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Observations at the wavelengths of light, radio waves

and X rays indicate that the X-ray source Cygnus X-1 is

probably a black hole in orbit around a massive star

by Kip S. Tho rne

f all the conceptions of the human Imagine that at some distant time in strong enough to hold the planet in its

O mind from unicorns to gargoyles

to the hydrogen bomb perhaps
the most fantastic is the black hole: a
the future the human species has migrat­
ed throughout the galaxy and is inhabit­
ing millions of planets. Having no fur­
compressed state. They slip the jacket
over the earth and open the vises. Then
they measure the escape velocity of a
hole in space with a definite edge over ther need for the earth, men choose to rocket placed on the earth, that is, the
which anything can fall and nothing can convert it into a monument: They will velocity the rocket must attain in order
escape; a hole with a gravitational field squeeze it until it becomes a black hole. to be able to coast out of the earth's
so strong that even light is caught and To do the squeezing they build a set of gravitational field. Before the earth was
held in its grip; a hole that curves space giant vises, and to store the necessary compressed the escape velocity was the
and warps time. Like the unicorn and energy they fabricate a giant battery. same as it is today: 1 1 kilometers per
the gargoyle, the black hole seems much They then scoop out a chunk of the earth second. The compression of the earth,
more at home in science fiction or in and convert its mass into pure energy, however, brings the earth's surface four
ancient myth than in the real universe. the amount of energy obtained being times closer to its center, thereby quad­
Nevertheless, the laws of modern phys­ given by Einstein's equation E = mc2, in rupling the kinetic energy that the rocket
ics virtually demand that black holes ex­ which E is the energy, m is the mass and must have in order to escape. The escape
ist. In our galaxy alone there may be c is the speed of light. This energy is energy is proportional to the square of
millions of them. stored in the battery. The vises are ar­ the escape velocity; therefore the escape
The search for black holes has become rayed around the earth on all sides and, velocity after this first compression is
a major astronomical enterprise over the powered by the battery, they squeeze doubled to 22 kilometers per second.
past decade. It has yielded dozens of the earth down to a quarter of its orig­ Satisfied that some progress has been
candidates scattered over the sky. At inal size. made, the engineers repeat the process,
first the task of proving conclusively compressing the earth still further until
o check their progress the project en­ its original circumference of 40,000
that any one of them is truly a black hole
seemed virtually impossible. In the past Tgineers fabricate from a chunk of the kilometers is only 10 kilometers. I give
two years, however, an impressive earth a tight-fitting spherical jacket the measurement of circumference in-
amount of circumstantial evidence has
been accumulated on one of the candi­
dates: a source of strong X-ray emission
in the constellation Cygnus designated MODEL FOR A BLACK HOLE IN CYGNUS X·I is a likely explanation for the observa·

Cygnus X-I . The evidence makes me tions made in the visible and X.ray regions of the spectrum. Gas is being pulled off the
supergiant primary star HDE 226868 (a) by the gravitational attraction of the black hole.
and most other astronomers who have
As the gas falls toward the black hole, the hole moves in its orbit out of the way, causing
studied it about 90 percent certain that
the gas to miss it. The gas nearest the black hole is whipped around it into a tight circular
in the center of Cygnus X-I there is in­ orbit, forming a thin accretion disk. The second illustration (b), at a scale of about 20
deed a black hole. times smaller than the first, shows the expected shape of the accretion disk. The gravita.
Before I describe the evidence that tional pull of the black hole compresses the disk, making it thin. At the same time thermal
leads to this conclusion, let me lay some pressures in the gas react against the compression and try to thicken the disk. Only in the
groundwork and indulge my theoretical central bulge (c) are the pressures sufficient actually to thicken the disk. The large pressures
proclivities by describing some of the in the bulge are caused by heat from X rays emitted near the black hole. In the core of the
predicted properties of black holes [see accretion disk (d) the thermal pressures are even higher than they are in the bulge; the

"Black Holes," by Roger Penrose; SCI­ gravity is so enormously strong, however, that it prevents the disk from thickening. The

ENTIFIC AMERICAN, May, 1972]. Physi­ X rays observed from the earth are generated only in the innermost 200 kilometers of the
core (e), which has the black hole itself at its center. In the innermost 50 or 100 kilometers
cists educate themselves and their stu­
the disk becomes translucent, violently turbulent and much hotter than it is elsewhere. The
dents by means of "thought experiments"
disk terminates near the black hole, where the gravitational field becomes so strong that
whose results are predicted by theory. I
gas can no longer move in an orbit but is sucked directly in. The termination point and
shall resort to such an experiment to the structure of the inner disk are sensitive to the black hole's speed of rotation (see illus·
convey the basic reasoning that underlies tration on pa ge 37). Here it is assumed that the black hole is rotating very rapidly; if the
the concept of the black hole. rotation is slow, the X.ray-emitting region may be 400 kilometers in radius rather than 200.

