the name of SALVIA for the company
Joalis. In 2012 another testing device named ACUCOMB V2 has been developed.

Application of T esting Device
Salvia and Acucomb devices have been designed for
testing preparations produced by the company Joalis
and intended for detoxification of organism. Linking
device with a virtual detoxification programme (EAM)
allows testing large numbers of virtual data on human
organism (anatomy, biochemistry), foods, allergens,
drugs, narcotics, microorganisms and hundreds of
other information.
EAV devices can also be used for practical testing
suitability and unsuitability of any foods or checking
microbial quality of foods, presence of extraneous
substances, etc.
I strongly recommend each beginner to learn his
work with Salvia or Acucomb just on foods, not
on medical information. Only after mastering
technique, a future therapist can start to test basic
data on human organism, at first according to test
sets (testers) and at last according to the virtual EAM
set computer programme.

I regard the ability to test the presence of nine groups of toxins in the human body as
the intermediate-level skill (see the Theory of nine toxins by MUDr. Jonáš):

1. Microbial focus
2. Body burden of inorganic toxins
3. Body burden of organic toxins
4. Body burden of metabolic toxins
5. Suppressed emotions
6. Stress burden
7. Capsulated emotions
8. Intestinal toxins
9. Chronic infection

At first the future therapist should master general principles of detoxification and be
able to carry out basic detoxification of organism without using testing device. This is
utterly fundamental.
Only therapists with advanced knowledge of detoxification should gradually involve the EAV
testing device in the detoxification process.

Testing technique
1. On the work surface, we shall prepare
tissues for eventual drying palm sweat
and a suitable non-perfumed cream free
of herbal extracts and other ingredients.
Hydration by the cream improves the
dry skin conductance. Within easy
reach, the therapist should prepare
often needed tissues whose use
increases the comfort of a person
tested. Anxiety is the worst enemy of
measurement accuracy!

2. We shall choose a workplace allowing

tested person to sit comfortably with an
arm stretched ahead. Given that testing
can take from a few minutes up to a few
dozens of minutes, it is therefore
necessary to find a comfortable position
for the person tested.
3. A person carrying out the testing will sit
right opposite the person tested. The
tested person hand must be easily
reachable with both hands of the tester
because sometimes it is necessary to
hold, fix, massage, etc. the hand of the
tested person.
4. The testing EAV device must also be
within easy reach because it is
necessary to continuously adjust device
sensitivity and insert testing ampoules
or vials into the device testing dish.
5. On the palm, we shall choose an area fit
for measuring probe work. It can be
found in the middle of the palm, in the circle ca 2cm in diameter.
6. We shall ask the tested person to cup a
non-active (passive) cylindrical
electrode in his/her hand. The most
important is the contact area, not the
strength of the hand squeeze. In the
course of testing, we have to beware
that the person tested holds the
electrode just firmly as in the beginning.
It is usual that the tested squeeze
relaxes after a certain period of time.
Make sure that the hand with the
passive electrode rests comfortably on
the work surface.

7. We shall set the device by the knob for
changing sensitivity of device. This is
the most important step of the entire
testing process!

8. The measuring (active) probe will be held just

as a pencil. Holding probe must be firm but
not constrained.
9. The hand holding probe will be leant against
the upper part of forearm. It must be able to
easily move both in the elbow and wrist.

10. The measuring probe tip will be put to the
palm skin approximately in the angle of 60-
75 degrees (measured from the pad).
11. The probe tip must not touch the palm right
in the palm line where the skin is thin and
the sweat gathers.

12. We gradually raise the pressure on the probe tip until the tested person reacts to
13. “Pecking” with the probe at the palm is an absolutely bad technique.
14. In raising pressure on the probe, we watch the move of the device pointer. At
maximum pressure the pointer must stop just below the number 80.
15. We relax the pressure and make a repeated down pressure without putting the
probe up from the skin. The device pointer must not exceed the numbers 78-79

16. This so called “pumping” will be repeated about 2-3x. The most important is to
remember the strength pressed by hand on the probe. The aptitude for work
with this device depends on this. In repeated testing, it is important to always
keep the same pressure on the test probe. The accuracy of testing depends on

this moment. The feeling for keeping the same intensity of down pressure on
probe will be improved by training.
17. The hand move in the wrist is calm, smooth and the probe always remains in the
maximum down pressure only 2-3 seconds.
18. The therapist concentrates on feelings in the hand holding the measuring probe, on
receptors of proprioception in hand fingers and forearm.
19. In any case, our ideas of the testing results must not influence the strength of
the down pressure on the probe.
20. Any mistakes are most often made in setting the EAV device. Then the device pointer
easily exceeds the number 80 at the higher down pressure. Furthermore:
inexperienced therapists change the measuring probe angle at the repeated down
pressure. They also watch the device pointer and change the pressure according to
its move.
I repeat: the device pointer must not exceed 80 at the maximum pressure either.
Beware of hand moves. They used to be convulsive, jerky, non smooth and lead to
inaccuracies. Testing must be easy, smooth and graceful.
21. The resistance of the tested person skin can change during the testing process. We
therefore watch whether it is not necessary
to adjust setting of the device.

22. For training or self-testing purposes, we

can make testing on ourselves.
23. We shall cup the passive electrode in our
palm and hold the measuring probe with
the same hand just as a pencil, among our
thumb, index finger and middle finger.
24. Then the above technique allows us to
make measuring in the palm of the second

Interpretation of Measurement Results

1. Set the EAV device to 80:

2. Start testing. A change of the pointer position means a positive reaction of device to
information tested.
It means that at maximum down pressure of probe, the device pointer will
indicate at most the number 60 (and less), not more.
In testing toxins, we interpret this pointer drop as “Yes, tested information is toxic
for a person being tested”. For example it can be a chemical substance, emotion,
stress and so on.

3. If the pointer still rises up to 80, tested information is non-toxic, neutral.

We Start To Test
The first thing to be mastered is testing seven toxins using testing vials with English labels for
practical reasons (see the table for translation).

A c c o r d i ng t o t o x i n s m e a s u r e d , we a p p l y a p p r o p r i a t e
p r e p a r a t i o ns u s i n g t he t a b l e a s f o l l o ws .

Type of Toxin Preparations



antimicrobial preparations, esp. Noba,
Antivex, Yea, Para
antimicrobial preparations, esp. Noba,
Antivex, Yea, Para

Nine toxins (nine testing vials) are completed with two specific testing vials:
TOXINS IN BODY FLUIDS – Hipp preparation*
TOXINS IN GLIAL CELLS – Mezeg preparation

Do not forget to test deficiency of physiologically important substances:

VITAMIN DEFICIENCY Digest + vitamin suplementation

MINERAL DEFICIENCY Digest + mineral suplementation
TRACE ELEMENT DEFICIENCY Digest + trace elements suplementation

For more details, see the presentation “Theory of toxins” by Dr Jonas on http://www.joalis-, Education section (registration required).
The green testing vials can be ordered in the e-shop as well.

W e f o l l o w t hi s d e t o x i f i c a t i o n s t r a t e g y a nd a d m i n i s t e r
p r e p a r a t i o ns a s p e r t he t a b l e i n t h e f o l l o wi ng o r d e r :
1. Capsulated emotions
2. Microbial focus
3. Suppressed emotions
4. Stress burden
5. Body burden of organic toxins
6. Body burden of inorganic toxins
7. Body burden of metabolic toxins
8. Intestinal toxins
9. Chronic Infection
10. Toxins in glial cells
11. Toxins in body fluids
Using this detoxification model, we train our skill to use testing technique for toxin search.


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