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April 17th, 2023

Capstone Project Update:

By the end of this week, I plan to accomplish my title page, introduction, and headings for my financial

guide booklet for young adults. I have about 6 sources that I will incorporate which My aunt who is

retired from the tax industry sent to me, so they have very relevant and important information. I want

to read up to page 150 in the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad that I am reading to continue to build my

knowledge and make notes. Currently, I am currently on page 90 of the book. I want to watch the film

on Netflix “Get Smart with Money.” It's about financial advisors who do Ted Talks and give people advice

about how to stop living paycheck to paycheck and make your money work for you by having more in

your pocket after you pay your expenses. The film also helps people who make a lot of money be smart

with their spending. I also plan to finish watching The Big Short documentary which follows three

storylines of financial opportunists who discovered and predicted the 2007 American housing bubble

crash and decided to bet against it and how it made them millions because they put their money in the

right place at the right time.

My plan is to set consecutive dates to go out to West Vancouver to meet with my dad’s friend who

works in finance so that I can interview him and gather some important information to add to my guide.

I plan to spend 3 hours a day this week working hard on this project. I plan to work on this project during

my study block at school every day and work with Ms. Thandi each day as well as spend time at home on

my computer working on this. The material that I will use is my Rich Dad, Poor Dad book by Robert

Kiyosaki and Sharon Lecter, my computer, and tv. My mentor will be my dad’s friend, Mr. Purcell, the

finance expert that I plan to interview hopefully this week and next week, depending on his availability.

Obstacles that I anticipate are, the research aspect of my project and being able to have the time to do

extensive research and gather information. Another obstacle is the schedule of the person that I want to
interview, being able to meet with him depends on their personal availability and could pose as a


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