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My last holiday

(Nicolas+ Erik Ratoi)

(pt. 1)
One day I woke up to my dad saying we should go camping,
and I asked him if I can bring a friend, but he said no so I
kidnapped my friend and put him in the trunk

The first thing we did was to setup the tent but till we finished
the tent setup he died but then I dat o palma lui and he woke
up and then my dad slapped him because he tought he was a
wild duck, and then I told my dad that Erik is my friend.

Once the tents were setup up it was already night so we went

fishing but then i pushed ERIK into the water, then he
transformed into a DUCK, and I shot him

In the same night me and my daddy ate the duck and we gave
some to erik as he was trying to heal up from the shot

The next day Erik healed up and we went to a football

terrain and he suddenly became HARRY MAGUIRE he
started hitting my legs trying to get the ball from my
legendary legs

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