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Upper Urinary Tract Tumors

Emilio Quaia and Paola Martingano

Contents Abstract
1 Pathology and Histology of Transitional The tumors of the upper urinary tract include those
Cell Carcinoma .................................................................... 604 tumors developing in the renal pelvis and ureter.
2 Imaging ................................................................................. 604
Transitional cell carcinomas (TCCs) of the renal pelvis
2.1 Imaging of Upper Tract Urinary Tumors ............................... 604 or renal calices are relatively rare tumors of the kidney.
2.2 Imaging of Hematuria ............................................................ 615 Multidetector CT urography is currently considered the
3 Staging of Upper Urinary most sensitive and comprehensive imaging modality for
Tract Tumors ........................................................................ 621 the evaluation of the entire urinary tract and the detec-
4 Follow-Up.............................................................................. 622 tion of TCCs. TCCs may manifest as single or multiple
discrete filling defects, filling defects within distended
5 Other Malignant Tumors of the
calyces, calyceal obliteration (calyceal amputation),
Upper Urinary Tract ........................................................... 622
hydronephrosis with renal enlargement, or as reduced
6 Differential Diagnosis .......................................................... 623 renal function – excluded kidney – without renal enlarge-
7 Benign Tumors of the Upper Urinary Tract...................... 623 ment caused by long-standing tumor obstruction of the
References .................................................................................... 629 ureteropelvic junction and atrophy.

Urothelial tumors of the renal pelvis and ureters (upper uri-

nary tract) are relatively rare. Transitional cell carcinoma
(TCC) may be present in the bladder (90 %), renal pelvis or
calices (8 %), ureter, or in the proximal two thirds of the ure-
thra (2 %). Renal pelvic TCC corresponds up to 15 % of the
malignant renal tumors (Guinan et al. 1992; Kirkali and
Tuzel 2003; Wong-You-Cheong et al. 1998) and usually
manifest as hematuria which may be frank or microscopic
(Browne et al. 2005). Up to one third of patients present with
flank pain or acute renal colic, symptoms more typically
associated with calculi (Browne et al. 2005). Occasionally,
tumors may manifest with distant metastases or be discov-
ered incidentally at radiologic examination.
Renal TCC most frequently arises in the extrarenal part of
the pelvis, followed by the infundibulo-calyceal region
(Browne et al. 2005). The distribution is equal between the
left and right kidneys, with 2–4 % of cases occurring bilater-
ally. Twenty-five percent of the upper urinary tract tumors
E. Quaia (*) • P. Martingano
occur in the ureter, where 60–75 % of cases are found in the
Department of Radiology, Cattinara Hospital, University
of Trieste, Strada di Fiume 447, 34149 Trieste, Italy lower third, with no side predominance. Tumor spread occurs
e-mail: by mucosal extension or local, hematogenous, or lymphatic

E. Quaia (ed.), Radiological Imaging of the Kidney, Med Radiol Diagn Imaging, 603
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-54047-9_24, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
604 E. Quaia and P. Martingano

invasion. The most common sites for metastases are the liver, diffusely infiltrating tumor is less common, accounting for
bone, and lungs. The tumor stage at diagnosis influences the approximately 15 % of upper tract TCCs, but tends to behave
development of local recurrence and metastases and, hence, more aggressively and be more advanced at diagnosis.
overall survival. Infiltrating tumors are characterized by thickening and indu-
ration of the ureteric or renal pelvic wall. If the renal pelvis
is involved, there is often invasion into the renal parenchyma.
1 Pathology and Histology However, this infiltrative growth pattern preserves renal con-
of Transitional Cell Carcinoma tour and differs from renal cell carcinoma, which is typically
Carcinomas of the renal pelvis or calices are relatively rare Typically, TCC is frequently multiple, affecting the renal
tumors of the kidney, and their incidence is reported to be pelvis, the ureter, and the bladder at the same time.
5–15 % of all malignant tumors of the kidney (Grabstald Multicentric TCC is common and associated with poor sur-
et al. 1971; Nocks et al. 1982). TCCs are most commonly vival. The multiplicity of the site may be synchronous or
located in the distal third of the ureter (50–70 % of cases) metachronous. Synchronous or metachronous tumor of the
and more rarely in the middle (15–25 % of cases) and proxi- ipsilateral or contralateral collecting system is also common,
mal third of the ureter (10–12 % of cases). It is commonly necessitating urologic and radiologic follow-up.
seen in older patients, usually between the sixth and eight Metachronous multicentric upper urinary tract TCC corre-
decade of life with a mean age of 65 years (see chapter “The sponds to 11–13 % of cases, while synchronous bilateral
kidney in the elderly”). The incidence in men exceeds that in renal pelvic TCC accounts for 1–2 % of cases.
women and the usual sex ratio is between 2:1 and 4:1 (Nocks Synchronous bilateral TCC has been reported to occur in
et al. 1982). TCC is divided into two histologic subtypes: 1–2 % of cases of renal lesions and 2–9 % of cases of ureteric
papillary and nonpapillary. Both subtypes consist of transi- lesions. Eleven percent to 13 % of patients with upper tract
tional epithelium with varying degrees of cellular and archi- TCC subsequently develop metachronous upper tract tumors.
tectural atypia, arranged on thin connective tissue cores in Furthermore, 20–40 % of patients initially presenting with
the papillary subtype and forming thickened urothelium in upper tract TCC will develop metachronous tumors in the
the nonpapillary subtype (Pedrosa et al. 2008). bladder, typically developing within 2 years of surgical treat-
The usual clinical manifestations are gross hematuria ment and seen more commonly with ureteric tumors than
(about 80 % of the patients) and abdominal pain with or with renal tumors. Two percent of patients with bladder TCC
without acute flank pain (about 10 % of patients). also have synchronous upper tract tumors at presentation.
Hematuria may be intermittent or microscopic. Anyway, The upper urinary tract should also be evaluated carefully in
TCC may also be asymptomatic and incidentally identified patients with a history of bladder urothelial neoplasm, as
during intravenous or CT urography. Rarely, the clinical 0–6 % of these patients eventually develop metachronous
presentation may be that of urinary retention following upper tract urothelial neoplasms within approximately
urinary tract obstruction by clots. The TCC of the renal 6 years (Browne et al. 2005; Dillman et al. 2008; Leder and
pelvis may be experimentally induced by several agents, Dunnick 1990).
e.g., dibenzanthracene, methylcholanthrene, benzopyrene Hematogenous spread is less common than with renal cell
corresponding to the metabolites of benzidine, and lead carcinoma, but lymphatic metastases occur early. High-grade
salts. A relationship between TCC and Thorotrast used for tumors are more common in the upper urinary tract than in
retrograde pyelography, phenacetin, and tobacco smoke the bladder, even though stage, rather than tumor grade, is
has been shown. the main predictor of prognosis for urothelial tumors of the
TCC represents 90 % of urothelial cancers seen at the upper urinary tract (Ozsahin et al. 1999).
renal pelvis, while squamous cell carcinoma accounts for
5–10 % of cases, and adenocarcinoma is very rare. Renal
TCC starts most frequently in the extrarenal pelvis and 2 Imaging
migrates next to the infundibulo-calyceal region (Barentsz
et al. 1996). Eighty-five percent of upper tract TCCs are low- 2.1 Imaging of Upper Tract Urinary Tumors
stage, superficial, papillary neoplasms with a broad base and
frondlike morphologic structure (Browne et al. 2005). Early The initial diagnosis of TCC is usually made on the basis of
tumors confined to the muscularis do not infiltrate and are findings from urine cytology; the diagnostic yield is improved
separated from the renal parenchyma by sinus fat or excreted with selective lavage and collection and with brush biopsies
contrast material and have normal-appearing peripelvic fat. performed at cystoscopy or retrograde pyelography.
These tumors are usually small at diagnosis, grow slowly, However, these techniques are invasive and technically
and follow a relatively benign course. Pedunculated or demanding.
Upper Urinary Tract Tumors 605

