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Awareness Regarding Cyber Victimization Among Students of University


Amina Yasmeen Ahmed
Session (2019-2023)


This humble effort
The fruit of studies and thoughts
The Holy Prophet

Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W)

The ocean of knowledge and
The greatest social reformer

In the name of Allah, the most gracious and most merciful. First and foremost, I am
thankful to Allah Almighty for giving me the strength, knowledge, ability, and opportunity
to undertake this study and complete it satisfactorily.
Secondly, personally I am a victim of cyber-crime and I want to aware about cyber-crime.
That’s why I want to do research on this topic. And then I am humbly thankful to my
supervisor prof. Noreen Akhtar, Department of Statistics, the University of Sargodha,
whose worthy continuous guidance, support, and patience during my research study is
appreciable in completing this dissertation.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank my parents Mr. and Mrs. Zahoor Ahmed for
their support, appreciation, encouragement, and a keen interest in my academic
achievements; without you, none of this would indeed be possible.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 ...................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1
1 Cyber-crime: ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Definitions of Cybercrimes:.................................................................................... 1
1.2. Origin of the Internet:............................................................................................ 2
1.3. Computer Crimes:.................................................................................................. 3
1.4. Cybercrimes & Conventional Crimes: ................................................................. 3
1.5. Types of Cybercrime:............................................................................................. 4
1.5.1. Phishing Scams: ............................................................................................... 4
1.5.2. Website Spoofing: ............................................................................................ 5
1.5.3. Ransomware: ................................................................................................... 6
1.5.4. Malware:........................................................................................................... 7
1.5.5. IOT Hacking: ................................................................................................... 7
1.5.6. Cyber Pornography:........................................................................................ 8
1.5.7. Cyber Stalking: ................................................................................................ 9
1.5.8. Digital Piracy: .................................................................................................. 9
1.6. Targets of Cyber Crimes: .................................................................................... 10
1.7. Conclusion: ........................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................... 10
REVIEW OF LITERATURE ........................................................................................ 10
CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................... 15
METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................... 15
3.1. Graph & Charts: .................................................................................................. 15
3.1.1. Types: .............................................................................................................. 16
3.2. Sampling: .............................................................................................................. 26
3.2.1. Types of Sampling: ........................................................................................ 27

3.3.1. Formulation of Hypothesis: ......................................................................... 37
3.3.4. Calculation: .................................................................................................... 38
3.3.6. Conclusion: ..................................................................................................... 39
3.4. Chi-Square: ........................................................................................................... 39
3.4.1. Independence: ................................................................................................ 40
3.4.2. Goodness of Fit: ............................................................................................. 41
3.4.3. Test of Homogeneity:..................................................................................... 41
CHAPTER 4 .................................................................................................................... 42
DATA ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................... 42
4.1 Description of Data analysis:................................................................................ 42
4.2 Figures of Results .................................................................................................. 42
4.2 Testing .................................................................................................................... 48
4.3 Chi Square Test ..................................................................................................... 48
CHAPTER 5 .................................................................................................................... 61
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................... 61
RECOMMENDATION .................................................................................................. 62
References ........................................................................................................................ 63
APPENDIX:..................................................................................................................... 65


1 Cyber-crime:
Any activity carried out using a computer, digital devices, and networks in the cyber realm and
aided by the internet medium. It can refer to the remote theft of data belonging to an individual,
government, or corporate sector via unlawful trespassing into unauthorized remote networks all
over the world. From stealing millions of rupees from an online bank to harassing and stalking
cyber users, it all falls under this category.

Sending viruses to different systems or posting defamatory messages are additional examples of
cybercrime. Cybercrime can be committed by:

o The computer as target-computer attacks (e.g spreading viruses etc.)

o The computer as a tool for fraud or unlawful gambling
o As an accessory, the computer can be used to store unlawful or stolen data.

1.1 Definitions of Cybercrimes:

The phrase "cybercrime" is also used interchangeably with technological crime, high-tech crime,
high-technology crime, internet crime, economic crime, electronic crime, digital crime, and other
names individuals use to characterize crimes done with computers or information technology

The absence of a standard definition for the term cybercrime is a fundamental challenge for the
research of cybercrime, but certain jurists have worked on it to some extent. "Cybercrime is a
generic word that refers to all criminal activity conducted through the medium of computers, the
internet, cyberspace, and the worldwide web," according to Wikipedia. In other words, it is
described as a crime in which a computer is either the intended victim or is utilized as a tool to
commit the crime. This definition is also not exhaustive of all connected issues, because mobile
phones are occasionally used to perpetrate this crime, and this definition excludes mobile phones.

Dr. Debarati Halder and Dr. K. Jaishankar have provided a good definition that encompasses a few
more aspects of modern technology. Their concept of cybercrime is as follows:

Offenses committed against individuals or groups of individuals with a criminal intent to

intentionally harm the victim's reputation or cause physical or mental harm to the victim, either

directly or indirectly, through the use of modern telecommunication networks such as the Internet
(chat rooms, emails, notice boards, and groups) and mobile phones (SMS/MMS).

