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I. Read each set of words. Underline the root word.

1. trainer 2. hopeful 3. sleeping

4. kindness 5. movement

II. Encircle the suffixes in each word.

1. joyful 2. careless 3. freedom

4. totally 5. singer

III. Use different suffix for each word. Write a new word on the blank.

1. Color ____________________________

2. Care ____________________________

3. Loyal ____________________________

4. Mad ____________________________

5. Beauty ____________________________

IV. Match the root words in Column A with the suffix in Column B. Write the letter in
the blank provided before each number.

Column A Column B
____1. enjoy a. -ful
____2. peace b. -ing
____3. care c. -ment
____4. write d. -less
____5. Kind e. -ness
f. -ous

V. Match the root words in Column A with the suffix in Column B. Write the letter in
the blank provided before each number.

Column A Column B
____1. write a. mis

____2. well b. re

____3. cook c. un

____4. regular d. over

____5. read e. ir

f. dis
VI. Draw a box around the prefix in each word and underline the root word.

1. preview 2. redo 3. preschool

4. dishonest 5. overload

VII. The underlined words in the sentences below have prefixes. Choose the meaning
of the underlined words from the words in the box.

naughty close cheap undying write again

1. Do not misbehave in class. _________________

2. The twins are inseparable. _________________

3. My mother bought inexpensive jewelries. _________________

4. The pupils rewrite the sentences written on the board. _________________

5. She is immortal. _________________

VIII. Add the correct prefixes to the following to form new words.

1. happy _________________

2. view _________________

3. known _________________

4. obedient _________________

5. port _________________

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