2.1.1 Ultrasonography assessment of periureteric tissues. Recent developments in

Currently, renal US is frequently requested in the evaluation high-resolution endoluminal US performed during uretero-
of patients with hematuria to assess for renal parenchymal renoscopy have shown promise in the evaluation of upper
masses. Calcification may be visualized on control radio- tract TCC, offering potential advantages over other imaging
graphs but is uncommon, occurring in 2–7 % of tumors, and techniques, and may assume a more prominent role in future
when present, may mimic urinary tract calculi. Enlargement diagnosis.
of the kidney may be seen with a large infiltrating tumor or a
ureteric tumor causing prolonged obstruction. However, US 2.1.2 Intravenous Excretory Urography
is not as sensitive as CT in identifying or characterizing renal Intravenous excretory urography was traditionally consid-
masses; as CT urography emerges as an initial imaging ered the first imaging modality to identify upper urinary tract
investigation for hematuria, US will likely play a limited tumors. Intravenous excretory urography presents extremely
diagnostic role in the future. US can be useful in patients high accuracy in the detection of upper urinary tract tumors,
with renal functional impairment or allergy to iodinated con- even though it cannot define the extraluminal extension of
trast material, although MR imaging is becoming established the tumor. Lowe and Roylance (1976) described five distinct
as the investigation of choice in these patients. US can also patterns of upper urinary tract malignancies at intravenous
allow assessment of the degree of hydronephrosis and guide excretory urography, which could be translated for CT urog-
interventional procedures in the setting of acute obstruction. raphy: (a) single (Fig. 2) or multiple (Fig. 3) discrete filling
At US, renal pelvic TCC typically appears as a central defects (35 %), (b) filling defects within distended calyces
soft-tissue mass in the echogenic renal sinus (Fig. 1), with or (26 %) (Fig. 4), (c) calyceal obliteration (calyceal amputa-
without hydronephrosis. TCC is usually slightly hyperechoic tion) (19 %) (Fig. 5), (d) hydronephrosis with renal enlarge-
relative to surrounding renal parenchyma; occasionally, ment caused by tumor obstruction of ureteropelvic junction
high-grade TCC may show areas of mixed echogenicity. (6 %) (Fig. 6), and (e) reduced renal function – excluded kid-
Infundibular tumors may cause focal hydronephrosis. ney – without renal enlargement caused by long-standing
Although lesions may extend into the renal cortex and cause tumor obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction and atrophy
focal contour distortion, TCC typically is infiltrative and (13 %) (Fig. 7).
does not distort the renal contour. US has a limited role in the Ureteric TCC classically appears as a solitary, polypoid
evaluation of ureteric TCC as the ureters are rarely visual- filling defect with ureteric dilatation proximal to the lesion.
ized in their entirety, even if dilated. If visualized, these The ureter itself may occasionally be fixed by diffuse ure-
tumors are typically intraluminal soft-tissue masses with teric wall infiltration from an intramural lesion. An “apple
proximal distention of the ureter. US also allows limited core” appearance may be observed with eccentric or encircling

a b

Fig. 1 (a) Renal pelvic transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) (arrow) appearing as a central soft-tissue mass in the echogenic renal sinus at US.
(b) The same case examined by intravenous excretory urography revealing multiple filling defects (arrows) on renal pelvis
606 E. Quaia and P. Martingano

