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The growth of India in recent decades is no doubt exponential but there are still many
threats to Internal Security of India which we as a Citizen shall understand and help in
spreading awareness about them to solve these problems. Below are some of the Current
threats which effects Internal security of India-

1) Communal Violence - The condition of India is becoming worse in case of Communal

Harmony and more and more Communal Violence is seen among different religious groups
which is a big threat to India internally.
The followers of one religion have become bitter enemies of the followers of the
other religion. The enmity between the people of religious groups have increased so much so,
that to belong to one particular religion is reason enough for becoming enemy of the other
religion. If someone has any doubts about the seriousness of the situation, they should look at
the 2020s Delhi Riots which resulted in death of 50+ people and 400+ Injured with
destruction of many shops and buildings. This Riots are mostly instigated by so called
Religious Leaders, Political Leaders, and Media. The profession of journalism was once
considered to be respectable but today it is in a dirty mess. These people write or speak
against another community with big bold headlines which provoke the constant feeling of
hatred and enmity among communities.
The youth of India are now fleeing away from those religions which teach hatred and
communal violence. They have become so open in their outlook that they don’t look at
people as Hindus, Muslims or Sikh but first as a human being and then as Indians. With the
rise of these thoughts in the youth of India, I see hope for the future of India. Indians should
not get upset at the news of these riots, but they should seek to not built a communal
environment which results in riots.

2) Cybersecurity Threats - As India is becoming more digital and technologically advanced

the security threats are also increasing. In India, phishing attacks have been on the rise in
recent years. One notable example is the 2017 phishing attack on the Reserve Bank of India
that resulted in the theft of over $1 million. Malware attacks are also common in India. In
2016, the WannaCry ransomware attack hit several Indian organizations, including the
Andhra Pradesh police force and Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL).
There are many Cyberattack from Chinese Hackers to get leverage in India-Chinese
Border issues and disrupt the system like on 6 April 2022 Chinese state-sponsored hackers
had targeted India’s power grids in Ladakh. A part of China’s cyber espionage campaign, the
sustained targeting of the power grids was possibly aimed at collecting information on India’s
critical infrastructure or preparing for their sabotage in the future. What technical information
the hackers had collected through this breach remains unknown.
3) Terrorism – Terrorism is still prevalent in various parts J&K and some North East Indian
regions. Such as the recent attack in Poonch where an Army Truck was attacked and 5
Soldiers were killed with 1 Injured, terror group People's Anti-Fascist Front (PAFF), a proxy
wing of Jaish-e-Mohammed, has claimed responsibility for the attack.
Hence terrorism is still a major threat to India and Indian Government still get
threatening messages from Terrorist Groups.

4) Illegal Migration – Illegal Migration is one of the major Internal Issues in India to be
specific in North East part of India. Illegal Migration leads to Demographic Confusion having
some serious political, social, economic tensions and conflicts which are seen in Assam,
Meghalaya, Tripura, and some other States.
It may also lead to Local population becoming a minority in their own states and
can further lead to land shortages and alienations especially for the Tribal population. Illegal
Migration also results in formation of Insurgent groups like All Tripura Tiger Force and
subsequently establishing links with Anti-India Forces and Groups.

5) Circulation of Fake Currency - Circulation of Fake Indian Currency Notes in the country
continues to pose a challenge even after the 2016 demonetisation, whose one of the key
objectives was to eradicate counterfeiting of notes. According to report of the National Crime
Control Bureau (NCRB), Fake Notes with the face value of Rs 245.33 crore has been seized
by the law enforcement agencies across the country since 2016 - the year the Centre
demonetised Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes. So it is proven that the demonetisation didn’t help
much in avoiding Fake Currency.
Hence Fake Currency still poses big threat to Internal Security as this currency are
used to fund Terror Networks, Drug Cartels and Import illicit weapons in the country. And
Different routes are used to push it in the economy which also effects the economy negatively

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