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Sample Lesson Plan

Name: Sample from Russia Length of lesson: 60 min

1. Overview description of your students (how many, age, language level, and purposes
for studying English) One girl aged 18, language level A2, studies English “to be able to
speak to people while travelling and online communication”

2. What aspect(s) of critical thinking does this lesson work on? Giving own clear
perspective, analyzing evidence, identifying alternative perspectives, avoiding bias,
comparing the contexts

3. What aspect(s) of intercultural awareness and culture does this lesson work on? identifying
cultural elements in a picture, comparing them to elements from the student's own local culture

4. In this lesson, I anticipate students will be challenged by:

• Grammar: though the student has a vocabulary knowledge at a2 level, her
grammar is at a1 level, we haven't come across present continuous yet, and
describing the actions in the picture is going to be difficult
• The idea of identifying another perspective could seem unusual and of no
purpose to the student
• Vocabulary: some of the names of the objects in the picture can be unknown

5. To address these challenges, I plan to (note the specific activities that will
address these challenges):
• use some other structures to describe the picture, such as "this is", "there is" and
suggestive yes/no questions in present continuous, so that the student will be
able to answer them correctly
• discuss the importance of identifying other perspectives beforehand, maybe using
some L1
• elicit or learn the vocabulary before looking at the pictures, using flashcards

6. This is the way I will assess my students (note specific stages and specific activities that
you will use for assessment):
At each stage of the lesson we will learn one of the elements for describing, analyzing and
interpreting the pictures, or for comparing the two cultures.
At the end of the lesson the student will be given another picture and a checklist to see if
she can do the elements learned in the lesson. Here's the checklist:
1) I can say what and who exactly I can see in the picture.
2) I can find clues in the picture.
3) I can analyze the clues and suppose who the people are and what they are

© 2021 by World Learning. Sample Lesson Plan (Russia) for the Online Professional English
Network (OPEN), sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S.
government and administered by FHI 360. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 License, except where noted. To view a copy of this license, visit

doing. For this I use such words as "maybe", "I think/feel/believe that",
"some", "sometimes, often". I'm able not to use "all", "always, never".
4) I can give another variant of who the people are and what they are doing, and find
clues for it.
5) When I learn the caption to the picture, I can tell where I was right and where
I was wrong
6) I can compare what I see in the picture and what I usually see at home.

Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to...

• name at least five objects, three people and two movements that are shown in the

• make up at least two sentences to interpret the picture, providing at least one evidence
for each statement

• identify at least one more possible interpretation, describing it at least in one sentence,
providing at least one evidence for each statement

• name at least one element in the picture that could identify specific culture

• make up at least four sentences of comparison of the elements in the picture with the
same elements of her own country

• use the words "maybe", "I think/feel/believe that", "some", "sometimes, often" at least
one time for each task, when making judgments, in order to avoid bias

Detailed Lesson / Activity Plan Steps

Role of the
focus (what Questions that
Lesson teacher...
kind of I will ask the
content/ The student (my role, and
Time language will students to
Activity will... what I will be
the students deepen their
stages paying
be using learning
attention to)
/ practicing)
3-5 Warm-up Have a small talk Vocabulary: Eliciting vocabulary • How are you?
min with me about her • family that is going to be • Did you....
day and her family. members used later in the today?
• everyday lesson. • What do you
activities usually do in the
• emotions evening?
• What do your
family members
• How do you feel
when you do it?
5-7 Revising • say what she Vocabulary: Show the • What is this?
min grammar sees in the • Food flashcards, paying • What is there in
and flashcards • kitchen attention to the the picture?
vocabulary • learn some new utensils structures that we • Is it...?
words such as • appearance use to describe • Are they?
gather, fridge, • furniture pictures. • What can you
stove, souvenirs, see here?
etc. Grammar:
• This is...
• There is ...
• I can see...

Short answers.
7 min Describing Name the exact Vocabulary: Show one of the • What can you
the picture people and things • everyday pictures from see in the
that she can see activities https://www.nyti picture?
in the photo. • food • What is this?
• kitchen /24/dining/family- • What is there in
utensils meals-around-the the picture?
• appearance -world.html • Is it...?
• furniture (Riyadh, Saudi • Are they?
Arabia by • Are you sure?
Grammar: Tasneem
• This is... Alsultan), hiding
• There is ... the caption.
• I can see...
Ask questions,
Short answers. making sure the

sentences contain
description, not
7 min Giving own Try to interpret the Vocabulary: Remind the • Who are they?
perspective picture, using the • family student about the • Where are they
words that show members difference from?
that it is • everyday between • What time is it?
supposition, not activities description and • What do they
facts. Try to prove • "maybe" interpretation, plan to do?
her point of view, • "I think/ remind the student • How can you
providing the feel/ believe about the words know that?
evidence from the that" that help to
picture. • "some" express that you
• "sometimes/ don't know
often" everything. Help
the student
interpret the
picture, asking
questions if
needed. Ask to
support her idea.
5-7 Thinking of Try to interpret the Vocabulary: Ask the student if • Could it be…,
min another picture in a • "maybe" one more not…?
perspective different way, also • "I think/ interpretation is • How can you
finding some clues feel/ believe possible, help with prove it?
in the picture that…" ideas if needed
• "some"
• "sometimes/
5 min Revealing Read the caption Vocabulary: Listen to the • How can you
and and say which of • family student’s prove it?
discussing her ideas were members conclusions,
the caption right and which • everyday making sure the
were wrong activities proofs from the
caption are
10 Comparing Compare the Vocabulary: Give the student • What do you
min the two cultural elements • “In the the patterns to usually do/ have
cultures in the picture with picture…, describe in your family?
the cultural but in my differences and • Is it the same?
elements from her family, …” to similarities. Help to • Is it different?
own culture describe find items for
differences comparison, if
(Optional: search
and the needed.
for the cultural

elements in the pattern

picture of the • “In the
student’s family picture and
evening, which she in my family,
could prepare in …” to
advance) describe
10-15 Doing the Consulting the Grammar and Give the student • Did you like the
min activity by check-list, try to vocabulary the check-list and activity?
herself. analyze another points from all another picture • What did you
Reflection. picture by herself, the steps above. (e.g. Texas, United (not) like about
assessing herself Modal verbs States by Dimitri it?
on what she can can/cannot. Staszewski). Help • What did you
do and what she with/ explain some learn?
can’t. Reflecting on of the steps if
the activity. needed. Make sure
every step is
assessed by the
student. Ask
questions to

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