The definition offered above encompasses all facets of cybercrime that exist in Pakistani society.
Instead of attempting to comprehend cybercrime as a single phenomenon, it may be more
appropriate to consider the term to refer to a variety of illegal actions whose "common
denominator" is the major role played by information and communication technology (ICT)
networks in their commission.

1.2. Origin of the Internet:

Cybercrime arose and grew as a result of the Internet and other technological breakthroughs that
provided people with new opportunities to wreak harm in society. It starts with the advancement
of the Internet, presuming that the former could and would not exist without the latter. The Internet
provides the necessary electronically created environment in which it takes place. Because we use
the Internet for communication, we encounter several issues and lose billions of dollars in online
transactions each year.

The history of cybercrime can be traced back to the development of a network, The Advanced
Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), sponsored by the United States military in the
1960s. The main goal of ARPANET was to establish means for secure and resilient communication
and coordination of military activities in the face of nuclear confrontations. The ARPANET's
technology would enable communications to be divided into 'packets,' which could then be
transported over a variety of various routes to their destinations, where they could be reassembled
into their original form. ARPANET's establishment was critical in the advancement of the internet,
which opened the door to research.

In the 1970s, several networks parallel to the ARPANET were built, including the United
Kingdom's Joint Academic Network (JANET) and the United States American National Science
Foundation Network (NSFNET); during this time, electronic email was introduced.

When the National Science Foundation (NSF) financed the Computer Science Network (CSNET)
in 1981, access to ARPANET was increased, and the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) was
implemented as the standard networking protocol on the ARPANET in 1982. The NSF financed
the creation of national supercomputing facilities at numerous colleges in the early 1980s, and

interconnectivity was offered in 1986 with the NSFNET project, which also allowed network
access to supercomputer locations in the United States for research and education institutions.

Commercial Internet Service Providers (ISPs) first appeared in the 1980s, and private connections
to the Internet by commercial entities spread quickly. In 1990 and 1995, respectively, the
ARPANET and the NSFNET were decommissioned, removing the last restrictions on the use of
the Internet to carry commercial traffic. Since its inception in the mid-1990s, the Internet has had
a transformative influence on culture and business. The research and education communities
continue to create and use sophisticated networks such as the National Science Foundation's very
high-speed Backbone Network Service (BNS), Internet2, and National Lambda Rail.

Netscape browser was the first commercial browser, debuted in 1994 by Microsoft with their
browser, Internet Explorer. The commercialization of the Internet has caused several concerns for
the entire world. This is a watershed moment in internet history that has caused several difficulties
for the world.

1.3. Computer Crimes:

Developing nations (such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and third-world countries)
typically lag in technology improvements, but computers have created new and difficult issues,
such as white-collar computer crimes. Computer crimes are classified as "white collar crime,"
which is a subset of financial crime. It is a crime against property perpetrated by upper-class
members of society who are educated, rich, socially connected, and employed in any recognized
institution. Because of his social standing in society, the top-class offender is less likely to be
captured in this situation. As a result, these perpetrators avoid punishment after committing these

Greed, profit, adventure, lust, desire to access forbidden knowledge, disordered thinking, publicity,
and retribution are among the reasons for committing these crimes. These crimes pose a significant
risk to the company's reputation. Surprisingly, many companies engage in white-collar computer
crimes for profit.

1.4. Cybercrimes & Conventional Crimes:

Crime is as old as human civilization. Before the development of contemporary equipment,
traditional crimes were prevalent in society. Many new offenses were introduced when
breakthroughs in the sphere of ICT occurred. Crimes conducted utilizing computers, either directly

or indirectly, are referred to as cybercrimes, whereas those done using traditional tactics or
methods are referred to as conventional crimes. Cybercrime is currently one of the most difficult
concerns that governments confront. Even though cybercrime is based on traditional offenses, it is
tough to manage.

There appears to be no distinction between the two. However, a thorough investigation reveals its
differentiation, which is based on the media employed in committing the crime. When a cybernetic
intermediary is employed, it is referred to as cybercrime or computer crime; when no technical
equipment is utilized, it is referred to as conventional crime.

1.5. Types of Cybercrime:

Many new crimes are developing as a result of the advancement of information technology. It is
difficult to cover all of them because such crimes are constantly evolving. However, a few of them
that are well-known are explained to comprehend their nature and complexities. Financial crimes
are explored in depth here since they affect both organizations and people. The advent of the World
Wide Web provided unparalleled access to information while also creating unforeseen chances to
assault information assets. Appropriate comprehension of these crimes is required to legislate on
these matters; without proper understanding, efforts to avoid them cannot be implemented.

o Phishing Scams
o Website Spoofing
o Ransomware
o Malware
o IOT Hacking
o Cyber Pornography
o Cyber Stalking
o Digital Piracy

1.5.1. Phishing Scams:

Phishing is a type of cybercrime that involves the use of false emails, websites, and text messages
to steal sensitive personal and business information.

