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By: bir şeyin nasıl yapıldığını açıklamak & By + Ving

You can activate the door by pressing this button. (basarak) You can win points just by trying. (deneyerek)

She gets fit by running every day. (koşarak) I got an appointment by calling. (arayarak)

By: bir eylemin hangi araçla yapıldığını belirtmek için & By + Noun (car, train, credit card, cash)

You can go there by bus. You can pay by credit card.

Send us your application by post. Please send the document by email.

By: bir son teslim tarihi/saati belirtmek & By + Time

We need to complete the report by 5 p.m. (5’e kadar) You need to deliver the package by Tuesday. (Salı gününe

Call me by 11 a.m. (11’e kadar) I have to get fit by next year. (Seneye kadar)

By: bir yerin yanında veya yakınında anlamını vermek & By + Place

Let’s sit by the river. Anıl is waiting by the tree.

Onur is by the bar. We walk by the park every day.

By: By kelimesi eylemi kimin yaptığını belirtmek için kullanılır. & By + Passive Voice

The house was painted by John. The truck was parked by Jake.

Her bike was stolen by the thief. This song was written by me.

By: tek başına vey a tek başlarına & By + myself, yourself, himself, themselves…

I parked the car by myself. We finished the project by ourselves.

Did you paint this picture by yourself? They found the solution by themselves.

By: bir şeyin artışından, azalışından veya değişiminden bahsetmek

We are planning to increase this space by 2 square meters. The workers here get paid by the hour.

The total inflation increased by 50%. The price of rent increased by %100.

By: ‘day’ veya ‘night’ ile ‘’esnasında’’ anlamı & By + day/night

I work by night. He writes music by day.



Though: Oysa, rağmen (Dooh) I went there even though I didn’t want to.

Tough: Sert, zor, güçlü (Taf) That exam was tough.

Thought: Düşünce, düşünmek (Past Form) (Taht) I thought that we needed to go. & That’s a nice thought.

Through: İçinden, boyunca, aracılığıyla (Truh) He ran through the fire. & I met Selin through Caner.


Supposed to: (Yapman gereken ama yapamadığın şeyler için kullanılıyor.)

Had to: (Yapman gerekip yaptığın şeyler için kullanılıyor.)

I had to go the meeting. (Toplantıya gitmem gerekiyordu.)

I was supposed to go to the meeting. (Aslında toplantıya gitmem gerekiyordu – gidememe hissi var.)

I was supposed to call him. (Onu aramam gerekiyordu ama aramadım.)

I had to call him. (Onu aramam gerekiyordu ve aradım.)

He was supposed to ask the question. (Soruyu sorması gerekiyordu – sormadığı hissi var.)
He had to ask the question. (Soruyu sorması gerekiyordu – sordu anlamı var.)

You’re not supposed to have a dog here. (Burada köpek bulundurmaman lazım.)
He isn’t supposed to touch the painting. (Tabloya dokunmaması lazım.)
They aren’t supposed to be here. (Burada olmamaları gerekiyor.)


Had Better: Geniş ve Gelecek zamanda öneride bulunmak için kullanılır. İyi olur

You had better go now or you will be late. (Şimdi gitsen iyi olur yoksa geç kalacaksın.)

I had better take an umbrella. I heard it’s going to rain today.

We had better work fast or we won’t be able to finish this project.

Her zaman Had better > have/has better kullanımı yoktur.

You’d better go. (kısaca better go olarak da söylenebilir. Gitsen İyi olur.)

Had better + not ile olumsuz hali elde edilir.

You’d better not leave your bag there.

I’d better not stay late. I have work in the morning.

They’d better not run.

They’d better not waste anyone’s time.

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