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stead of diameter because in the pres­ away. Inside the horizon the escape ve­ terial to reduce its mass to about twice
ence of strong gravitational fields space locity exceeds the speed of light and the mass of the sun or less, then it is
is so highly curved that the object's di­ nothing can escape. The interior of the saved: nonthermal pressures, such as the
ameter (d) is no longer related to its cir­ hole, like the earth that gave rise to it, electron pressures that make it difficult
cumference (C) by the Euclidean for­ is cut off from the rest of the universe. to compress rock, build up and halt the
mula C = .,,-d; moreover, in the case of a Let us return to the present and use collapse. The star becomes either a white
black hole the diameter cannot be mea­ the thought experiment to aid in under­ dwarf about the size of the earth or a
sured or calculated. This time the rocket standing what happens in a star. There neutron star with a circumference of
needs an escape velocity of 708 kilome­ is a key difference between the earth and some 60 kilometers . (A neutron star is a
ters per second in order to coast away a massive star. For the earth to become star where matter is so dense that its
from the earth. a black hole external forces must be ap­ electrons have been squeezed onto its
After several more compression stages plied; for a star to become a black hole protons, converting them into neutrons.)
the earth has been reduced to a circum­ the necessary forces are provided by the In either case, as with the earth, to con­
ference of 5.58 centimeters. The escape star's own internal gravity. When a star vert the object into a black hole one must
velocity is now 300,000 kilometers per of, say, 10 times the mass of the sun has apply external forces-forces that do not
second-the speed of light. One last little consumed nuclear fuel through its in­ exist in nature [see "Gravitational Col­
squeeze, and the escape velocity exceeds ternal thermonuclear reactions for a pe­ lapse," by Kip S. Thorne; SCIENTIFIC
the speed of light. Now light itself can­ riod longer than a few tens of millions AMERICAN, November, 1967].
not escape from the earth's surface, nor of years, its fuel supply runs out. With its These predictions, which follow from
can anything else. Communication be­ fires quenched the star can no longer the standard laws of physics, tell us that
tween the earth and the rest of the uni­ exert the enormous thermal pressures there is a critical mass for compact stars
verse is permanently ruptured. In this that normally counterbalance the inward (stars with a circumference smaller than
sense the earth is no longer part of the pull of its gravity. Gravity wins the tug­ the earth's) of about two times the mass
universe. It is gone, leaving behind it a of-war, and the star collapses. of the sun. Below the critical mass a com­
hole in space with a circumference of pact star can be a white dwarf or a neu­
5.58 centimeters. Outside the horizon, nless the star sheds most of its mass tron star. Above the critical mass it can
or edge, of the hole the escape velocity U during the collapse, gravity crushes only be a black hole. The magnitude of
is less than the speed of light, and ex­ it all the way down to a black hole. If, the critical mass is a key link in the argu­
ceedingly powerful rockets can still get however, the star can eject enough ma- ments that Cygnus X-I is a black hole.


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ONLY MASSIVE STARS BECOME BLACK HOLES, as is shown massive than three times the mass of the sun, however, and has a
by these diagrams for a star with twice the mass of the sun (left) density greater than the density of the atomic nucleus, the internal
and a star with four times the mass of the sun (right). For a star to pressure actually works against it. According to the general theory
be stable the total force of gravity (solid black line) pulling a star's of relativity, gravity is produced not only by mass (gray line) but
surface inward must be balanced by the star's internal pressures also by pressure (broken black line). At high pressures the force
(region in light color) pushing the surface outward. If the force of of gravity generated by the pressure is proportional to the s.quare
gravity is stronger, the star collapses; if the internal pressure is of the pressure. Thus if the star's internal pressure is very high, it
stronger, the star explodes. For a compact star (a star smaller than gives rise to gravitational forces that overwhelm the internal pres·
the earth) the internal pressure is large enough to counterbalance sure and the star collapses. For a compact star with a mass of less
gravity if the star's mass is less than three times the mass of the than three times the mass of the sun (left) there are intermediate
sun. The result is a stable white·dwarf star or a neutron star (a star pressures that can be counterbalanced by gravity (vertical lines in
in which matter is so dense that its electrons have been squeezed color). For stars more massive (right), however, force of gravity al.
onto its protons, converting them into neutrons). If the star is more ways wins and crushes star into a black hole in less than a second.



Therefore one would like to know the
critical mass precisely. Precision is not
possible, however, because we do not
know enough about the properties of
matter at the "supernuclear" densities of
a white dwarf or a neutron star, that is,

at densities above the density of the

atomic nucleus: 2 X 10; I grams per cu­
bic centimeter. Nevertheless, an upper
limit on the critical mass is known: Remo
Ruffini of Princeton University and oth­
ers have shown that it cannot exceed
three times the mass of the sun. In other
words, no white dwarf or neutron star
can have a mass greater than three times
the mass of the sun.
From a physical and mathematical
standpoint a black hole is a marvelously
simple object, far simpler than the earth
or a human being. When a physicist is
analyzing a black hole, he need not face
the complexities of matter, with its mo­
lecular, atomic and nuclear structure.
The matter that collapsed in the making
of the black hole has simply disappeared.
It exerts no influence on the hole's sur­
face or exterior. It makes no difference
whether the collapsing matter was hy­
drogen, uranium or the antimatter equiv­
alents of those elements. All the prop­
erties of the black hole are determined CYGNUS X·l is believed to be associated with the star HOE 226868, the darkest and largest
completely by Einstein's laws for the object in the center of this negative print of a small region of the sky. The photograph was
structure of empty space. made by Jerome Kristian with the 200·inch reflecting telescope on Palomar Mountain. The

