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1. Watch the video.


TikTokers are raising awareness about cerebral palsy, blindness and life with
disabilities And prepare your conclusions. What’s the point ?

1) Why tiktok is so popular. What are the most viewed videos and what are they

Nowadays most people, especially teenagers, use this APP just because it is
one of the most popular on the internet and because it’s really entertaining.
Tik tok it’s a really cool app where you can see short videos about people or
about the things that you like and also you can chat there with your friends
and I think that it’s such an awesome social media where you can find most
of the things that you like.

The most viewed videos are the ones of Zach King (is a magician), Bella
Porch and James Charles, but the most followed person in tik tok is Khaby
Lame and Charli D’Amelio.

Advantages of social media.

(worksheet 1)

Social media has brought us so many different benefits and advantages and here
are some of them.

- Thanks to social media we can build relationships and in fact, all of this is
about connecting people to people.
- You can share your daily life and whatever you want and this gives you an
opportunity to talk about what you know and what you want to be known
- You can increase your visibility. If you have the time to create good content,
this will get lots of shares, so if you are consistently posting quality content,
the more people who share it, the more people see it.
- Another advantage is that you can educate yourself. Social media allows you
to hone in on what you really care about and what you really want to read.
- The last one is that you can connect anytime. This could sound like a
disadvantage but, the advantage of being able to communicate and connect
with anyone instantly outweighs the potential negative.

Worksheet 2.

1. Definition. Guess the words according to the definitions.

a. a person with many social media followers ______ famous

b. telling the truth about something ______ truthful
c. a physical condition caused by damage to the brain when someone is
very young, which means they have problems moving, speaking, etc.
___ cerebral palsy
d. the idea that everyone should be able to do the same activities and have
the same experiences, including people with disabilities____ the
e. to be one of the most mentioned words, subjects or names in news or
social media at the moment ______ trend
f. not able to see______ censored
g. to make people know that something exists and to help them
understand it ______ share
h. being certain of your abilities or having trust in people _____ confident

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