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New innovative language model is developed by a team of researchers

including Wangchunshu Zhou, Yuchen Eleanor Jiang, Peng Cui, Tiannan
Wang, Zhenxin Xiao, Yifan Hou, Ryan Cotterell, Mrinmaya Sachan. The
team developed this new model as an initial step towards
next-generation computer-assisted writing systems beyond the next form
of conventional one. This new model is called 'RecurrentGPT'.

What is Recurrent GPT?

RecurrentGPT is an innovative language model that emulates the

recurrence mechanism found in Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
using natural language. It leverages the power of a large language
model (LLM), like ChatGPT, by replacing the vectorized elements in an
LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory RNN) with text paragraphs.

How does Recurrent GPT work?

Through prompt engineering, Recurrent GPT effectively simulates the

recurrence mechanism, enabling the generation of text of any desired
length. This sets it apart from ChatGPT, which has a fixed-size context in
the Transformer architecture, limiting its ability to generate arbitrarily
long text. By utilizing the nuances of natural language, Recurrent GPT
successfully replicates the functionality of Long Short-Term Memory.

Advantages of Recurrent GPT

● Improved Efficiency
Reduces human effort by making progress on bigger context
generated using AI. Use of Recurrent GPT led to an increase in
efficiency in generating longer text compared to conventional
computer-assisted writing systems. Paragraph or chapter-level
progress resulted in reduced human labor and faster writing

● Enhanced Interpretability
Facilitates interaction between humans as well as computers
running applications. Recurrent GPT has demonstrated high
interpretability, allowing users to observe internal language
models. This gives greater insight into decision-making processes
and helps understand how generated text is outputted.
● Content Creation and Interactivity
Recurrent GPT allows users to see where content is being used to
create the next paragraph. The plan that is being used to help
create the next formulated response is visible. The interactivity of
Recurrent GPT enables interaction between humans and the
model. Users can edit and modify generated text using natural
language. Editing as well as seeing through what the actual AI is
trying to plan for the next paragraph results in a better response
that could be more specific to an individual's preference.

● Customizable Feature
Users have flexibility in customising their Recurrent GPT by easily
modifying prompts. Changing one word can result in a more
unique type of response tailored to an individual's interests and
needs. Adjusting the style of generated text and playing around
with parameters can be done using the application.

Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering framework enables recurrent prompting with

language models by stimulating a recurrent neural network. Natural
language components are utilized to define the recurrent computation
graph with different prompts.

Recurrent GPT Architecture

The architecture of Recurrent GPT mimics the recurrence mechanism of

different Aura and ends. It replaces the natural language representation
of different paragraphs that are inputted into the actual prompts.
source -

Recurrent GPT uses a cell state, hidden state, input state, and output
state to mimic the recurrence mechanism of different Aura and ends.

At each time step, recurrent GPT receives a paragraph of text and has a
brief plan for the next paragraph. It utilizes previous steps to get you the
framework to get you the best output for the next paragraph.
It generates new content based on given prompts by building upon
previous steps of information that is given.

There are two main components in recurrent GPT: inputs and outputs at
each step of the process. The first input is obviously going to be the
paragraph that you input within the system. This is referred to as
content. The second input outlines for the next paragraph that is going to
be used to generate. This is called a plan. Content and plan generate at
each step which are called return GPT.


Recurrent GPT is still generating a lot of different types of errors.

Sometimes it's not able to give the most accurate information. This is a
small problem that will be fixed later on as the AI world progresses.
How to access Recurrent GPT?

To access RecurrentGPT, you can visit its GitHub repository. The

repository contains information on how to use the model, including how
to install dependencies, prepare the data, and run the model.

The GitHub repository for Recurrent GPT contains examples and

prompts that can be used to get a better idea of how it works. Prompt
engineering tab shows how outputs of paragraphs are sent out to make
the next plan for the paragraph. On the same webpage, A qualitative
analysis of using recurrent GPT as both an interactive writing assistant
and an interactive fiction generator is presented.

Recurrent GPT Demo

Even the Recurrent GPT demonstration is accessible via a web-based

demo link. This interactive platform showcases the remarkable
capabilities of Recurrent GPT and its ability to generate extensive textual
content. Within the Recurrent GPT interface, you'll find two distinct tabs:
"Auto-Generation" and "Human in the Loop."

The "Auto-Generation" tab empowers users to input a prompt and

witness the system's prowess in producing elaborate responses.
Remarkably, Recurrent GPT can generate vast amounts of content
based on a single prompt. Moreover, users can provide specific
instructions for each step of a generative paragraph, allowing for
fine-grained control over the output.

All desired links are provided under the 'source' section at the end of this
Benefits of Recurrent GPT

Recurrent GPT combines long-term and short-term networks, utilizing

different types of language models to generate larger text. It is a useful
tool for generating scripts or contextual generative AI.


RecurrentGPT presents an innovative method for generating text that

possesses a distinct advantage by allowing the generation of text of any
desired length. This sets it apart from fixed-context models like
ChatGPT, which have limitations in generating lengthy text. Nonetheless,
it becomes challenging to establish direct comparisons with other
models in the absence of defined evaluation metrics and standardised

GitHub Repo -
research paper link -
research paper doc -
web demo link -

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