Exactly how simple black holes must photographic plate was exposed so long that exceedingly faint stars (down to the 22nd mag·
nitude) are visible. Superimposed on photograph are location of sources of radio emission
be has been discovered by three physi­
(small cross) and of X.ray radiation (white outline). Position of Cygnus X·I is not known
cists: Werner Israel of the University of
very well from X.ray observations alone because X.ray telescopes have low resolution. Our.
Alberta and Brandon Carter and Ste­ ing last week of March and first week of April in 1971, however, Cygnus X·l underwent a
phen Hawking of the UniverSity of Cam­ cataclysmic and so far permanent change that caused it to begin emitting radio waves and to
bridge. They have shown that when a double the average energy of its X rays. Because the positions of radio sources can be mea·
black hole first forms, its horizon may sured accurately, the change in Cygnus X·I assisted astronomers in identifying its location.
have a grotesque shape and may be
wildly vibrating. Within a fraction of a
second, h0wever, the horizon should the square of the hole's mass ( m2 ) : ( a = c hole. Second, a rotating hole creates a
settle down into a unique smooth shape. JIG m2 ) . The rotation parameter always vortex in the empty space surrounding
If the hole is not rotating, its shape will has a value between zero and one. For a it, thereby swirling all particles or gas
be absolutely spherical. Rotation, how­ rotation parameter of zero ( a = 0) the that approach it into whirlpool orbits.
ever, will flatten it at the poles just as hole is spherical and does not rotate; for The greater the hole's rotation param­
rotation slightly flattens the earth. The a rotation parameter of 1 ( a = 1) the eter, the stronger the vortex. Third, a
amount of flattening and the precise hole is highly flattened and rotates ex­ black hole curves space and warps time
shape of the flattened hole are deter­ tremely rapidly. There is no way to make in its vicinity. Fourth, a black hole has
mined completely by its mass and its a hole rotate any faster than a = 1; in a clearly delineated horizon into which
angular momentum (speed of rotation). fact, a hole with a rotation parameter anything can fall but from which nothing
The mass and angular momentum not very close to 1 should actually slow can emerge. Fifth, the circumference of
only determine the hole's shape; they down until its rotation parameter is a black hole's equator is 19 kilometers
also determine all the other properties about . 998 because of friction with the multiplied by the mass of the hole and
of the hole. It is as though one could de­ matter and radiation falling into it. divided by the mass of the sun. Typical
duce every characteristic of a woman What are the most important proper­ black holes should have masses between
from her weight and hair color. ties that can be deduced from a hole's three and 50 suns, and circumferences
mass and rotation parameter? First, the between about 60 and 1 ,000 kilometers .

I ncalculations the angular momentum

is replaced by a more convenient
gravitational field of the hole obeys the
standard laws of Newton and Einstein:
Such are the predicted properties of
black holes from the viewpoint of the
quantity: the rotation parameter. The ro­ the hole's attraction for an object is pro­ theorist. To the observational astrono­
tation parameter ( a) is equal to the speed portional to its mass and inversely pro­ mer these properties present an exciting
of light (c) multiplied by the angular portional to the square of the distance challenge: find a black hole and verify
momentum (J), divided by the New­ between it and the object if the distance the predictions! Until the mid-1960's no
tonian gravitational constant (G) times is somewhat greater than the size of the one took the challenge seriously. Black

ied. Perhaps the presence of the hole
could be deduced by its influence on the
companion. With this idea in mind two
Russian astrophysicists began the first
search for black holes in 1964. Ya. B.
Zel'dovich and O. Kh. Guseynov looked
through catalogues of spectroscopic bi­
nary stars for systems that might be a
black hole and a normal star revolving
around each other. A spectroscopic bi­
nary system can look like a single star
when it is viewed through even the most
powerful telescope. The lines in its spec­
trum, however, shift periodically from
the blue toward the red and back again
as the observed star revolves around its
darker companion. The periodiC shift is
produced by the Doppler effect: it is
toward the blue as the star moves toward
us in its orbit and toward the red as it
moves away. The spectral lines of the
companion may also be detected, shift­
ing toward the red as the lines from the
primary, or brighter, star are shifting
SPACE IS CURVED in the presence of a strong gravitational field. The curvature is de· toward the blue. In that case the com­
picted in what is known as an embedding diagram, in which three·dimensional space is rep· panion is presumably not a black hole.
resented by a flat plane that is warped by the presence of a star or any other kind of massive If the companion star cannot be detect­
object. The amount of curvature is related to the strength of the object's gravitational field, ed, however, it might be a black hole.
and it affects the direction and travel time of rays of light and the measurement of distances.

tar catalogues are full of binary sys-

S tems for which the spectral lines of
holes were regarded as being strictly How could one go about searching for only one star are detected. Several hun­
theoretical objects: objects that could a black hole? If black holes are formed dred are known, and probably thousands
be formed by the death of a star but by dying massive stars, the nearest black more could be discovered if there were
probably never were formed. Even if hole should be no closer to the solar sys­ strong reasons to search for them. To
they were, they could probably never be tem than the nearest massive star: some shorten the list Zel'dovich and Gusey­
found observationally. Objects such as 10 light-years away. Since most black nov investigated the mass of each dark
black holes and neutron stars were too holes would have a circumference of less companion. They could estimate the
bizarre to fit naturally into our tranquil than 1,000 kilometers, their resulting an­ mass roughly from the amount the spec­
universe. Somehow all massive stars gular diameter in the sky would be a tral lines were Doppler-shifted. The
would eject most of their mass before millionth of a second of arc. One could more massive the companion, the strong­
they died, thereby saving themselves the certainly not hope to find a black hole as er its pull on the primary star and hence
fate of becoming neutron stars or black a black spot in the sky. the greater the Doppler shift of the spec­
holes. This climate of opinion was rare­ Could one take advantage of the fact tral lines. By requiring firm evidence
ly verbalized explicitly, but it set the that a black hole's gravitational field can from measurements of the Doppler shift
tenor of the times. I do not know of a act as a lens and bend and focus light that the mass of the dark companion is
single proposal to search for black holes from a more distant star, thereby mak­ three times greater than the mass of the
before 1963. ing the star look temporarily bigger and sun (and is therefore not a neutron star
brighter? This is not a good way to or a white dwarf), Zel'dovich and Gu­
n the 1960's, however, our view of the search for black holes. If the hole were seynov brought their list down to a
I universe began to change radically. close to the star, the amount of focusing handful of spectroscopic binaries. In
Exploding galaxies, rapidly varying ra­ would be too small to be noticeable. If some of those systems the primary star
dio galaxies, quasars, cosmic microwave the hole and the star were widely sepa­ was so bright that its dark secondary
radiation from the "big bang" explosion rated, the amount of focusing would be companion could very well be a normal
that formed the universe, flaring X-ray large, but interstellar distances are so star masked by the glare of the primary.
stars-all these and other observational vast, that the necessary lining up of the After discarding those cases Zel'dovich
discoveries taught us how violent and earth, the hole and the star would be an and Guseynov were left with five good
strange the universe can be. Gradually exceedingly rare event-so rare that to candidates for systems incorporating a
neutron stars and black holes began to search for one would be a waste of time. black hole.
seem more plausible. Then, in 1967, Moreover, even if such an event were In 1968 Virginia Trimble, who was
pulsars were discovered, and by late observed, it would be impossible to tell then working at the California Institute
1968 they were shown to be rotating whether the gravitational lens was a of Technology, and I revised and extend­
neutron stars beaming radiation out into black hole or merely an ordinary but ed the Zel'dovich-Guseynov list. Unfor­
space. Since neutron stars really existed, dim star. tunately for us none of the eight good
then surely black holes must exist as Suppose the black hole had a com­ candidates on the new list we prepared
well. panion star that could be seen and stud- presented a truly convincing case for a




