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The Manly World

A man is never supposed to keep his words.
Words are like swords. Men are best at handling them but do they always use them
for good purpose? We don't need to search for the answer because it is what history
is all about. With the growing pride of the men comes the twisting sword of words.
They think of making a better and safer world considering themselves as gods.
Henceforth with each swing of the swords, they kill and conquer. But alas, if only
they knew they are conquered by their ego. They forget that the slithering words
can take control over them. The blood flows. Ears ring with screams. Men get
terrorized because voices have more power than words. Hence men learn to handle
voices. But voices are everywhere: out in the world, in their head, in each word.
Men fail to control all the voices. Hence they live a life of fear. For if some
people learn to voice their words then the never-supposed-to-keep-words men will
I look at the horizon waiting for those voices. But for now I can only plug my ears
to stop all these manly words. And to my dismay, no person around me is a man.

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