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Reviewer in Philosophy - There was a decline in the authority of a single

roman catholic church.

- End of medieval era brought forth the beginning
- Chap. 1&2
of what is now referred as the modern
- Historical Development of Philo.
- Branches of Philo.
- In the field of philosophy, the shift was made
- Fallacies
from metaphysics to epistemology.
- This shift occurred in order to ratify and
*READ CHAPTER 1 and 2*
accommodate to religion the new development
of natural sciences spearheaded by Francis
Bacon, Rene Descartes, and John Locke
Historical Development of Philosophy
- Rene Descartes- process of thinking itself.
Epistemological turn, a great shift in the
Ancient Period
character of philosophy from metaphysical
- Metaphysicians because their concern was the
inquiry towards epistemological reflections.
establishment of the nature of existing being as
Father of modern philosophy.
a whole.
- Ideocentric- acquisition of knowledge. Certitude
- Philosophers were so concerned wit the world
of human knowledge.
of nature.
- Cosmocentric- center of philosophizing during
Contemporary Period
this period was (cosmos) or the universe.
- Diverted its attention from the human mind to
the discussion on the human person himself.
Middle Ages
- The shift was brought about by the prism of the
- Became religious in nature.
political and cultural forces.
- Like the ancient period, medieval philosophy
- Political thinkers aimed to have social
was also concerned with metaphysical question.
reformations and economic improvements.
- However, unlike the ancient philosophers, who
- The main philosophical problems that became
took the material things as the origin of things,
prevalent during this period was the grounding
medieval thinkers held that the beginning of
of the human value.
everything must be something outside the
- Not anymore on the capability of the human
complex of finite things. In this regard, medieval
mind to acquire knowledge but on the dignity of
philosophers believed that the beginning of
the huma person.
everything must be something, or Someone,
- Anthropocentric- focused their thought on
who has no beginning and has no end but the
grounding the human value.
source of existence of all beings.
- This infinite being is what the philosophers
Branches of Philosophy
called as Theos or God.
3 Branches:
Medieval Ages (Christian Medieval Ages)
- Philosophy of Thought
- The focus of attention of medieval philosophy
- Philosophy of Reality
was on how to prove whether God really exists
- Philosophy of Morality
or not and if He is existing, what is the nature of
- For this reason, medieval philosophy became
identified as Theocentric.
Philosophy of Thought:
- Act of faith became the conclusion for logical
- Epistemology- Episteme(knowledge), Logos
(study). Study of knowledge. Theory of
- Instead of discovering the truth through reason
and science, the medieval scholars studied
- Logic- problem of reasoning. Scientia
church doctrines and biblical theology in order
scientarum (science of sciences). Fundamental
to explain what God chose to reveal.
expressions are clear and its applications are
17th Century
Philosophy of Reality:
- Metaphysics- Studies the principles of things.
Study of being in a general aspect EXAMPLES OF COMMON FALLACIES:
- Theodicy- Philosophy of Religion. Existence of
- Cosmology- Study of the Universe. Cosmos
- Philosophy of Psychology- study of human
behavior and mind
- Social Philosophy- study of intrapersonal
relationships of the human person
- Political Philosophy- Facts about social systems,
organizations and especially the government.

Philosophy of Morality:
- Ethics- Moral Philosophy. What is right and
- Aesthetics- Philosophy of beauty and nature
- Philosophy of Man/Person- Philosophical
inquiry about a human person as a person and
as an existing being in this world.

Types of Informal Fallacies

Fallacies of Relevance
- Argumentum Ad Baculum
- Argumentum Ad Misericordiam
- Argumentum Ad Hominem
- Genetic Fallacy
- Fallacy of Accident
- Straw-Man Fallacy
- Ignoratio Elenchi
- Red Herring Fallacy
- Arithmetical Fallacy

Type of Exam:
- Analogy (5 pts) Good luck on your Preliminary Examination my dear
- Multiple Choice (10 pts) students! Congratulations in advance!
- Modified True or False (15 pts)
- Essay (10 pts)
“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work
will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7

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