'------" HORIZON


a= 8 6 6



a= .998

THREE BLACK HOLES, their accretion disks and the curved cretion disk that is believed to surround the black hole in Cygnus
space that surrounds them are compared to show how they are X·I is shown. Gas spirals inward through the disk toward the hori·
affected by their speed of rotation. A hole that is not rotating (top) zon, heating up by friction and emitting X rays along the way. At
has a horizon, or edge, that is spherical. Its rotation parameter a the inner edge of the disk the hot gas plunges into the hole. A whirl.
is zero, where the rotation parameter is defined as heing equal to pool motion in space, created by the black hole's rotation, swirls
the speed of light times the black hole's angular momentum, di. the disk inward so that its inner edge is close to the horizon if the
vided by the Newtonian gravitational constant times the square hole is rotating rapidly. The curved space around the hole and
of the black hole's mass. A hole rotating at a moderate speed (mid· the relative positions of the hole and the accretion disk in the
dle) with a rotation parameter of .866 will be perfectly flat at the curved space are shown by means of an embedding diagram [see
poles but will still be rounded at the equator. Rotation does not af. illustration on the opposite page]. The static limit is the point
feet the size of the equatorial circumference. For a black hole roo where the whirlpool motion of space becomes irresistible. For a
tating at high speed (bottom) with a rotation parameter of .998, the rapidly rotating black hole the accretion disk extends far below the
horizon has a shape that cannot exist in the flat Euclidean space of static limit. X rays emitted from such a disk may have specific char.
everyday experience. In all three black holes the hot, gaseous ac· acteristics that would reveal whether black·hole theory is correct.

black hole. In all eight cases Trimble was ried aloft by balloons also get only short magnetic field inclined to its axis of ro­
able to conjure up a semireasonable ex­ glimpses, and atmospheric absorption tation. Gas that is pulled off the com­
planation for why the dark companion confines these views to the most pene­ panion star is funneled down the mag­
was invisible without resorting to the hy­ trating of the X rays. For a definitive netic lines of force onto the magnetic
pothesis that it was a black hole. For ex­ search an X-ray telescope aboard an arti­ poles of the neutron star, where heat
ample, the dim star might itself be a ficial satellite would be needed. from its impact generates a beam of X
multiple-star system and thus be less lu­ The first such telescope was launched rays that sweeps across the sky as the
minous than its mass would indicate. Al­ jointly by the U.S. and Italy aboard the star rotates. Each time the beam sweeps.
ternatively the primary star might be Uhuru satellite on December 12, 1970. past the earth, the Uhuru satellite sees a
more luminous than it appeared to be. Or By the spring of 1972 Uhuru had gath­ burst of X rays. A black hole cannot
complexities in the spectrum of the pri­ ered enough data to compile a detailed produce such a beam because no off-axis
mary star might mask the spectral lines catalogue of 125 X-ray sources. To the structure such as a magnetic field can
of the secondary star. At that point the astronomer searching for black holes the ever be anchored in a black hole. The
search for black holes in binary systems results from Uhuru were simultaneously hole would quickly destroy any such
seemed to be stymied. disappointing and encouraging. They structure according to Einstein's laws of
There was one major hope. As early were disappointing because none of the gravity.
as 1964 it had been realized that a black X-ray sources coincided with any of the The four remaining binary X-ray
hole in a close binary system might pull eight black-hole candidates. They were sources are designated 2U 1700-37, 2U
gas off its companion star. As the liber­ encouraging because at least six of the 0900-40, SMC X-I and Cygnus X-I; 2U
ated gas fell into the hole, it might heat X-ray sources appeared to lie in other refers to the second Uhuru catalogue
up so much that it would emit X rays. binary systems, typically systems that and SMC stands for Small Magellanic
Thus if any of the eight good candidates had not previously been recognized to Cloud, a companion galaxy of our own.
were found to emit X rays, the supposi­ be binary and had therefore been over­ Studies at visual wavelengths of each of
tion that the dark companion was a black looked in the earlier searches. these sources reveal a supergiant pri­
hole would become much more convinc­ mary star with a telltale periodically
ing. wo of the six definite X-ray binary
A search for X rays emitted by binary T sources, Centaurus X-3 and Hercules varying Doppler shift. There is no sign
of spectral lines from the secondary star.
systems could not be conducted with in­ X-I , clearly did not harbor a black hole. In all four cases, however, the visible
struments on the ground because the X One could be certain of that because spectrum shows lines emitted by gas
rays would be absorbed by the earth's their X rays arrive in precisely timed Howing from the primary toward the un­
atmosphere. One could use instruments periodic pulses: 4.84239 seconds be­ seen secondary. The X rays from the
aboard sounding rockets. Such a rocket, tween pulses for Centaurus X-3 and three systems 2U 1700-37, 2U 0900-40
however, gets only a short peek at the 1 .23782 seconds for Hercules X-I. Noth­ and SMC X-I are eclipsed each time the
sky before it falls back to the earth, so ing associated with a black hole can give primary star passes between the earth
that its instruments can detect only the rise to such regular behavior. Presum­ and the unseen secondary. Therefore the
brightest of X-ray stars and can examine ably each of these two binaries incor­ secondary is almost certainly the source
them only sketchily. Instruments car- porates a rotating neutron star with its of the X rays. The X rays are most likely


