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Name:______________________________Class:__________________ Date:__________________

Plant Structure and Function

Chapter Test B
Answer Key
Multiple Choice 20. The sugar goes into the phloem in the leaf
1. a and is transported in the phloem to the rest
2. b of the plant.
3. b 21. a compound leaf
4. a 22. a lobed, or toothed, margin
5. d 23. simple leaves
6. b 24. There are four petioles shown, one on each
7. d leaf. The compound leaf is considered one
8. c leaf with many leaflets.
9. d 25. Three characteristics of leaves that can be
10. b used to identify plants are leaf shape, vein
11. d patterns, and leaf margin.
12. b
13. c
14. a
15. b
Short Answer
16. Xylem and phloem belong to the vascular
tissue system.
17. parenchyma cells (Also accept: mesophyll
or ground tissue.)
18. The cells belong to the dermal tissue system.
19. The tops of leaves carry out most
photosynthesis. The undersides of leaves are
the site of transpiration and gas exchange.

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

Biology 1 Plant Structure and Function

Name:______________________________Class:__________________ Date:__________________
Plant Structure and Function

Chapter Test B
Choose the letter of the best answer. (15 credits)

_____ 1. How are parenchyma cells _____ 4. Trees do not have a

important in healing a structure that pumps fluids
plant’s wounds? like a heart. How do fluids
a. They can regenerate move from the roots to the
throughout the plant’s leaves of trees without a
life. pump?
b. They have very tough a. The properties of water
cell walls. move fluids up trees.
c. They are not needed for b. Trees do not need to
photosynthesis. transport fluids.
d. They allow growth c. Water is pushed when
despite their thick walls. pressure is applied to the
____ 2. What makes sclerenchyma d. Hydrogen bonds are
cells tough and durable? stronger in trees than in
a. their ability to change animals.
b. their second cell wall _____ 5. What would happen if a
hardened by lignin plant’s vascular system
c. their cytoplasm and contained only xylem?
organelles a. The vascular system
d. their tendency to form would still function
long strands normally.
b. The vascular system
____ 3. What is the function of the would be made up
plasmodesmata? mostly of
a. They support and protect photosynthesizing cells.
plants. c. The vascular system
b. They allow cells to share would be unable to
materials. transport water and
c. They store starch, oils, dissolved mineral
and water. nutrients.
d. They carry out d. The vascular system
photosynthesis. would be unable to
transport the products of

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

Biology 2 Plant Structure and Function

Name:______________________________Class:__________________ Date:__________________

Chapter Test B, continued

_____ 6. Figure 1 shows a root tip. _____ 9. Which of these processes

What is the function of the requires a plant to use
cone of cells at the very tip energy?
of the root? a. moving water into the
b. lifting water up the
c. losing water by
d. loading sugars into the
_____ 10. Figure 2 shows a cross
section through a tree.
FIG. 1 About how old is the tree?
a. to produce new growth
by dividing
b. to protect the growing
part of the root
c. to absorb water from the
d. to grow lateral meristems
____7.Mineral nutrients are usually
dissolved in water as
a. protein
b. iron
c. nitrogen
d. ions
FIG. 2
_____ 8. Primary growth increases a a. between 1 and 10 years
plant’s b. between 11 and 20 years
a. flowers. c. between 21 and 30 years
b. branches. d. between 31 and 40 years
c. length.
d. thickness. _____ 11. The thin stalk that attaches a
leaf to a stem is called a
a. blade.
b. cuticle.
c. bud.
d. petiole.

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

Biology 3 Plant Structure and Function

Name:______________________________Class:__________________ Date:__________________

Chapter Test B, continued

_____ 12. How would most plants first _____ 14. Which leaf part marks the
be affected if they did not end of a leaf, where it
lose water by transpiration? attaches to the rest of the
a. They would be unable to plant?
carry out photosynthesis. a. auxillary bud
b. They would be unable to b. blade
lift water to their top c. petiole
branches. d. guard cell
c. They would be unable to
move sugars through the _____ 15. What problem would most
phloem. plants face if they tried to
d. They would be unable to grow in an aquatic
form sclerenchyma cells. environment?
a. forming flowers
_____ 13. What happens to the guard b. exchanging gases
cells when a plant is losing c. getting nitrogen
water from transpiration d. staying warm
faster than it is gaining
water at its roots?
a. They deflate and open
the stomata.
b. They inflate and open the
c. They deflate and close
the stomata.
d. They inflate and close the

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

Biology 4 Plant Structure and Function

Name:______________________________Class:__________________ Date:__________________

Chapter Test B, continued

Short Answer Use the diagram below to answer items 16–20. (5 credits)

16. To which tissue system do the xylem and phloem belong?
17. In what type of cells are the chloroplasts found?
18. Some cells in leaves secrete a substance that becomes the cuticle. To which
tissue system do these cells belong?
19. What are the functions of the tops and undersides of leaves?
20. After the chloroplasts convert sunlight into sugars, where does the sugar go?

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

Biology 5 Plant Structure and Function

Name:______________________________Class:__________________ Date:__________________

Chapter Test B, continued

Use the diagram below to answer items 21–25. (5 credits)

FIG. 4
21. Which type of leaf is shown in drawing A?
22. Which type of leaf margin is shown in drawing D?
23. Which type of leaf is shown in drawings B, C, and D?
24. How many petioles are shown in Figure 4? Explain.
25. What are three characteristics of leaves that can be used to identify plants?

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

Biology 6 Plant Structure and Function

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