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Carbon Cycle Topic List

Answer all questions in RED!

1. Insert an image of the Carbon Cycle. In your own words, explain the overall
process of the carbon cycle.
2. What are organic molecules?
Organic molecules are molecules that contain carbon. Organic molecules are
usually found in living systems.
CO2 and CO are inorganic!
3. Where do plants, animals, and organisms deep in the oceans get their energy
Organisms deep in the ocean get their energy from chemosynthesis. Hydrogen
sulfide molecules are released from hydrothermal vents (at divergent
boundaries) and organisms use these molecules for energy.
4. What happens when wood is burned (to the molecules, energy)?
When wood is burned, it is turned into ash and gas (CO2 and vapor).
Molecules are broken down and turn into new molecules but atoms are
Heat and light (energy) are produced.
5. What are biological ways for inorganic carbon to be returned to the
atmosphere? What are abiotic ways?
Abiotic = not from living organisms
Biotic/biological = from living organisms
Inorganic carbon enters our atmosphere abiotically via fossil fuel burning/wood
Inorganic carbon enters our atmosphere biotically via animal and plant
6. Waste product(s) of consuming food
Waste products of consuming food (specifically glucose) are water and carbon

7. Write the balanced equations for the following:

a. Photosynthesis
6H2O + 6CO2 → C6H12O6 + 6O2
b. Cellular respiration
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6H2O + 6CO2
8. What is aerobic respiration?
Aerobic respiration (also known as cellular respiration) is the process in which
all organisms use glucose and oxygen for energy and create carbon dioxide and
water as waste products
9. Discuss the “slow” carbon cycle and the role of the ocean in this cycle?
The slow carbon cycle initiates when atmospheric carbon combines with water
to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). This acid falls (as rain) on rocks and it dissolves
them. When the rocks dissolve they form ions such as calcium and these ions
flow into the rivers, which lead to the ocean. In the ocean, the calcium ions
react with carbonate and produce calcium carbonate, which makes the shells of
different organisms. When these organisms die, they sink to the bottom of the
ocean where layers of sediment are buried and carbon is stored in limestone.
10.What is released during the decomposition of bacteria and fungi in
decomposing animal/plant waste?
Decomposition of bacteria and fungi in decomposing animal/plant waste
releases carbon dioxide.
11.How do animals help recycle carbon atoms in the carbon cycle?
Animals eat plants that produce glucose (takes them in) then release carbon
dioxide as a waste product returning the carbon back to the atmosphere.
12.How do humans negatively affect the carbon cycle?
The burning of fossil fuels is adding more carbon into the atmosphere than
there should be which is then overloading the amount of carbon, which plants
cannot compensate for.
13.What is one of the largest carbon reservoirs? Smallest?
The lithosphere (rocks) is the largest carbon reservoir.
The atmosphere is the smallest carbon reservoir.
14.What effect does deforestation have on this cycle?
Deforestation is the process of cutting down trees. Trees take in the carbon
dioxide that is in the atmosphere and turn it into oxygen for animals to breathe.
If there are fewer trees, there is less oxygen being produced and more carbon
dioxide staying in the atmosphere.
15. What is the natural residence time of carbon in the atmosphere? The hydrosphere? The
geosphere? The biosphere?
Atmosphere: 100s of years; Hydrosphere: 1000s of years; Biosphere: days-years;
geosphere: 1,000,000’s of years

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