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10 30 1 00 300 1 .000 3,000 10,000


ENERGY EMITTED by various regions of the core of the accre· radius because space is highly curved in neighborhood of black
tion disk around the black hole in Cygnus X·I is expressed as a hole. Half of energy is emitted from innermost 56 kilometers of
fraction of the total energy. Location on the disk is described disk, where temperature is higher than 30 million degrees Kelvin
in units of circumference divided by 2,., which is not equal to and energy of a typical X.ray photon exceeds 5,000 electron volts.

generated when the flowing gas is heat­ companion for SMC X-I is twice the bit around an entire normal binary sys­
ed by falling into the secondary, just as mass of the sun and the mass of the tem. In a third model the X rays do not
they are when the gas falls on a neutron companion for Cygnus X-I is about eight come from a neutron star or any other
star; at least astronomers have not been times the mass of the sun. compact object at all. Instead between
able to invent any other quantitative ex­ These figures suggest that at least one two normal stars stretch strong magnetic
planation for the X rays. and perhaps all four of the X-ray bi­ fields that are continually being twisted,
To heat the falling gas to the tempera­ naries include a black hole. The esti­ tied into knots and broken as the two
tures necessary for the emission of X mates, however, are quite rough. Indi­ stars rotate. The knotting and breaking
rays requires huge amounts of energy, vidual astronomers interpreting the data of the fields heats gas that is attached to
energy that can be supplied only by a in various ways can differ by a factor of them, and the hot gas emits the X rays.
drop through a very strong gravitational two or more in their estimates of masses. A fourth model assumes that the second­
field. The gravitational field surrounding And any astronomer who wants to play ary emitting the X rays is not a black
a normal star or planet is not strong the devil's advocate can reduce the esti­ hole but is something even more exciting
enough. Only three types of object have mates still further by introducing pe­ and bizarre: a massive "naked singular­
sufficiently strong fields: white dwarfs, culiar interpretations of the data. ity" in the structure of space-time. Ein­
neutron stars and black holes. And the Only in the case of Cygnus X-I do the stein's laws of gravity probably forbid
only definitive way to distinguish among devil's advocates face difficulties. Even a the formation of naked singularities, but
these three possibilities is to somehow "worst-case" analysis of these data re­ all attempts to prove that this is the
measure the mass of the secondary star. veals that the unseen companion has a case have failed.
If the mass exceeds 1 .4 times the mass mass of no less than four times the mass

W mon in astronomy. One model, that

of the sun, the object cannot be a white of the sun. Therefore one can conclude e now face a situation that is com-
dwarf. If the mass exceeds three times that Cygnus X-I does comprise a black
the mass of the sun, the object cannot be hole. At least this conclusion is the most a black hole is in orbit around a normal
a neutron star. In the latter case it must reasonable one. star, can readily explain the observa­
be a black hole. Teams of devil's advocates led by tions: the light and the X rays from
John N. Bahcall of Princeton University Cygnus X-I. The other leading models,

O mass
btaining a rough estimate of the
of the secondary is not too dif­
and James Pringle of the University of
Cambridge have invented viable, al­
proposing a secondary that is either a
white dwarf or a neutron star, have been
ficult. One needs only a moderate though less plausible, alternative models killed by the observations. Alternative
amount of data from observations of the to explain the observations. The models contrived explanations, however, can
Doppler shift and fairly good informa­ assume that the massive secondary still be made to fit the data. Such a situ­
tion about the spectrum of the primary. around which the bright primary travels ation leads astronomers into the final
On the basis of such data the mass of the is a normal but dim star. In one model stage of the search for black holes: the
unseen companion of 2U 1700-37 is 2.5 the X rays come from a satellite neutron attempt to accumulate more data of
times the mass of the sun, the mass of star in orbit around a massive normal higher quality and of new types, data
the companion for 2U 0900-40 is three secondary. In another model a neutron that (I hope!) will gradually kill the con­
times the mass of the sun, the mass of the star emitting X rays circles in a wide or- trived models and clinch the case for a


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:> 108 26.000 z
...J 0
x: f-
CJ) ()
UJ ...J
II: !:!:!.
� >-
UJ �
e. 1 07 2,600 II:
f- Z
« 0
II: f-
UJ 0
c.. J:
� c..
UJ 1 06 230 UJ


10 30 1 00 300 1.000 3,000 1 0,000


TEMPERATURE OF GAS AND ENERGY OF PHOTONS emitted the less energetic photons is calculated from theory. Future X-ray
shown for various locations. Only X
by core of the accretion disk is telescopes will test theory by examining photons between 400 and
rays more energetic than 2,000 elect on volts have been detected 2,000 electron volts. Cataclysmic change in Cygnus X·l may have
with X.ray telescopes available until recently; thus the curve for been a change of state in the region between 50 and 100 kilometers.



