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Newell District

Watchwell P.A
St. Elizabeth

April 25, 2022

To: Cc. Chief Executive Officer

Ms. Brown
Black River Hospital
Cc. Director of Nursing Services
Ms. Stamp
Black River Hospital

Re: Break in and entering of an unknown man on Male Ward One

I was assigned to male ward one on April 18, 2022, during 10pm to 7am shift. The persons
assigned on duty were Registered Nurse B. Fletcher, Enrolled Assistant Nurse V. Hylton and
myself Registered Nurse k. Powell. The supporting staffs were Psychiatric Nurse Aide J. Watson
and Patient Care Assistant K. Davis.

Approximately 1:20am, I was informed by Patient Care Assistant K. Davis that an unknown man
was seen on the unit who is not a patient. He was noted to be at the bedside of the patient
assigned to Side room 2. This man was seen using said patient’s phone and had ganja in his
possession. Patient Care Assistant K. Davis retrieved a small scissor from him and gave it to me.
The man was instructed to leave the ward which he did willingly. Psychiatric Nursing Aide J.
Watson was called urgently where he reported that both the grill and door were closed. At this
time, the other members of staff were on their break. They were later informed of the incident.
The morning staff and sisters on duty were later informed of the incident.

Yours truly,


Krysta Powell

Registered Nurse

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