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A Research Paper Presented to

Ms. Christelle Mae Mendoza Aya

Alexa Jane N. Busico

May 5, 2023

A. Background of the Study

In this time and age, there is not a day that goes by wherein an individual does not buy

anything. Whether it is food, new clothes, shoes, or essentials, we spend our money on anything

that the market offers. Hence, it is not an exaggeration to say that the act of consumption runs

our society, economy, and our world.

By definition, consumption is the use of goods and services to satisfy an individual or a

group’s needs or wants (Consumption, 2013). And this constant rising of the levels of

consumption worldwide has led to the emergence of consumerism culture. Consumerism is a

theory or approach that encourages the continuous excessive consumption of goods and services

(Gordon, 2022) as a means of achieving personal satisfaction and as a catalyst of economic

progression. It pushes consumers to buy more through the use of various tactics and

advertisement techniques, to the point that our desires outweigh our needs. And over the recent

years, we, as a society, are wrapped up in the web of consumerism culture, all the while turning a

blind eye to the consequences it brings, especially to the environment.

In every concept, both advantages and disadvantages are present. It is true that

consumerism has elevated our economic status, however, its negative impacts run deep in our

environment. While overconsumption also affects other aspects in our society and lives, it is our

environment that is suffering the most. The intensive extraction of our natural resources and the

tremendous amount of waste that consumerism brings are what makes it harmful for our

environment (Cooper, 2022). Any form of consumption, may it be a major or minor purchase,

makes an immediate impact to the environment.

The purpose of this study is to look into the perception of students, specifically senior

high students of AMACC Dumaguete, about the concept of consumerism and its adverse effects

on the environment. More specifically, it aims to find out if students are aware enough of the

negative impacts of consumerism culture and the measures they are willing to take to mitigate

these effects. Additionally, this paper aims to raise awareness about the said topic and serve as a

catalyst for change regarding our consumption habits.

B. Statement of the Problem

As inhabitants of this planet, everyone has a duty to take care of our environment.

Collectively, everyone should aim to create a world that promotes flourishing. While

consumption has become a necessity for every individual, one should know the consequences

and harm it brings, especially to the environment. This study will be conducted to know the

perspective of senior high students of AMACC Dumaguete on consumerism and its impacts to

the environment. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. How well do senior high students of AMACC Dumaguete recognize the environmental

impacts of consumerism?

2. Which practices or activities do senior high students of AMACC Dumaguete engage in

where consumer behavior can be seen?

3. What strategies might AMACC Dumaguete senior high students suggest to lessen the

effects of consumerism on the environment?

C. Significance of the Study

This study aims to find out the perception of senior high students of AMACC Dumaguete

on consumerism and its effects on the environment. The information that will be obtained

from this study will ultimately serve as a tool for raising awareness on the said topic, as

well as a motivation for students to be more responsible in their consumption habits.


Moreover, this study will prove to be highly beneficial and significant to the

following: Senior High Students of AMACC Dumaguete. Being the main subjects and

beneficiaries of this study, students can reflect and assess their consumption habits in the

past, present, and future. The information that will be obtained will provide them an idea

of how consumerism affects the environment and the level of their participation in

consumerism culture. Lastly, the resulting data of this study can suggest appropriate steps

in improving their consumption habits, not just for the betterment of the environment, but

for everyone as well.

The faculty and staff of AMACC Dumaguete. Being the administrators of the

said institution, they are the secondary beneficiaries of this study. As an institution that is

known to produce students that embody excellence, the information that will be gathered

will provide them an idea on the current standing of their students about their knowledge

on consumerism and its environmental impact. This study can also give them ideas on

how to improve their teaching and guidance of the students to be more responsible in

their actions.

Consumers and Sellers. Since this study involves the observation of

consumption habits, consumers and sellers can grasp ideas from the information that will

be obtained on how to become more responsible sellers and buyers and aim for

sustainability for the betterment of the environment, rather than focusing on profit and

personal satisfactions.
Future researchers. Since this study is only limited to senior high students of

AMACC Dumaguete, this may serve as a reference for them to conduct similar research

on a different venue and supply more knowledge on the topic.


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