z ,
(/) \
UJ \
I 100,000 I
l- ,
0 V \

I- \
0 \
z 30,000


::> \ ENERGY
(/) 1-----1
UJ \
:::;: 10,000 i
i= /
--' I
« ,
a: \
� 3,000
I \

� I I +
a: I t
UJ I • t ••
UJ I I t • +1 + •

\ + I
a: •

UJ I + •
>- I I

0 300 /
z I I /

--' I
.3 3 10 30 100 300 1,000 3,000 10,000 30,000 100,000 300,000

SPECTRUM OF HDE 226868 AND CYGNUS X-I is shown in terms spectrum. The calculated emission from the core of tbe accretion
of the absolute luminosity of the sun. The unit energy interval is disk of Cygnus X-I is shown in gray. The points at energies above
the interval over which the energy increases by a factor of the 2,700 electron volts are X-ray observations of Cygnus X-I averaged
base of natural logarithms, e, or about 2.718, for example at an en­ over sbort fluctuations ranging from milliseconds to minutes; the
ergy between 1,000 electron volts and 2,718 electron volts. The curve vertical error bar on each point shows the statistical uncertainty
in color shows the spectrum of HDE 226868; the solid portion of due to the fact that the observations consisted of only a finite num­
the curve is known from visual observations and the broken por­ ber of photons. Black dots are observations made before the cata·
tion is extrapolated into the infrared and ultraviolet regions of the clysmic change; colored dots show how the spectrum was altered.

black hole. In this final stage of the binary system and the How of gas within When a filament is first caught in the
search it will be helpful to know what to it [see illustration on page 33]. disk it might have a temperature of
look for. What kind of signatures should The gravitational field of the black 25,000 degrees Kelvin, the same tem­
characterize the X rays and the light hole is continually pulling gas off of the perature as the surface of the supergiant
generated by a binary system whose sec­ supergiant star or out of its immediate primary. As the gas drifts inward
ondary is a black hole accreting gas from vicinity and funneling it into orbits through the disk friction heats it until in
a primary star? around the black hole. Centrifugal and the last 100 kilometers of its spiralin g
Detailed theoretical studies of such gravitational forces Hatten the orbiting descent it is hotter than 10 million de­
binary systems were begun in 1971 be­ gas into a thin disk around the black hole grees.
fore the observations from Uhuru had that is analogous to the rings around The hot gas radiates energy, about 80
confirmed the fact that some binaries do S aturn but is far larger. Once a gas fila­ percent of which is emitted from the in­
emit X rays. The studies were initiated ment is sucked into the disk, it would ner 200 kilometers as X rays. Presum­
independently on the basis of Newtonian stay in orbit around the hole forever if ably these are the X rays detected by the
gravitation theory by Nikolai Shakura there were no friction. Friction between telescope aboard UhUTU. The remaining
and Rashid Sunyaev of the Institute of adjacent gas filaments, however, forces 20 percent of the radiation, emitted from
Applied M athematics in Moscow and by the gas to spiral slowly inward. The in­ the comparatively cool outer parts of the
Pringle and M artin J. Rees at the Uni­ ward velocity is much less than 1 percent disk, should be less energetic X rays that
versity of Cambridge. Later analyses of the orbital velocity. A few weeks or cannot be detected with the instruments
based on Einstein's general theory of months after a filament enters the disk currently available, together with ultra­
relativity were undertaken by Donald it has spiraled inward by several million violet radiation and light that would not
Page and me at the California Institute kilometers and is approaching the disk's be detectable against the glare of the
of Technology, by Igor Novikov and inner edge. There the black hole's grav­ supergiant star.
Andrei Polnarev of the Institute of Ap­ ity becomes irresistible. It sucks the gas
plied M athematics in Moscow and by filament away from the disk and, within he case for a black hole in Cygnus
Christopher Cunningham at the Univer­ a fraction of a second, through the black T X-I would be much strengthened if
sity of Washington. All of these studies hole's horizon into the hole itself. theorists working with this model could
reveal the same gross structure for the A by-product of the friction is heat. calculate the properties of the X-ray

emission in detail. The chief stumbling astrophysicists prove and disprove mod­ X-ray flares would presumably be gen­
block at this point is friction in the disk. els. When a model has withstood a varie­ erated by temporary hot spots in the in­
We do not know whether the friction is ty of negative tests that have destroyed ner 100 kilometers of the disk [see top
generated by turbulence in the spiraling all its competitors, astrophysicists begin illustration below]. We have no reliable
gas, by magnetic fields embedded in the to take the model very seriously. theory that accounts for the origin and
spiraling gas or by a combination of tur­ Negative tests may not be the only destmction of such hot spots. Neverthe­
bulence and magnetic fields. Even if we way to prove or disprove the black-hole less it seems likely that once a hot spot
did know the source of the friction, we explanation of Cygnus X-I. Sunyaev has is born it would live for more than one
could not calculate its magnitude be­ suggested one positive test and other circuit in its orbit around the black hole.
cause we do not yet know enough about theorists are searching for more. Sun­ The X rays from the hot spot would be
the general physical behavior of turbu­ yaev's test consists in looking for brief beamed in a direction that rotates as the
lent magnetized gases. flares in the intensity of the X rays. Such hot spot circles the black hole. The beam-
It is remarkable that in spite of our
ignorance we are still able to calculate
with confidence some of the impOltant
features of the disk. For example, from
the laws of the conservation of energy
and of angular momentum we can calcu­ BLACK HOLE
late how much energy each region of the
disk radiates. We have concluded that
most of the radiation must come from
the hot inner 200 kilometers, no matter
what the source or magnitude of the
friction may be. We cannot, however, INNER
calculate the temperature in that inner OF ACCRETION DISK�� __..�________....���..��.-

