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Week of: 3/28-4/1

A Note From The Teacher

What We Are Learning
Please remind Literacy- We just finished a wonderful
unit about Perseverance and will be
your child to starting a Genre Study on Biographies,
specifically individuals who have made
charge their a difference in the world.
Chromebook as 4th Math- We will be testing on Topic 10
we use these on 3/30 and then will be starting Topic
11 which is taking data and putting it on
daily in class :) a Line Plot/ Reading Line Plots. This is a
very short topic and will be tested the
following week.
Reminders Social Studies: We will be
taking a quiz every Friday
We will be returning to the regarding our Studies
lunch room after Spring Break. Weekly Content. We just
Your child has already been finished Explorers and will
assigned a table with their be moving on to sources,
friends, and we have already primary vs. secondary
reviewed the lunchroom
expectations and

Upcoming Events
Math Topic 10 Test- Wednesday 3/30
Weekly Studies Weekly Test on weeks
20/21 on Friday 4/1

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