a c

b d
Upper Urinary Tract Tumors 607

imaging of the kidney”) is necessary. Nowadays, both antero-

grade and retrograde direct pyelography are rarely
Anterograde pyelography may be performed during per-
cutaneous needle pyelography in a nonfunctioning hydrone-
phrotic kidney due to a TCC of the upper urinary tract. The
upper margins of the obstructing tumor are outlined by con-
trast (Fig. 8), while the inferior extension can be depicted
only by retrograde pyelography. Anterograde pyelography
presents the risk of potential tumor seeding in the needle
tract (Huang et al. 1995; Vikram et al. 2009), even though the
probability of extraluminal seeding by percutaneous manip-
ulation is thought to be very small. Anterograde pyelography
is generally used only if retrograde cannulation of the ureteral
orifice cannot be performed or if a percutaneous nephros-
tomy has been placed.
Retrograde pyelography may be performed during cystos-
copy or to further characterize abnormalities detected at
intravenous excretory urography or multidetector CT urogra-
phy, in inadequately excreting kidneys (O’Connor et al.
2008) or in cases of contrast material allergy. Although inva-
sive, this procedure offers confirmation of the diagnosis by
allowing collection of a sample for cytologic examination of
localized urine collections. The findings suggestive of TCC,
however, are similar to those seen on intravenous excretory
urography (Vikram et al. 2009). As with intravenous excre-
tory urography, on retrograde pyelography, renal TCC typi-
cally appears as an intraluminal filling defect, which may be
smooth, irregular, or stippled. Opacification of a tumor-
involved calix may show irregular papillary or nodular
mucosa. If TCC involves an infundibulum, an “amputated”
Fig. 3 The different morphologic patterns of urinary tract malignan- calix may be seen with or without focal hydronephrosis and
cies. Multiple discrete filling defects (arrows) at intravenous excretory calculi secondary to urinary stasis. Tumor-filled, distended
calices are known as “oncocalices.” Retrograde pyelography
allows confirmation of the radiologic diagnosis also facilitat-
ureteric lesions. Malignant ureteric strictures may be circum- ing ureteroscopy with biopsy or brushing and cytologic
ferential or eccentric and can occasionally be confused with examination of localized urine collections. Anyway, it repre-
benign strictures, although ureteric fixation and nontapering sents an invasive technique and it has been now almost com-
margins are suggestive of malignancy. pletely replaced by CT urography.
An additional indicator, the goblet sign (Bergman sign) is
2.1.3 Anterograde and Retrograde seen on retrograde pyelography when dilatation distal to the
Pyelography tumor is seen in addition to the filling defect caused by the
Intravenous excretory CT urography is the primary examina- lesion itself (Daniels 1999). The goblet sign corresponds to
tion for the evaluation of upper urinary tract neoplasms. the cup-shaped collection of contrast material distal to the
However, if complete obstruction exists and the kidney is ureteral filling defect, occurs due to slow tumor growth with
nonfunctioning, anterograde or retrograde pyelography or resultant lumen expansion, and is not characteristic of more
static-fluid MR urography (see chapter “Magnetic resonance acute causes of obstruction. The goblet sign is a clue that the

Fig. 2 (a–d) The different morphologic patterns of urinary tract malig- phy with maximum intensity projection (MIP) 3D images allows a
nancies. A single filling defect at excretory urography (a, b) and CT better definition of the relationship between the urothelial tumor
urography (c, d). The filling defect may involve a calyx, the infundibu- (arrow) and the renal pelvis with the possibility of multiple views
lum (arrowhead) (a), or the renal pelvis (arrow) (b–d). The CT urogra-
608 E. Quaia and P. Martingano

a b c

Fig. 4 (a–c) The different morphologic patterns of urinary tract malignancies. Multiple urothelial tumors (small arrows) within calyx dilatation
at excretory urography (a, b). The surgical specimen (c) confirms the presence of multiple urothelial tumors

Fig. 5 The different morphologic patterns of urinary tract malignan- Fig. 6 The different morphologic patterns of urinary tract malignancies.
cies. Calyceal obliteration (calyceal amputation – arrow) at intravenous Hydronephrosis with renal enlargement caused by tumor obstruction of
excretory urography ureteropelvic junction (arrow) at intravenous excretory urography
Upper Urinary Tract Tumors 609

Fig. 7 The different morphologic patterns of urinary tract malignan-

cies. Functionally excluded kidney (arrow) without renal enlargement
caused by long-standing urothelial tumor obstruction of the urinary

ureteral filling defect is a mass rather than a calculus (Daniels

1999). The slow expansion of a polypoid intraluminal
tumoral mass from an uroepithelial carcinoma causes dilata-
tion of the ureter distal as well as proximal to the mass.
Propulsion of the mass distally during ureteral peristalsis
further contributes to the dilatation of the ureter distal to the
tumor and thus causes the cup-shaped collection of contrast Fig. 8 Anterograde pyelography. The upper margins of the obstructing
material (Daniels 1999). On the other hand, the ureteral tumor (arrow) are outlined by contrast
lumen just distal to a mechanical obstruction caused by a
calculus will have a narrowed appearance due to wall spasm,
edema, or both. Dilatation proximal to either a tumor or cal- urolithiasis, intravenous urography was pronounced dead in
culus varies with the degree of obstruction. 1999 with the caveat that there might remain rare instances
in which it is an appropriate examination (Amis 1999). These
2.1.4 Multidetector CT Urography instances included untangling complicated congenital anom-
The upper urinary tract, including the intrarenal urinary tract, alies, depicting surgical reconstructions of the urinary tract,
has been traditionally evaluated with excretory urography and surveillance of patients with a history of urothelial
which presents a limited sensitivity due to the suboptimal carcinoma.
contrast resolution. Intravenous excretory urography was Nowadays, the development of CT urography (CTU) and
used for a large variety of clinical indications, and its utiliza- MR urography has completely covered all the clinical indi-
tion decreased when each of these indications was shown not cations previously addressed by excretory urography. CT
to be clinically valid; cross-sectional imaging techniques urography, with the use of multidetector CT (MDCT) allow-
have since proved superior to intravenous urography for ing the acquisition of thinner axial images and an isotropic
most, if not all, remaining indications (Silverman et al. volumetric dataset, provided a comprehensive examination
2009). Even until the late 1990s, intravenous excretory urog- of the kidneys, collecting systems, ureters, and bladder.
raphy was still considered the examination of choice for Newer 16- and 64-row multidetector CT scanners offer a
evaluating the urothelium (Silverman et al. 2009) since CT thinner collimation (as thin as 0.4 mm) with an improved
had a sensitivity of 50–68 % for the detection of upper z-axis spatial resolution allowing diagnostic reformatted
urinary tract neoplasms (McCoy et al. 1991; Scolieri et al. images in any plane and faster imaging times which decrease
2000). When unenhanced CT was shown to reliably detect motion-related artifacts. Some recent reports (Vrtiska et al.
610 E. Quaia and P. Martingano