region or the spectmm of the X rays it RADIATION FROM A HOT SPOT on the accretion disk of a black hole would be beamed
should emit. Instead we must discover into a wide cone that would sweep out a circle in the sky above the disk each time the spot
what the spectmm is from observations made an orbit around the hole. As the cone sweeps repetitively past the earth X.ray tele­
and from it infer that the temperatures scopes would observe pulses of X rays amidst a general increase in the total intensity of the
range between five million and 500 mil­ X rays received. The result would be a flare of X rays that would have a pulsed substructure.
lion degrees K. We go back to the mod­
els and see that such high temperatures
are incompatible with a calm disk having 10 5.0
little friction or turbulence but are quite
reasonable if the inner region of the disk
9 f 4.5

is violently turbulent and is optically $ $
0 0
thin, that is, translucent to radiation. We z z
0 8 4.0 0
then return to the observations and note

u U
that the X rays do not arrive at the earth en en en
LU- �::J
steadily. Their intensity fluctuates by a 6;j 7 3.5 Od

I� I�

factor of two or three or even more over
�z �z
any length of time from milliseconds to u =>
:'Sen 3.0 :'Sill

days. Such fluctuations are also what one CDLU CD LU
might expect from a turbulent disk. !rI !rI
0 1- 0 1-
u..en 5 2.5 u.. en

y working back and forth between OLU OLU
B theory and observations in this way
a. en 4 2.0
a: �
a. en
...J< �a = 0 ...J<
Richard Price of the University of Utah <:::E
een <:::E
and I have built up a workable descrip­ een
!r 3 1.5 CD<
en !r
tion of the stmcture of the inner disk of
Cygnus X-I. Of course, success in build­ :::E :::E
i= 2 i=

ing such a model is not much of a posi­ l- 1.0
I !r
tive addition to the explanation that C)

Va .998
W u..
Cygnus X-I includes a black hole. Too .5
much was inferred from the observations


and too little was calculated from the

o o
basic assumptions or the first principles o 2 3 4 5
of physics. On the other hand, tliings CIRCUMFERENCE OF ORBIT IN UNITS
could be worse. The observations might OF BLACK HOLE'S EQUATORIAL CIRCUMFERENCE

have been incompatible with any type of

TIME INTERVAL BETWEEN PULSES emitted by a hot spot in orbit on the accretion disk
model that assumed that the X rays were
around a black hole is uniquely and precisely determined by the circumference of the spot's
emitted by gas flowing into a black orbit and by the mass and rotation parameter a of the hole. The more rapidly the hole ro­
hole. In a sense, then, the black-hole tates, the smaller the inner edge of its accretion disk is, and hence the shorter the minimum
model has survived a negative test. This time would be between pulses in an X·ray fiare. Observations of such pulses in X-ray flares
type of test is the chief tool by which can provide a way of measuring the rotation parameter of a black hole in Cygnus X-I.



ing might be caused in part by the proc­ however, obligatory for X-ray Hares. 1 973, was promising. X-ray Hares lasting
ess by which the radiation is emitted Flares without a pulsed substructure about .1 second were observed with a
and in part by focusing of the radiation could originate in hot spots that are far telescope having a time resolution of .32
in the gravitational field of the black enough from the black hole (perhaps millisecond and the modest collecting
hole. Moreover, the Doppler shift would more than 1 00 kilometers) so that they area of 1,360 square centimeters . The
make the X rays more intense as the hot are not beamed by the hole's gravitation­ largest of the Hares does appear to have
spot approached us in its orbit around al field and do not vary much because of a pulsed substructure, but not enough
the hole, and less intense as it receded. the Doppler shift. They could also origi­ photons were counted in the Hare to be
Hence the emission from the hot spot nate in spots that are very large and certain. So here we theorists sit, impa­
would not arrive steadily but should ar­ quickly get strung out into a doughnut tiently awaiting the next generation of
rive in bursts, with the interval between around the disk by the orbital motion of X-ray telescopes, those of us in the "es­
bursts equal to the orbital period of the the gas . Thus the observation of non­ tablishment" trying with great difficulty
hot spot traveling around the black hole. pulsed Hares is also quite compatible to build better black-hole models of Cyg­
Thus the model predicts that short X-ray with the black-hole explanation of Cyg­ nus X-I and those of us who are deviI's
Hares are likely to show a substructure of nus X-I . If pulsed X-ray Hares can be advocates trying equally hard to build
pulses with an interval between pulses of detected, however, they should pulse better non-black-hole models.
a few milliseconds. only in the range predicted by Sunyaev's While some of us struggle with Cyg­
If such pulses were perceived and if arguments. nus X-I , others search elsewhere for
the black hole's mass were known, then black holes. The possibiliti�s are plenti­
the interval between pulses would pro­ he search for pulsed Hares calls for ful, but none has yet yielded strong evi­
vide a way of computing the circumfer­ T an X-ray telescope that can make an dence for a hole. Several other spectro­
ence of the hot spot's orbit around the observation in less than one millisecond scopic binaries, including Epsilon Auri­
hole. By observing many pulsed X-ray and that has more than 10,000 square gae and Beta Lyrae, include a secondary
Hares and determining the minimum in­ centimeters of area for collecting X-ray star that has a mass of more than four
terval between pulses we could learn photons, so that many photons can be times the mass of the sun and is sur:
what the circumference of the inner edge counted in each millisecond. Such a tele­ rounded by a huge opaque, or partially
of the disk is, and from that we could scope will probably not be put into orbit opaque, disk. As seen from the earth, the
infer the speed at which the hole is ro­ around the earth until the National disk periodically blots out the light from
tating. For a black hole with a mass eight Aeronautics and Space Administration the bright primary star. A. G. W. Cam­
times the mass of the sun the minimum launches its first High Energy Astro­ eron of the Harvard College Observatory
interval between pulses must be be­ nomical Observatory satellite (HEAO­ and Edward Devinney of the University
tween 3.6 milliseconds for a nonrotating A), perhaps in 1977. Between now and of South Florida have suggested that
hole (rotation parameter a = 0) and .6 then we must content ourselves with massive objects at the center of these
millisecond for a rapidly rotating hole brief glimpses from the instruments on disks might be black holes� Other as­
(rotation parameter a = 998)
. . rockets and balloons. tronomers find other explanations equal­
Such a pulsed substructure is not, The first such glimpse, in October, ly plausible.

