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Example Sentence (Comparing Two Pieces of Travel

Word Definition Writing)

Similarly, both authors describe the breathtaking

Similarly In a like manner; likewise
mountain scenery.

Conversely, one author focuses on the urban landscape,

Conversely In an opposite or contrary manner
while the other explores the countryside.

Both pieces of travel writing are humorous; likewise, they

Likewise In the same way; also
both share personal anecdotes.

The first piece is written in a conversational style,

However In contrast or comparison; but
however, the second piece is more formal.

The first author encountered difficulties during their

Nevertheless In spite of that; notwithstanding
journey; nevertheless, they appreciated the experience.

Additionally, both travel writings provide in-depth cultural

Additionally In addition; also; moreover

From another point of view; The first piece is filled with vivid imagery; on the other
On the other hand
alternatively hand, the second piece focuses on historical context.

While the first piece highlights the food culture, the

While Whereas; in contrast
second piece emphasizes local customs.

Whereas the first author describes the journey

Whereas In contrast or comparison chronologically, the second author organizes the narrative


In comparison, the first piece offers more personal

The act of comparing or the state of
In comparison experiences, while the second piece is focused on
being compared
descriptions of the locations.
Despite the different writing styles, both pieces convey a
Despite Without being affected by; in spite of
strong sense of place.

Even though; though; in spite of the Although both authors visit the same city, their
fact that experiences and perspectives are quite different.

The first author's tone is serious, yet they still manage to

Yet But; nevertheless; still; in spite of that
convey the excitement of their journey.

In contrast, the first piece focuses on the author's

A striking difference between two
In contrast personal growth, while the second piece is more about
things when compared
the destination itself.

Unlike the first piece, the second piece describes the

Unlike Different from; not like; not similar to
destination from a historical perspective.

Even though both authors visit the same country, their

Even though Despite the fact that; although
writing styles are vastly different.

Used to emphasize that two things Both pieces of travel writing offer valuable insights into
are true the local culture and customs.

The reader can either enjoy the vivid descriptions of the

Used to indicate a choice between
Either...or first piece or the historical context provided in the second
two possibilities

Used to indicate that neither of two Neither piece of travel writing focuses on the challenges
things is true or applicable faced by the authors during their trips.

Instead of focusing on the tourist attractions, both

Instead As an alternative or substitute
authors delve into the everyday lives of the locals.

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