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Connecting words: although, even though, despite, in spite of, however

17. Connecting words: although, even though, despite, in spite of,


The title of this lesson is only a part of the today's lecture. So, to start, open your Book on page
72. Answer the questions from activity 1. Tick the words from the box of activity 2a) you know.
Check the meaning of other words in your dictionary. Then study the photos from 2b). Which face
shows if she lies or tells the truth? Listen to the interview from your CD-ROM and check your
answers. Finally, do activity 3. (Naslov ove lekcije predstavlja samo dio današnjeg časa. Za
početak, otvorite udžbenik na str. 72. odgovorite na pitanja iz vježbe 1. Štrikirajte poznate riječi
iz vježbe 2a). Značenje ostalih riječi potražite u svom rječniku. Zatim pogledajte fotografije iz
vježbe 2b). Koje lice vam pokazuje da li ona laže ili govori istinu? Slušajte intervju sa vašeg CD-
ROMa i provjerite svoje odgovore. Konačno, uradite vježbu 3.)

Have you seen the film Catch Me If You Can, starring Leonardo di Caprio? We are going to read
the text about the man whose life the film is based on. First check the meaning of all words from
the box 5b) you are not familiar with. Read the text and then do activities 5c) and 6a) and 6b).
(Jeste li gledali film Catch Me If You Can (Uhvati me ako možeš), sa Leonardom di Kapriom u
glavnoj ulozi? Čitaćemo tekst o čovjeku na čijoj životnoj priči je film zasnovan. Prvo provjerite
značenje svih riječi iz okvira vježbe 5b. Pročitajte tekst, a zatim uradite vježbe 5c) i 6a) i 6b).)

It is time to turn to the title of our today's lecture. Connecting words are used to connect or join
two clauses. In this lesson we will focus on these connecting words: although, even though,
despite, in spite of, however. They all have similar meaning to but, meaning they contrast
something. Although, even though, despite, and in spite of contrast two clauses in the same
sentence, whereas however contrasts two sentences. (Vrijeme je da se okrenemo naslovu
današnjeg časa. Veznici su riječi koji povezuju ili spajaju dvije rečenice. U ovoj lekciji
fokusiraćemo se na sledeće veznike: although, even though, (=mada, iako), despite, in spite of
(=uprkos), and however (ipak, svejedno, kakogod). Značenjem su svi slični but, što znači da
njima nešto suprostavljamo. Although, even though, despite, in spite of suprostavljaju 2 kloze u
jednoj rečenici, dok however suprostavlja dvije rečenice.)

- Although/Even though she has terrible stomach ache, she doesn't want to see a doctor.

- Despite/In spite of terrible stomach ache, she doesn't want to see a doctor.

- She decided to see her doctor because she had terrible stomach ache. However, the
doctor said that everything was all right.

Although, even though, despite, and in spite of can stand at the beginning or in the middle of the
sentence. However usually stands at the beginning of the sentence. (Although, even though,
despite, i in spite of mogu da stoje na početku ili u sredini rečenice. However obično stoji na
početku rečenice.)

Look at the activity 7 at page 73. Check your answers on p 134. Then do activity 8. (Pogledajte
vježbu 7 na str.73. Provjerite odgovore na str. 134. Zatim uradite vježbu 8.)

Key 2c).

A She's telling the truth. (this is a real smile)

17. Connecting words: although, even though, despite, in spite of, however

B She's lying. (her eyes are going left)

C She's telling the truth. (She's looking up)

D She's lying. (she's touching her nose and covering her mouth)

Key 3b). 1 80%, 2 more, 3 often smile a lot, 4 left, 5 right, 6 mouth

Key 6a).

1 because he wrote bad cheques.

2 Because his hair was already going grey.

3 he found out that pilots could fly foe free as guests on other airlines.

4 A lawyer (he passed his law exams the third time he took them).

5 Miami and France

6 Five years

Key 8.

2 Robin slept really well, in spite of the noise.

In spite of the noise, Robin slept really well. (all following sentences can be reversed this same
way, except sentence 4)

3 Even though I don't get paid very much, I enjoy my job.

4 Erica was well-qualified. However, she didn't get the job.

5 We enjoyed the concert, even though there weren't many people there.

6 They watched the TV all night, despite having to work the next day.

7 Even though the teacher explained it twice, I still didn't understand it.


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