2009) have shown that 64-MDCT technology with isotropic Cowan et al. 2007), even greater than on retrograde pyelog-
submillimeter spatial resolution allows coronal spatial reso- raphy (McCarthy and Cowan 2002), with the possibility to
lution identical to that of traditional excretory urography employ coronal, sagittal, and curved-planar reformatted
using computed radiography (CR) detectors and that the images and 3D reconstructed images (Tsili et al. 2007;
64-MDCT scanner is able to detect the smallest filling Dillman et al. 2008) in addition to axial reconstructed
defects (0.25 mm) in a phantom model, which closely images.
approximated the smallest filling defects that have been tra- On MDCT urography, the majority (55–60 %) of renal
ditionally detected by excretory urography, including pyelo- TCCs present as wall thickening with a broad base and fron-
ureteritis cystica and TCC. Moreover, CTU permits staging dlike morphologic structure and manifest as sessile filling
and assessment of the upper urinary tract in a single exami- defects within the contrast-enhanced collecting system in
nation. CTU images should be evaluated with the correct CT the excretory phase. MDCT urography presents a sensitivity
window which corresponds to the bone window (as for the of 86–89 % in detecting lesions with these features (Caoili
detection of renal stones on unenhanced CT images). et al. 2005) with high positive and negative predictive val-
CTU is currently considered the most sensitive and com- ues. Postprocessing techniques including curved multipla-
prehensive imaging modality for the evaluation of the entire nar reformations (MPRs) and 3D volume rendering (VR)
urinary tract (Caoili et al. 2002. The indications for CT are are useful in urothelial tumor detection, while maximum
now expanded to include hematuria (Joffe et al. 2003; Lang intensity projection (MIP) 3D images do not detect urothe-
et al. 2004; O’Malley et al. 2003), and CT urography has lial tumor since they are less dense than contrast medium.
essentially replaced excretory urography in this clinical set- Filling defects may be single (Figs. 2 and 9) or multiple
ting (Heneghan et al. 2001; McNicholas et al. 1998; (Fig. 10) and smooth, irregular (Fig. 11), or stippled and
McTavish et al. 2002; Noroozian et al. 2004). In general, tend to expand centrifugally with compression of the renal
MDCT urography can be tailored toward the clinical ques- sinus fat (Browne et al. 2005) (Fig. 12). These lesions pres-
tion based on clinical information. For benign indications ent as central mass within the renal pelvis (Urban et al.
where only the excretory phase will be relevant (variant uri- 1997). The stipple sign (Fig. 13) refers to tracking of con-
nary tract anatomy, ureteral pseudodiverticulosis, and iatro- trast material into the interstices of a papillary lesion.
genic ureter trauma), single-phase MDCT urography can However, this sign may also be seen with blood clot and
suffice. Patients with more complex benign diseases and fungus balls and should be interpreted with caution.
those with chronic symptomatic urolithiasis (complex infec- Stricture-like lesions of the pelvicalyceal system may be
tions, percutaneous nephrostolithotomy planning) may ben- evident and, if multiple, may mimic renal tuberculosis.
efit from adding an unenhanced phase to the excretory phase. Filling defects within dilated calices may occur secondary
In chronic urolithiasis without complete obstruction, to tumor obstruction of the infundibulum and may lead to
furosemide-assisted CT urography can demonstrate most calyceal “amputation.” If calices fail to opacify with con-
ureteral stones within the enhanced urine. So for the evalua- trast material, they are known as “phantom calices.” Other
tion of hydronephrosis due to obstruction by stones, the appearances include pelvicalyceal irregularity, oncocalyx
unenhanced phase may be safely deleted, whereas diagnosis (Fig. 14) (tumor-filled, distended calices), and focally
of small nonobstructing stones may be done by an unen- obstructed calices. Early tumors confined to the muscularis
hanced phase limited to the kidneys. are separated from the renal parenchyma by renal sinus fat
It is difficult to obtain a single image of all urinary col- or excreted contrast material and have normal-appearing
lecting system segments in an opacified and distended state, peripelvic fat. Advanced TCC extends into the renal paren-
and intravenous saline (250 mL) or furosemide injection chyma in an infiltrating pattern that distorts normal architec-
improves the urinary tract and ureteral opacification and dis- ture (Fig. 15). However, reniform shape is typically
tension. It is not just about depicting anatomy, since opacifi- preserved (Fig. 16), unlike in renal cell carcinoma. About
cation and distension help in the detection of small urothelial 15 % of renal TCCs have a more aggressive growth pattern,
neoplasms. In addition to the evaluation of hematuria, MDCT and they will appear as an infiltrative process in the renal
urography can be useful in the surveillance of patients with parenchyma (Fig. 17), often with obliteration of the source
suspected urothelial cancer (positive urine cytology), follow- collecting system structure (Baron et al. 1982), or as a focal
up of urothelial cancers (Silverman et al. 2009), patients with or diffuse circumferential wall thickening (Fig. 18) (Caoili
obstructive uropathy (e.g., hydronephrosis, hydroureter of et al. 2005). Diffusely infiltrating TCC is characterized by
unknown etiology), or any time, a comprehensive evaluation thickening and induration of the wall of the renal pelvis or
of the urinary tract is warranted. MDCT urography can ureter (Figs. 18 and 19). Wall thickening of renal pelvis or
detect many different urinary tract abnormalities including ureter, or tumor extension into the renal pelvis presents as a
tiny uroepithelial neoplasms (Caoili et al. 2002, 2005; Chow hypodense filling defect that stands out against the contrast
et al. 2007) with a sensitivity of 90–97 % (Fritz et al. 2006; media within the lumen of the urinary tract.
Upper Urinary Tract Tumors 611

a c

Fig. 9 (a–c) Seventy-five-year-old male patient with persistent hema- the left renal collecting system with no sign of infiltration of the adja-
turia. Single TCC (arrow) at CT urography (a), curved-planar reforma- cent renal parenchyma
tions (b), and volume rendering image (c). Small TCC (arrow) within

