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REDUCING: Te become

or to make something
become smaller in size
amount degree
importance etc

Scale drawings show a re
reduced or enlaged image
in size

ERASER: It s an article of
stationery that is used
for removing marks
from paper or skin
A store of patience: An
immense and unyielding degree
of patience especially in the
fase of problems or difficulty

Cleaning brush: An object

with short pieces of stiff hair
plastic or wire attached to
base or handle used for

Meticulous attenttin detail: A

person who pays attention to
detail thinks through the fine
points of every task large or small
and does not get distracted whe
working to complete tasks to a
Sense of neatness: the
quality of being tidy, with
everything in its place:
When writing your
homework, remember that
neatness counts.

Sound foundation:
Noun; A firm or
sound base on which
something is built;
solid foundation.

Skills: A skill is the learned

ability to perform an action
with determined results with
good execution often within
a given amount of time,
energy, or both.
Engineering: Engineering is
the use of scientific
principles to design and build
machines, structures, and
other items, including
bridges, tunnels, roads,
vehicles, and buildings.

Construction: Construction,
also called building
construction, the
techniques and industry
involved in the assembly
and erection of structures,
primarily those used to
provide shelter.

notions: Knowledge of
sculpture, an artistic form in
which hard or plastic
materials are worked into
three-dimensional art
Spare time: Time when you
are not working or do not
have anything you must do:
What do you like to do in
your spare time.

Business administration:
Business administration,
also known as business
management, is the
administration of a
commercial enterprise.

Designs: a plan or drawing

produced to show the look
and function or workings of
a building, garment, or
other object before it is
Instituto Técnico Vocacional
¨Dr. Imrich Fischmann¨
Inglés Ocupacional II
5to Bachillerato Industrial, sección ¨ D ¨
Fecha de entrega: miércoles - 19 de abril – 2024

Clave Apellidos y nombres

30 Mejia Lopez, Kevin Eduardo
38 Montenegro Chilel, Angel Gabriel
39 Morales Cabrera, Edwin Alejandro
41 Morataya Sacol, Adrian Avisai
44 Motta Polanco, Joseph Paolo

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