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 Aluminium frames: it is a frame made of aluminium in constructions, tools, aircraft

parts, kitchen utensils, etc.

 Aluminium: A light, silver-grey metal used for making pans, cars, frames, etc.
 Architect: A person who designs buildings or supervises a construction
 Block: A large piece of a solid material that is square or rectangular used in
 Brick layer: A person whose job is to build walls, houses, and other structures with
 Carpenter: a person who makes and repairs wooden objects and structures.
 Cement: a grey powder made that sets hard when it is mixed with water.
 Constrution signs: signs used to indicate important safety rules in a construction.
 Designer: A person who designs objects by drawing it before being made.
 Dorsal D-ring: it is the main attachment point for lanyards, vertical lifelines, and
 Drill: a tool with a flattened or cross-shaped tip that fits into the head of a screw to
turn it.
 Drywall: plasterboard.
 Electrical hazard boots: are designed to significantly reduce the flow of electricity
that goes through the shoes and ground.
 Electrician: A person who installs and maintains electrical equipment.
 Engineer: A person who constructs buildings, roads, bridgets, etc.
 Face shield: an ítem used for personal protection.
 Floor tiles: a tile is a thin object usually square or rectangular in shape
 Foreman: A worker who supervises and directs other workers.
 Handsaw: a tool with a long blade with Sharp teeth along one edge.
 Hard hat: a rigid protective helmet, as worn by Factory and building workers.
 Harness landyard: short sections of webbing or cable that are usually attached to
the D-ring of a workers safety harness.
 Harness straps: a set of straps that are used to connect a person to something
(such as a parachute or a seat) harness.
 Iron: A hard strong metal that is used to make Steel.
 Ladder tied off: a portable ladder which is tied in order to prevent it from moving
or falling down.
 Level: an instrument marked with a line parallel to the plane of the horizon for
testing whether things are horizontal.
 Mason: A person skilled in cutting, dressing, and laying Stone in buildings.
 Monkey wrench: an adjustable spanner with large jaws.
 Paint brush: a brush for applying paint.
 Paint roller: a roller that consists typically of a rotating cylinder about two inches in
diameter and six inches in length covered with an absorbent material and mounted
on a handle so that the cylinder can be dipped into paint.
 Paint: a coloured substance which is spread over a surface and dries to leave a
thin decorative or protective coating.
 Pipes: a tube used to convey water, gas, oil, or other fluid substances.
 Pliers: pincers with parallel, flat, and typically serrated surfaces, used chiefly for
gripping small objects or bending wire.
 Plumber: A person who fits and repairs the pipes, fittings and other apparatus of
water supply.
 Railing: a barrier consisting of a rail and supports.
 Roof tiles: Roof tiles are designed mainly to keep out rain, and are traditionally
made from locally available materials.
 Rope grab: it is a device that travels along a lifeline and will lock onto it in the
event of a fall.
 Sand: a loose granular material that results from the desintegration of rocks,
consists of particles smaller than gravel.
 Scaffold frame: a temporary structure supporting a platform positioned at an
elevation above the ground.
 Scaffold walking board: it is the main part of scaffolding system which is
convenient for walking in the heights.
 Scaffold: a structure made of scaolding, for workers to stand on when they are
working on a building.
 Sheetrock: a building material made of sheets of card with plaster between them,
used for inside walls and ceilings.
 Shock absorbing lanyards: it is a specific type of safety lanyard used in
conjunction with safety harnesses as a part of a fall protection system.
 Shovel: a tool used for removing earth, dirt or other materials.
 Snap hook: a hook with a spring allowing the entrance but preventing the escape
of a cord, link, etc.
 Stand-off ladder device: the ladder stand-off positions the extensión ladder away
from the Wall, making Access for guttering and fascia board maintenance safe.
 Steel tape measure: it is used for the measurement of distances.
 Stepladder: a short folding ladder with flat steps and a small platform.
 Stucco: Fine plaster used for coating Wall surfaces or moulding into architectural
 Timber: Trees that are grown to be used in building or for making things.
 To demolish: Pullo r knock down a building.
 To dig: Make an excavation or a hole in the ground
 To Excavate: Make (a hole or channel) by digging.
 To hammer: Hit or beat (something) repeatedly with a hammer or similar object.
 To mix: Combine or put together to form one substance or mass.
 To paint: cover the surface of (something) with paint.
 To pour: flow rapidly in a steady stream.
 To skim coat a Wall: It is a thin coat of diluted joint compound that can be applied
by hand, paint roller or spray rig.
 Tool box: a box or container for keeping tools in.
 Trowel: a small handheld tool with a at, pointed blade, used to apply and spread
mortar or plaster.
 Wall tiles: it is a is ceramic, porcelain, Stone, or glass tile that can be installed on
the Wall.
 Welder: A person who welds metal.
 Welding helmet: a type of headgear used when performing certain types of
welding to protect the eyes, face and neck.
 Wheelbarrow: a cart used for carrying loads.
 Wire stripper: a tool for removing the insulation from electric wires.

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