Ureteric TCC is typically seen as single or multiple ure- hydronephrosis and poor excretion. This is a major disadvan-
teric filling defects with or without surface stippling and tage of intravenous excretory urography when compared
proximal ureteric dilatation (Fig. 20). It is important to with CT urography, which allows the assessment of nonfunc-
remember that long-standing tumor obstruction of the ure- tioning kidneys. Upper tract filling defects may be nonspe-
teropelvic junction or ureter may lead to generalized cific at intravenous excretory urography, and obstruction of
612 E. Quaia and P. Martingano

The TCC manifests as isodense to slightly hyperdense

(8–30 HU) mass relative to urine, sometimes with calcifica-
tion on the surface or within the tumoral context, preserving
the renal shape on nonenhanced CT and as an hypovascular
infiltrative tumor with minimal enhancement (20–55 HU) on
contrast-enhanced CT. Both TCC and renal cell carcinoma
can show early enhancement and deenhancement after con-
trast material administration. Renal cell carcinoma, being
hypervascular, tends to enhance more, although the two
tumors often cannot be differentiated. Parenchymal invasion
may be seen as a focal delay in all or part of the cortical
nephrogram (Fig. 17), although superimposed pyelonephri-
tis or obstruction alone can also have these appearances.
A large infiltrating renal TCC may occasionally manifest
with areas of necrosis and must be differentiated from lym-
phoma, metastases, and xanthogranulomatous pyelonephri-
tis, which can have a similar appearance.
Hydronephrosis is the most frequent finding in ureteric
TCC and hydroureter can often be seen to the point of
obstruction, where Hounsfield unit values for attenuation
and enhancement usually allow differentiation of TCC from
calculus and clot. Ureteric wall thickening (eccentric or cir-
cumferential), luminal narrowing, or an infiltrating mass are
other features of disease. A thickened enhancing ureteric
wall with periureteric fat stranding is suggestive of extramu-
ral spread.
Fig. 10 CT urography. Multiple filling defects (arrows) corresponding
to TCC without infiltration of the adjacent renal parenchyma 2.1.6 MR Imaging
MR imaging is infrequently used in the primary assessment
pelvicalyceal drainage may obscure distal synchronous ure- of upper tract TCC, and the MR imaging characteristics of
teric tumors, meaning that retrograde pyelography is usually this tumor are not well described. In general, MR imaging
performed to further assess these patients. has not played a leading role in renal tumor imaging due to
limitations in image quality, time-consuming sequences, and
2.1.5 CT susceptibility to artifacts. MR imaging offers inherently high
Contrast-enhanced CT is well established in the preoperative soft-tissue contrast, is independent of excretory function,
staging and assessment of upper tract TCC (Urban et al. and allows multiplanar imaging, which permits direct image
1997). CT has also been shown to be more sensitive than US acquisition in the plane of tumor spread. The coronal plane is
in the detection of small renal mass lesions and urinary tract often advantageous because it allows evaluation of the kid-
calculi. The recent advent of CT urography, offering single neys, renal vessels, inferior vena cava, and spine in a small
breath-hold coverage of the entire urinary tract, improved number of sections. As with CT, MR imaging can demon-
resolution, and the ability to capture multiple phases of con- strate tumor involvement of the renal parenchyma, perineph-
trast material excretion offers improved diagnostic potential ric tissues, or periureteric tissues and distant metastases
over excretory urography and US in the assessment of (Pretorius et al. 2000).
patients with hematuria due to calculi or tumor. Recent stud- TCC has lower signal intensity than the normally high-
ies have also shown higher detection rates for upper and signal-intensity urine on T2-weighted images, permitting
lower tract urothelial malignancies with CT urography over good demonstration of tumor in a dilated collecting system
excretory urography (Lang et al. 2003). Although the (Fig. 19). However, TCC is nearly isointense to renal paren-
American College of Radiology still recommends intrave- chyma on T1- and T2-weighted images, and gadolinium
nous excretory urography in the investigation of hematuria, contrast material is necessary for tumor identification and for
as MDCT urography becomes more prevalent, it is likely to the accurate assessment of tumor extent. Larger infiltrative
become the investigation of choice, as the urothelium, renal tumors may obliterate the fat in the renal sinus, simulating
parenchyma, and perirenal tissues can be assessed at a single the faceless kidney of possible identification in the duplicated
examination. collecting system (Pedrosa et al. 2008). Although TCC is a
Upper Urinary Tract Tumors 613

a c

Fig. 11 (a–c) TCC without infiltration of the adjacent renal paren- ture-like lesion of the pelvicalyceal system with stenosis of the infun-
chyma. CT urography (a, b) transverse plane and (c) reformations on dibulum and calcyceal obliteration and slight compression of the renal
the coronal plane. The urothelial carcinoma (arrow) determines a stric- sinus fat

hypovascular tumor, moderate enhancement is seen with sequences can permit accurate localization of ureteric
gadolinium contrast material, although not to the same obstruction, although imaging of undilated systems may be
degree as renal parenchyma. Enhancement of a focal filling suboptimal. Bright signal intensity due to urine in the col-
defect in the renal collecting system is strongly suggestive of lecting system on T2-weighted images provides excellent
a TCC. Differentiation between blood clots and enhancing soft-tissue contrast for the detection of these tumors, which
filling defects is best accomplished by reviewing subtracted are characteristically seen as hypointense filling defects.
data sets. Postcontrast imaging may be performed by using Infiltrative TCC can be seen on T2-weighted images as a
3D sequences to allow dynamic evaluation of the kidney. hypointense soft-tissue mass infiltrating the renal paren-
This allows assessment of the renal vasculature in arterial chyma, which has intermediate signal intensity. Dynamic
and venous phases and of the renal parenchyma in cortico- gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MR urography per-
medullary and nephrographic phases. Vascular invasion of formed with or without a diuretic overcomes this problem
the renal vein or inferior vena cava, although rare, may be and allows delayed acquisitions at various time intervals
demonstrated without gadolinium contrast material by using depending on the degree and level of obstruction. TCC
T2-weighted or gradient echo flow-sensitive sequences. appears as single or multiple filling defects within the dis-
MR imaging evaluation of upper tract TCC should include tended calyces or renal pelvis (Fig. 21). Data postprocessing
static or dynamic MR urography performed by using gado- (e.g., MIPs) allows 3D rotation and evaluation of suspected
linium contrast material (MR nephrography). Static MR areas of disease without superimposition of other structures.
urography performed by using heavily T2-weighted This can be performed for both vessels and the collecting
614 E. Quaia and P. Martingano

