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Name: Christine Noella Marie F.

Sales Subject: LIT111A

Yr/Crs/Sec: 3 - ABPhilosophy Date: November 23, 2022

By Francisco Rodrigo

Reading Check

1. What is the predominant tone of the play?

The predominant tone of the play is humorous or playful.

2. What are the significant traits of Celing and Kulas?

2.1.Celing: Ceiling is a loving mother and wife to her family. She is a practical
woman who thinks critically on how to spend their money, not to waste it in
cockfighting. She is indeed an ideal woman.

2.2.Kulas: Kulas is the opposite of Ceiling because Kulas has an addiction in

cockfighting and a believer in superstition. Aside from that, he is also dumb as he
easily get fooled.

3. What are the significant traits of each of the minor characters?

3.1.Sioning: Sioning is a great friend to Ceiling even though, she has a bad habit of
talking other people behind their back.

3.2.Castor: Castor is a type of person that is deceptive and cunning as he was able
to fool Kulas. On the bright side, I can say that Castor is smart for he understand the
mechanics of the game.

3.3.Teban: Teban is an honest, loyal, and obedient servant of Kulas and Ceiling.

4. What is the main conflict or tension in the story/play?

Conflict (external or internal) in a story is a struggle between opposing forces. It
usually presents the ‘problem’ that needs to be solved in the story. Characters must
act to confront those forces and there is where conflict is born. NOTE: If there is
nothing to overcome, there is no story. Thus, conflict in a story creates and drives
the plot forward.

It was shown in the story that Kulas tried to resists the temptation to gamble on
cockfighting, It’s like Kulas fighting his own inner demons, fragile, and easily swayed
mind. Also, there’s a conflict between characters which is also evident at several
points of the story. Celing is enraged by Kulas’ obsession with his cocks and wasting
betting on cockfighting.

5. What are the sources of humor in this play? Provide at least two.
A. The situation of the characters.
B. Ceiling’s quips and snarky remarks.

6. How does the story end? What is the surprise twist in the end?
The story ended in a happy ending because they laughed about the events
happening in their life. The twist that I didn’t expect is that when Ceiling didn’t get
angry with Kulas.

7. What are the social and cultural traditions reflected in the play?
The social and cultural traditions reflected in the play is the traditional cockfighting.
Cockfighting is very trendy before and up until now, that even in the world of internet,
online cockfighting catches the attention of people and they still gamble with it.

8. What superstitions about cockfighting are depicted in the play?

The superstitions about cockfighting depicted in the play was when Kulas dreamed
about being chased by a white carabao and snake formed into number eight, which
he thought it means money. Another superstition is that he believes that the perfect
scale of a cock means winning.
9. What is the role of a wife in a typical Filipino family as shown in the play?
Cite evidence from the play.
The role of a wife in a typical Filipino family that was shown in the play was the
typical characteristics of being a loving, caring, and has a lot of patience type of wife.
Despite the fact, that her husband is a gambler she chose to stay by his side which
showed the typical Filipino wife who endures all the pain for her family. She is also a
practical wife which is very common to all Filipino wife and mother. It can be verified
by the lines “well, if Kulas cock loses, I win, and if I lose, Kulas wins. So, whatever
happen we don’t lose money”.

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