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This project proposal has provided me with the greatest experience directing a team. I found myself
delegating and making several decisions with the assistance and input of my team members. I believed it
was critical to guarantee that the team was constantly moving in the same direction. Major communication
channels like Facebook Groups and Google meet were quite useful in facilitating contact among members.
We knew what the following stages were and when they were due. I also learned that having a great group
mates will also have a great impact of the project proposal.

As we were trying to stick to our agreed action plans, we were constantly rushing to meet deadlines.
Deadlines for the first draft. Deadlines for the interview transcript. Deadlines for the final draft. And so on
and so forth. I really appreciate the teams' effort despite all their busy schedule. Sure, there were times
when some of the deadlines were not met,.Overall, I believe the proposal provided a broad learning
opportunity. It was also an opportunity to get to know some of the class participants on a more personal
basis. The survey and group discussions were excellent exercises for testing one's abilities to manage such
situations cooperatively and for gaining exposure to something that one does not often experience in any
other semester. Utilizing helpful remarks from your team members goes a long way because they provide a
different view on your work and your methods.

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