a b

Fig. 12 (a, b) Single TCC without infiltration of the adjacent renal (arrow) presents a close proximity with the renal parenchyma without
parenchyma. (a) Excretory urography, (b) contrast-enhanced CT excre- signs of parenchymal infiltration but with evident compression of the
tory phase. (a) Multiple filling defects (arrows) on the intrarenal uri- renal sinus fat
nary tract with calyceal obliteration. (b) The urothelial carcinoma

a b
Upper Urinary Tract Tumors 615

is secondary to distal propulsion of a slow-growing intralu-

minal polypoid mass during ureteral peristalsis (Pedrosa
et al. 2008).
Ureteric TCC is isointense to muscle on T1-weighted
images and slightly hyperintense on T2-weighted images
(Rothpearl et al. 1995). At MR urography, ureteric TCC typi-
cally appears as an irregular mass, whereas calculi appear as
sharply delineated filling defects, although differentiation
between small calculi and tumor may be difficult. Tumor
enhancement after administration of gadolinium contrast
material can also help distinguish it from calculi. Soft-tissue
stranding in the periureteric fat is suggestive of periureteric
extension, although prior surgery, radiation, and inflamma-
tion can also give these appearances. MR imaging may help
differentiate these entities, however, as fibrosis will appear
hypointense on T2-weighted images, particularly in long-
standing cases.
These comprehensive MR protocols can image all the
anatomic components of the urinary tract in a single test and
offer advantages over other techniques, including lack of
iodinated contrast medium and radiation exposure. Although
MR imaging remains second line to CT, it offers further non-
invasive imaging of masses that are not adequately charac-
terized with other imaging modalities. The main disadvantage
of MR imaging is the inability to reliably detect urinary tract
calcifications, calculi, and air, which limits its use as a first-
line test in the investigation of hematuria. Although the sen-
sitivity of renal parenchymal MR imaging with gadolinium
for assessing renal masses and abnormalities of the nephro-
gram is considered similar to that of CT, spatial resolution is
Fig. 14 Multidetector CT (MDCT) urography. Filling defects (arrow)
poor compared with that of intravenous urography or CT
with dilatation of the upper calyces secondary to tumor obstruction of urography, making detection of subtle urothelial malignan-
the infundibulum, and tumor-filled, distended calyces of the mesorenal cies less likely. Furthermore, complete characterization of
region (oncocalyces) renal masses may require multiple time-consuming
sequences before and after administration of gadolinium
system. MR excretory urography is helpful in patients in contrast material.
whom urography with iodinated contrast material is not
Tumor may extend into the renal parenchyma and appear 2.2 Imaging of Hematuria
as an infiltrating mass. Findings may be subtle, with only
pelvic or ureteral wall thickening. Hydronephrosis proximal Hematuria is a common urologic problem that accounts for
to the lesion is usually present unless the collecting system is 4–20 % of all urologic visits. Hematuria is broadly divided
completely filled by tumor. Occasionally, TCC may extend into macroscopic and microscopic variants. Gross hematuria
inferiorly within the periureteral fat, encasing the ureter is determined by urologic cancer (including renal cell carci-
without tumor involvement of the ureteral mucosa. The noma and urothelial tumors) in about 25 % of cases, while
entire collecting system must be evaluated in patients with most of the other cases are due to urinary tract infections,
upper tract TCC because of the high prevalence of secondary urinary tract calculi, and renal parenchymal diseases. On the
foci of tumor. A cup-shaped dilatation of the ureter just distal other hand, hematuria (particularly when microscopic) may
to a focus of TCC of the ureter – also referred to as the goblet not always signal the presence of serious disease and, there-
sign, chalice sign, or Bergman sign – may be seen. This finding fore, has long been debated how aggressively to evaluate

Fig. 13 (a, b) CT urography. TCC of the right kidney. The filling defect (arrow) presents the stipple sign referring to tracking of contrast material
into the interstices of a papillary lesion
616 E. Quaia and P. Martingano

Fig. 15 (a–c) Eighty-four-year-

old woman presenting with a c
hematuria. (a) Ultrasound.
A renal mass (small arrow) is
identified on the left kidney
within the renal urinary tract with
segmental dilatation of the upper
urinary tract (large arrow).
Contrast-enhanced CT during
nephrographic phase (b).
A hypodense mass (arrow)
infiltrating the perirenal fat and
renal parenchyma is visualized
with dilatation of the intrarenal
urinary tract. (c) Contrast-
enhanced CT during nephro-
graphic phase, curved
reformations (c). A hypodense
mass (arrow) is confirmed within b
the dilated intrarenal urinary tract
with evidence of tumor-filled,
distended calices (oncocalyces).
Single TCC was diagnosed at
histologic analysis

