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Social Issues showing importance of Cultural Relativism

1. Muslim Religion
> This picture shows a Muslim man
getting married to 3 different women, a
catholic and 2 Muslim woman. A media
company in the Philippines shared
knowledge to others regarding their
culture, which gives influence to the
community or audience because a big
company showed respect to a religion.

2. Ethnic Groups
>This picture provides recognition and
promotion to different ethnic groups in our
country. Recognition can provide
reassurance to a group that it has a place
in the state and is not being unfairly
treated. On the other side, it can enable or
even encourage ethnic democracy. 

>This picture implies
unity regardless the race
you belong. It’s one of the
social issue happening in
the world which caused
uproar to people. Citizens in
different countries started
to protest and protect the
discriminatory towards
black people. With this, the government started to listen to their people and
treated every citizen equally.

Significance of Enculturation and Socialization:

Implication of restricted socialization among human beings

The significance between enculturation and socialization focuses on the

influence an individual can acquire based on its surrounding or grouped it belonged.
A study of a cultural anthropologist named Margaret Mead regarding sociology
proposed that the behavior of children differs through imprinting. Imprinting what
children observed through adults. This implies that influence of our attitudes and
behaviors can be passed down to generations. On the other hand, Melville J.
Herskovits proposed that there are two phases of enculturation. It may be divided
into two stages: the unconscious stage of enculturation in the early years, wherein
the individual unconsciously understands his culture, and the conscious stage of
enculturation in the later years, in which individuals start innovations. Our insight is
gained through observation of society and its community, as a result, we become
effective members of society. While socialization refers to the process of adopting
culture in general, enculturation refers to the process of becoming socialized to a
specific culture. An individual is enculturated to a certain culture by their parents and
the society to which they belong, which becomes a significant source of influence to
that individual.

Both of their studies expressed the significance of enculturation and

socialization to human beings in which an individuals’ development is affected by
these. Ideas from a society and culture can establish an individual’s language, values
beliefs and behavior. The identity of an individual is being shaped. After the
developmental stage, we will gradually begin to apply our knowledge gained. People
or strangers who expect us to act in diverse societal circumstances will assess our
responses to society norms and values. This process is called the implication of
restricted socialization among individuals. This society criticism enables social
interaction through which we eventually perceive ourselves through the eyes of
others and understand our identity and how we conform into the greater world.

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