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So you want to be a(n)....


By Kingston N,
The Description of a(n)...
Engineer: a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or
public works.
Engineers, as practitioners of engineering, are professionals who invent, design, analyze,
build and test machines, complex systems, structures, gadgets and materials to fulfill
functional objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by
practicality, regulation, safety and cost. Also, Engineer’s Jobs typically involve solving
problems. This can include creating a design that works in theory, getting it to work in
practice and fixing problems when it is up and running.
The things you will need to be a(n) ENGINEER
The type of personality traits you should have as a(n)
engineer: You should have curiosity, critical thinking,
creativity, effective communication, and a collaborative spirit.

Skills: You have to be willing to create new things, constantly

work on improving your problem-solving skills, learn from
mistakes, and learn how to work as team.

Job experience or knowledge: You have to learn the

fundamentals such as safety, work practice, tool use,
computer skills, mathematics, technical reading, and writing.

Education: You can enter the field of education with a

Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering.
Resources for Engineers…
Books: The Way Things Work Now – David

Magazines: Engineering: for innovators in

technology, manufacturing, and management.


Videos: Veritasium youtube channel: it is all about

science, education and engineering related videos.

National Organizations: National Society of

Professional Engineers
Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was Born and raised in the Austrian Empire, july 10th, 1856. Tesla studied
engineering and physics in the 1870s without receiving a degree, gaining practical
experience in the early 1880s working in telephony and at Continental Edison in the new
electric power industry. He died on January 7th, 1943.
Glossary for Engineer Terms:
Actuator: A device that converts energy into an action such as motion. For example, a pneumatic cylinder is a type of actuator that uses compressed air to push, lift, pull, rotate, or open and close items.

BIM (Building information modeling): A design process that involves creating virtual models of structures and spaces, usually in 3D, for architectural projects.

Cross-section: A digital view of an object that reveals its inside makeup. Simulates cutting an object into slices.

Interoperability: The ability of computer systems or software to exchange and make use of information. Interoperability enables engineering data to pass from the original design all the way through the product life cycle.

Schematic: A basic 2D representation of a part and its function used extensively in electrical drawings to show the interaction between components.

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