these patients. It must be underlined that hematuria may be stones and clarity of posterior shadowing are significantly
determined by plenty of causes many of which are insignifi- improved by harmonic imaging (Ozdemir et al. 2008). US is
cant (renal cyst, exercise, polyps, urethritis, urethrotrigoni- limited in the detection of renal masses smaller than 2 cm
tis), some significant and require observation (benign (Warshauer et al. 1988), and CT represents the most sensi-
prostatic hyperplasia, papillary necrosis, trauma, arteriove- tive imaging technique for the detection of renal masses
nous fistula), some other significant and require treatment (Jamis-Dow et al. 1996). US is useful in determining the
(urolithiasis, vesicoureteral reflux, ureteropelvic junction internal architecture of renal masses detected by CT, espe-
obstruction, renal artery stenosis, renal vein thrombosis, cially in cystic renal masses in which US may be very effec-
renal infections), and others are life threatening (malignan- tive to depict the peripheral wall thickening and internal
cies, abdominal aortic aneurysm). septations. The main disadvantage of US as a screening test
In patients with hematuria, US represents a safe method in patients with hematuria is its limited capability to thor-
of examination for urolithiasis, particularly in pediatric oughly evaluate the urothelium for TCC. Moreover, US has
patients, thereby avoiding the use of radiation. US is poor sensitivity in detecting urothelial lesions in the pelvi-
employed to detect hydronephrosis, identify the stone, calyceal system and also in the ureters (Browne et al. 2005).
assess the renal size and renal parenchyma thickness, and Recently, the technique of MDCT urography (Joffe et al.
detect complications. In nonhydrated patients, US presents 2003) has emerged as an alternative method of assessing
a sensitivity of 35–73 % and a specificity of 74 %, while the patients with hematuria, offering superior detection of urinary
sensitivity becomes 85–100 % and the specificity 83–100 % calculi and renal parenchymal masses, and in some studies,
in hydrated patients (Svedstrom et al. 1990; Haddad et al. improved detection of urothelial lesions of the upper urinary
1992; Dalla Palma et al. 1993). In the detection of renal tract (Caoili et al. 2005). Because surrounding structures can
stones, US has a low sensitivity (20–30 %) and high speci- also be assessed, CT urography is rapidly replacing excretory
ficity (90 %), while in the detection of ureteral stones, US urography as the definitive study for these patients, potentially
presents a moderate sensitivity (60–70 %) and high specific- shortening the duration of diagnostic evaluation. The main
ity (90–95 %) (Fowler et al. 2002). The detection of urinary advantage of MDCT urography in the evaluation of patients
Upper Urinary Tract Tumors 617

a c

Fig. 16 (a–d) Eighty-year-old woman presenting with hematuria. (a) A hypodense mass (arrow) infiltrating the renal sinus fat and renal
Ultrasound. A renal mass is identified on the left kidney. Unenhanced parenchyma is visualized. (d) Gross surgical specimen. Single TCC
(b) and contrast-enhanced CT during nephrographic phase (c). was diagnosed at histologic analysis

with hematuria is its ability to display and evaluate the entire in 33.0–42.6 % with overall CT urography sensitivity for
urinary tract, including renal parenchyma, pelvicalyceal sys- identification of the cause of hematuria of 92.4–100 % and
tems, ureters, and the bladder using a single imaging study. specificity of 89.0–97.4 % (Van Der Molen et al. 2008). In
Studies focusing on CT urography in patients with micro- studies on microscopic or unselected hematuria, upper tract
scopic hematuria show that causes for hematuria are identified TCC was present in 0.9–7.3 %. In these populations, CT
618 E. Quaia and P. Martingano

a in the excretory phase are more sensitive than contrast-

enhanced radiographs for the detection of urothelial abnor-
malities. As a result, it is now generally accepted that CT
urography is best performed with MDCT alone (Silverman
et al. 2009). CT urography can also be powerful in the diag-
nosis of bladder tumors, but results differ depending on the
specific population studied. In a population of patients with
microscopic hematuria, CT urography sensitivity in com-
parison with cystoscopy was only 40 %, while in a high-risk
group with macroscopic hematuria, unequivocal CT urogra-
phy results were 93 % sensitive and 99 % specific for the
detection of bladder cancer, which may obviate the need for
many flexible (diagnostic) cystoscopies.
MR imaging, including the newer techniques of MR angi-
ography and MR urography, is also being used, particularly
b in patients who cannot tolerate iodinated contrast material
and in whom multiplanar, vascular, and collecting system
imaging is required. Because of the multifocal and meta-
chronous nature of TCC, thorough assessment of the entire
urothelium is required before treatment. Therefore, evalua-
tion of the upper tract with excretory urography (or CT urog-
raphy if equivalent) is indicated in those with newly
diagnosed bladder TCC; conversely, patients with upper tract
TCC should undergo cystoscopic evaluation.
To date, there have been no randomized controlled trials
comparing different imaging modalities for imaging of patients
with hematuria (O’Regan et al. 2009). Therefore, current
guidelines are based on extensive literature searches and expert
opinion. Several different algorithms have been proposed, but
no single evidence-based algorithm currently exists (O’Regan
et al. 2009) and imaging protocols at individual centers vary
Fig. 17 (a, b) TCC at CT urography with diffuse infiltration of the whole greatly. In any diagnostic algorithm, patients should be strati-
right kidney. Contrast-enhanced CT, excretory phase. Diffuse infiltration fied according to the risk for malignant disease. The American
of the renal parenchyma in the left kidney by a TCC. No contrast excretion College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria recommends
is evident of the whole left kidney which is functionally excluded
that some imaging examination, including intravenous urogra-
phy or CT urography with or without US, be performed in
urography detection of upper tract TCC is high and signifi- almost all patients with hematuria excluding young female
cantly better than intravenous urography. When applied to patients with uncomplicated cystitis whose hematuria resolves
selected high-risk groups of macroscopic hematuria, TCC following treatment (Choyke et al. 2005). The European
tumor prevalence may increase to 25–30 % and it has been Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) has recently pub-
shown that CT urography of the upper tract is equivalent to lished guidelines on the use of CT urography for investigation
retrograde pyelography (Van Der Molen et al. 2008). CT of painless hematuria (Van Der Molen et al. 2008). According
may still have problems of correctly staging advanced to these guidelines, patients are stratified according to malig-
tumors. Thin-section (≤3-mm) MDCT images can be used to nancy risk into low-, medium-, and high-risk groups (age > 40
depict urothelial abnormalities just as well, if not better than, years; macroscopic hematuria, smoking, history of genitouri-
contrast material-enhanced radiographs (Caoili et al. 2005; nary malignancy, and occupational exposure). For low- and
Silverman et al. 2009). Although radiographs have higher medium-risk patients, US and cystoscopy are suggested with
spatial resolution, the higher contrast resolution and other the recommendation to employ intravenous excretory urogra-
inherent advantages of cross-sectional imaging outweigh the phy or CT urography if both examinations are negative and
advantages of conventional radiography in intravenous urog- symptoms persist. In high-risk patients, CT urography and cys-
raphy. Radiography is a projectional imaging technique, and, toscopy are advised.
therefore, overlapping structures can obscure important The standard workup for patients with hematuria as rec-
findings (Silverman et al. 2009). Hence, there is a sound ommended by the American Urological Association con-
rationale for believing that thin-section axial images obtained sists of urinalysis and cytologic analysis, cystoscopy, and
Upper Urinary Tract Tumors 619

