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Altitude illness: A condition that occurs when a person rapidly moves to a high altitude

and their body is unable to adjust to the lower air pressure and reduced oxygen levels.

Approach Shoes: Shoes designed for hiking and approach to a climbing site, which
provide good grip and stability on rough terrain.

Avalanches: A sudden and rapid flow of snow and ice down a mountain slope, which
can be caused by various factors such as weather conditions, snowpack stability, and
human activity.

Belay: A technique used in climbing where a person secures a rope to a fixed object,
such as a rock or an anchor, to protect the climber from falling.

Bivouac (Bivvy): A temporary shelter, usually a small tent or a sleeping bag, used by
climbers and hikers to spend the night in the mountains.

Bouldering: A form of climbing that involves climbing on small rock formations

without the use of ropes or harnesses, usually at lower heights.

Climbing Anchors: Fixed points, such as bolts or trees, used by climbers to secure ropes
and protect against falls.

Ice Axe: A tool used by mountaineers to cut steps in ice, anchor oneself during climbs,
and arrest a fall.

Ice Tools: Tools used by ice climbers to grip and pull themselves up ice formations.

CAM (Climbing Cam): A type of climbing protection that is inserted into a crack in the
rock to provide a secure anchor for a rope.

Glaciers: Large bodies of ice that form from compacted snow over time, usually found
in mountainous regions.

Perlon: A type of synthetic material used in climbing ropes and slings, known for its
strength and durability.

Multipitch Climbing: A style of climbing that involves ascending a route that is longer
than a single rope length, requiring climbers to set up multiple belay stations.

Rack Stopper: A device used in rock climbing to prevent a climbing rack from sliding
down a rope.

Rappel: A technique used in climbing to descend a rock face or other steep terrain,
using a rope and specialized equipment.

Rock Shoes: Shoes designed specifically for rock climbing, featuring a sticky rubber sole
for better grip and sensitivity.

Rope: A length of cord or other material used for climbing, usually made of nylon or
other strong synthetic fibers.

Slings: Strips of webbing or other materials used in climbing as anchors or to attach

gear to a rope.

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