1 00



8w 70

:::! 60
a 50
Q. 40
� 30



31 6 31 7 318 31 9 320

X-RAY FLARE WAS OBSERVED IN CYGNUS X-I by an X.ray (bracket) itself (right) shows that it does appear to have a pulsed
telescope aboard a rocket built by the Goddard Space Flight Center substructure (color) near the telescope's limit of sensitivity. ( Ap'
and launched in October, 1973 (left ) . A closer analysis of the flare parent pulses in black are random fluctuations in the X.ray signal . )



The Russian astronomer V. F . bursts from the clus ter of 2,500 galaxies disks proposed for the spectroscopic-bi­
Schwartzman is searching for black holes in the constellation Virgo. Even more nary systems. Lynden-Bell and Rees cal­
that have no binary companion. He cal­ sensitive third-generation antennas will culate that such a disk would emit
culates that the interstellar gas being surely be able to do so. Theorists expect strong radio and infrared radiation but
sucked into such an isolated hole should that in the Virgo cluster there will be not X rays. The nucleus of our galaxy
emit light that flickers with a period of several black holes born every year. By does give evidence of several bright in­
several milliseconds. Unfortunately for detecting and analyzing the gravitational frared and radio "stars ." Unfortunately
observers the light would not be very in­ waves from such births one could not for theorists an accretion disk around a
tense; it would have no more than 1 per­ only verify the creation of a black hole supermassive black hole is not the only
cent of the intensity of the sun's light if but also study some intimate details of possible explanation of the observed ob­
the sun were being observed at that dis­ the newborn hole. It is a project a dec­ jects, and so far no one has invented a
tance. Since the nearest such black hole ade or so in the future. definitive test for the hypothesis.
would be many light-years away, it Thus far I have described only nOlmal Miniholes far less massive than the
would appear as a faint, rapidly flicker­ black holes created by the collapse of sun cannot be created in the universe as
ing star. To detect the flicker and there­ normal stars ranging in mass from three it exists today. Nature simply does not
by make a strong case for the existence to 60 times the mass of the sun. There supply the necessary compressional
of an isolated black hole, Schwartzman are probably supermassive holes and forces. The necessary forces were pres­
needs sensitive electronics and a power­ possibly miniholes as well. Donald Lyn­ ent, however, in the first few moments
ful telescope for observing at visible den-Bell of the University of Cambridge after the creation of the universe in the
wavelengths . He is working at the has argued that the dense milieu of gas "big bang." If the big bang were suffi­
Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, and stars that fuels grand-scale explo­ ciently chaotic, then, according to calcu­
where a 240-inch telescope is nearing sions in the nuclei of some galaxies must lations made by Hawking, it should have
completion. ultimately collapse to form a supermas­ produced a great number of miniholes.
sive black hole. If this is true, a galaxy Hawking has shown that miniholes be­
he collapse of the star that gives rise
T to a black hole should also generate
such as our own, which probably had have quite differently from normal-sized
explosions in its nucleus long ago, might holes. Any hole less massive than 1016
a huge burst of gravitational waves. The possess a huge black hole in its nucleus grams (the mass of a small iceberg)
present first-generation gravitational­ today. That hole would be a "tomb" should gradually destroy itself by an
wave antennas are only sensitive enough from a more violent past. Such a black emission of light and particles according
to detect such bursts from our own gal­ hole in our own galaxy might be as mas­ to certain laws of quantum mechanics.
axy, where they would not be expected sive as 100 million times the mass of the Those laws, which are not important for
more than once every few years. Second­ sun and have a circumference as large the larger black holes, considerably
generation antennas now under con­ as two billion kilometers. The hole modify the properties of the smaller
struction at Stanford University, Louisi­ would suck gas from the surrounding holes. The result is that all the primordi­
ana State University and the University galactic nucleus, perhaps forming a gi­ al black holes less massive than 1015
of Moscow might be able to detect such gantic accretion disk analogous to the grams should be gone by now. Those
with a mass between 1015 grams and
1016 grams are now dying. In its final
death throes such a dying black hole
would not be black at all. It would be a
fireball powerful enough to supply all
the energy needs of the earth for several
8 decades yet small enough to fit inside
0 the nucleus of an atom.
z 7 Hawking's results are less than a year
U old, and so their implications have" not
::::; 6 yet been explored in detail. They ma}'
� motivate a flood of proposals for search­
5 ing for miniholes. He and Page are ex­

II: ploring one possibility: that the bursts of
Cl. 4 cosmic gamma rays that have been de­
CI) tected by instruments on artificial satel­

::J lites of the Vela series came from explo­
0 3 sions of miniholes.
he present list of ways and places
T that black holes might be found is
far from complete. With so many possi­
bilities a theorist such as the author can­
not help being excited-until he talks
3 1 8.451 3 1 8.471 3 1 8.491 31 8.51 1 3 1 8.531
with his more down-to-earth experiment­
er friends. Then he realizes what a diffi­
The time interval between pulses was no shorter than .005 second, corresponding to a cir· cult job the search really is. We cannot
cumference no smaller than four times the circumference of the black hole. That circum· expect quick results, but the future does
ference is not small enough to determine the rotation parameter of the black hole. not seem unprom ising.



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