a b

c d

Fig. 18 (a–d) TCC at CT urography with diffuse infiltration of the Diffuse infiltration of the renal parenchyma in the left kidney by a tran-
whole right kidney. (a, b) Ultrasound and power Doppler ultrasound. sitional cell carcinoma originating from renal pelvis (arrow). No con-
Solid tissue infiltrating the whole kidney (arrow). (c, d) Contrast- trast excretion is evident on the left kidney which is functionally
enhanced CT, excretory phase, transverse and coronal reformation. excluded
620 E. Quaia and P. Martingano

a b c d

e f g h

Fig. 19 (a–h) Multicentric diffusely infiltrating TCC involving both mural nodules (arrows) are evident on the dilated intrarenal urinary
the intra- and extrarenal collecting system. (a) Contrast-enhanced CT. tract. (d) Gross surgical specimen. Multiple mural tumors on the renal
Coronal reformation. Dilatation of the right intrarenal urinary tract with pelvis (arrows) (e, f) Contrast-enhanced CT. Transverse plane (e) and
evidence of diffuse ureteral involvement by the tumor (b) Contrast- coronal reformation (f). Diffuse ureteral infiltration by the TCC (arrow
enhanced CT. Coronal reformation. Dilatation of the right intrarenal uri- in e, and arrowheads in f). (g, h) Gross surgical specimen of the ureteral
nary tract with diffuse renal pelvis and ureteral infiltration (arrowheads). carcinoma with macroscopic whitish appearance of the tumor (arrow)
(c) T2-weighted turbo spin echo MR sequence. Coronal plane. Multiple

either intravenous urography or CT urography (Grossfeld chemicals/dyes) represent the high-risk group (Grossfeld
et al. 2001a, b). Microscopic hematuria corresponds to >3 et al. 2001a, b). High-risk patients with one positive urine
red blood cells/high-power microscopic field, and it is pres- sediment (>3 red blood cells/high-power microscopic field)
ent in 9–18 % of normal patients. The prevalence of asymp- should undergo urinary upper tract imaging, cytology, and
tomatic microscopic hematuria varies 0.6–21 % and is cystoscopy. If these examinations are negative, they should
among the most important clinical signs of a urologic undergo further workup every year for 3 years. Low-risk
malignancy. A cause for asymptomatic microscopic hema- patients with two of three positive urine sediments should
turia can be found in 32–100 % of patients undergoing a undergo upper tract imaging, cytology, and cystoscopy. If
full urologic evaluation, with 3.4–56 % of these patients these examinations are negative, further workup is consid-
having either moderately or highly clinically significant ered optional (Grossfeld et al. 2001a, b). For lower risk
diagnoses. Patients with hematuria younger than 40 years groups, CT urography can be used as a problem-solving
represent the low-risk group for urologic disease, while test if traditional workup remains negative and significant
patients with hematuria older than 40 years or smokers or undiagnosed symptoms persist. Symptomatic hematuria in
patients with gross hematuria or irritating voiding symp- patients younger than 40 years should be evaluated by
toms, urinary tract infections, or exposure to carcinogens unenhanced CT for the identification of calculi, while
(pelvic irradiation, analgesic abuse, cyclophosphamide, asymptomatic hematuria in patients older than 40 years
Upper Urinary Tract Tumors 621

Fig. 21 (a, b) MR excretory urography. Multiple filling defects

(arrows) corresponding to multicentric TCC are identified within the
upper urinary tract in the lower renal region

Fig. 20 TCC of the distal ureter. CT urography. Curved-planar refor-

mat. An irregular thickening of the distal ureteral wall (arrow) is evi-
dent during the excretory phase. Some cystic lesions are also evident in renal parenchyma; and T4 a tumor invading adjacent organs,
the left renal parenchyma the pelvic or abdominal wall, or through the kidney, the peri-
nephric fat. N1 corresponds to the presence of a metastasis to
a single lymph node that is <2 cm in the greatest dimension,
should be evaluated by CT urography. In addition, relative N2 metastasis to a single lymph node 2–5 cm in the greatest
to intravenous urography, CT urography can be used to dimension or multiple lymph nodes ≤5 cm in the greatest
depict structures outside the urinary tract and thus is useful dimension, and N3 if the metastasis to a lymph node is >5 cm
in detecting unsuspected extraurinary disease. Nevertheless, in the greatest dimension.
a full urologic evaluation is recommended in many patients Conventional imaging methods such as intravenous
with asymptomatic microscopic hematuria. excretory urography and retrograde pyelography cannot
demonstrate extension into the peripelvic or periureteric fat
or metastases. Cross-sectional imaging with CT or MR is
now routinely employed in the presurgical workup of these
3 Staging of Upper Urinary patients. These techniques can demonstrate intra- and extra-
Tract Tumors renal local extension of tumor and the presence of nodal or
distant metastases with a high degree of accuracy. They are
The TNM system is most frequently used for staging upper used in conjunction with ureterorenoscopy and biopsy for
urinary tract tumors (Vikram et al. 2009). T1 indicates a staging before surgery.
tumor which invades the subepithelial connective tissue CT has become routine in the further characterization of
(lamina propria); T2 a tumor invading muscularis; T3 a upper tract lesions demonstrated with other modalities and,
tumor extending beyond the muscularis into the peripelvic despite varying reports on staging accuracy, is currently the
fat (periureteric fat in the case of the ureteral carcinoma) or preoperative imaging modality of choice. As studies show

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