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Madeline Chloe M.

ABM 1 – Mo. Vitalis Winkler

Assignment #1

1. The universe' origin of life had undergone many evolutions even before
humans existed. It all started billions of years ago. From the landforms, born
of microorganisms, disasters in which these resulted in the creation of new
life forms. Where we are today is because of how the universe was created.
Now we're living on our planet named Earth.

2. From the mass extinction of dinosaurs, the first forms of our ancestor
primates came into life. As evolution goes on, humans developed enlarged
brains that enabled them to gain language capabilities. They also gained
the ability to think, be conscious, remember, and imagine. Civilizations
formed. Years later, humans invented what they used to imagine because
of the natural resources we consume and create something new. To
discover more new things aside from what we were used to.

3. From my point of view, I realized that life has so much more than what an
average person could imagine. As we, humans, are continuously exploring
our planet. The life form existed billions of years ago. Some disasters
removed some forms of life specifically dinosaurs- which led to the creation
of new organisms in what we called humans. In return, humans should take
responsibility for how we protect our shelter and conserve our natural
resources because our home is rapidly dying. The least that we can do is to
start to act by ourselves because no one else will.

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