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Synopsis :

Pengok, a freelance writer, asks his friends Rangga, Dona, and Faiz about their day at work.
Rangga, a marketing manager, had a busy day finishing a report for his boss. Dona, a sales
representative, had a meeting with a new client. Faiz, a financial advisor, closed a big deal with a
customer and had a great day. They discuss their different jobs and how they manage their time.
While Rangga and Dona have to be physically present for their jobs, Pengok and Faiz enjoy the
flexibility of working remotely. Despite their different occupations, they all agree that hard work
and dedication are key to achieving success. They conclude their chat and return to their
respective work.

Dialog :

Rangga andika: Hi everyone, how was your day at work today?

Rangga jagad: It was busy as usual. I had to finish a report for my boss.

Dona: My day was okay. I had a meeting with a new client.

Faiz: I had a great day. I closed a big deal with a customer.

Rangga andika: That's great, congratulations! So, what do you all do for a living?

Rangga jagad: I'm a marketing manager at a tech company.

Dona: I'm a sales representative for a pharmaceutical company.

Faiz: I'm a financial advisor at a bank.

Rangga jagad: What about you, Rangga andika? What do you do?

Rangga andika: I'm a freelance writer. I work from home most of the time.

Dona: That's cool. How do you manage your time when you're working from home?

Rangga andika: I try to stick to a schedule and take breaks when I need to. It can be tough
sometimes, but I like the flexibility.

Faiz: I know what you mean. As a financial advisor, I have to be available for my clients at all
times. But I also have the freedom to make my own schedule.
Rangga jagad: That sounds nice. As a marketing manager, I have to be in the office most of the
time. But I do get to work on some exciting projects.

Dona: Same here. As a sales representative, I have to be on the road a lot. But it's always
rewarding when I close a deal with a new client.

Rangga andika: It's interesting how we all have different jobs, but we all have to work hard to be

Faiz: Absolutely. At the end of the day, it's all about putting in the effort and achieving our goals.

Rangga jagad: Well said. It's been great chatting with you all, but I have to get back to work now.

Dona: Same here. Nice talking to you all.

Faiz: Take care, everyone.

Title : Working Hard, Achieving Goals

Number of Actors :

1. Rangga Andika Mocodompis (41822010105)

2. Rangga Jagad Syahadana (41822010056)

3. Dona Alfianus Jikwa ( 41822010135)

4. Faiz Irsyad Fahrezi (41822010054)

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