Victims are duped into disclosing personal information like as credit card information, phone
numbers, mailing addresses, corporate information, and so on. Criminals then utilize this
information to steal the victim's identity and commit more crimes using the stolen identity.

Criminals that use phishing methods are effective because they meticulously conceal themselves
behind emails and websites that the target victim is acquainted with.

For example, the email address may be rather than, and the receiver would be urged to change their account credentials
to protect themselves against fraud.

Phishing is a sort of social engineering used by criminals to steal information, infect computers,
and gain access to enterprise networks.

1.5.2. Website Spoofing:

Website spoofing, also known as domain spoofing, happens when a fraudster establishes a phony
website that seems like a legitimate organization, sometimes with the intent of collecting visitors'
personal information.

Many people believe that identity theft solely impacts individuals. The fact is that company
identities are continuously under threat. Website spoofing occurs when the identity of a website is

Spoofed websites, like counterfeit apparel, may range from easy to notice to quite difficult to
identify. However, if you fall for a bogus website, you risk jeopardizing your sensitive information.
Due to the rising threat that faked domains offer to customers, it's critical to understand the
strategies used by spoofers in their scams—and how to avoid them.

Registering a domain name is simple and needs little monitoring. There are certain safeguards in
place to prohibit the creation of almost similar names, but scammers are resourceful enough to
find loopholes. If they can disguise the identity of their website as anything else, their objective
will be nearly complete.

After falling for a faked website, a person is likely to go on with their typical conduct without
hesitation. This might entail providing their login and password or credit card information, which
is precisely what the fraudster wants.

Even if you believe everything is normal, the website is keeping whatever information you input.
The fraudster will then be able to use your login details to get access to a legitimate website or any
other website that utilizes the same username and password. Or they'll have stored your credit card
information and used it to go on a shopping spree with your money.

Another risk of phishing websites is that they might be configured to install malware on your
machine. This is possibly more dangerous since they may acquire access to whatever data you
save on that device.

1.5.3. Ransomware:
Ransomware is a sort of malicious software, sometimes known as malware, that prohibits you
from accessing your computer files, systems, or networks and demands a ransom in exchange for
their recovery. Ransomware attacks may result in costly operational interruptions as well as the
loss of important information and data.

By opening an email attachment, clicking an ad, following a link, or even visiting a website that
contains malware, you might unwittingly get ransomware onto your computer.

When the code is loaded on a computer, it prevents access to the computer or the data and files
stored on it. More advanced versions include the ability to encrypt files and folders on local
devices, connected drives, and even networked PCs.

The majority of the time, you are unaware that your computer has been infected. You normally
find out about it when you can't access your data anymore or when you see computer messages
informing you of the attack and demanding ransom money.

Being a cautious and attentive computer user is the greatest method to prevent being exposed to
ransomware—or any form of infection. Malware distributors have become more sophisticated, and
you must be cautious about what you download and click on.

Other suggestions:

o Maintain current and up-to-date operating systems, software, and applications.

o Check that anti-virus and anti-malware solutions are set to update automatically and do
frequent scans.
o Back up data regularly and double-check that backups are complete.

o Protect your backups. Check that they are not connected to the computers or networks that
are being backed up.
o Create a backup plan in case your company or organization is hit by a ransomware assault.

1.5.4. Malware:
Malware attacks are typical types of cyberattacks in which malware (usually malicious software)
performs illegal operations on the victim's system. Malicious software (sometimes known as
viruses) comprises a wide range of assaults, including ransomware, spyware, command and
control, and others.

Malware deployment has been suspected (and in some cases, caught) by criminal groups,
governmental actors, and even well-known enterprises. Because of their serious impact, certain
malware assaults, like other forms of cyber-attacks, receive mainstream press attention. The
WannaCry ransomware assault is an example of a well-known malware attack.

Malware attack vectors are classified into three types:

o Trojan Horse: A software that looks to be one thing (e.g., a game, a beneficial application,
etc.) but is a virus delivery mechanism. A trojan horse requires the user to download it
(often through the internet or as an email attachment) and execute it on the target.
o Virus: A virus is a sort of self-propagating malware that uses code injection to infect other
programs/files (or even sections of a target's operating system and/or hard drive). This
nature of malware propagation via injection into existing software/data distinguishes
between a virus and a trojan horse (which has purposely built malware into one specific
application and does not make attempts to infect others).
o Worm: A worm is malware that is meant to spread to other computers. While viruses and
trojan horse malware are restricted to one infected target system, worms aggressively seek
new systems to infect (often without any human intervention).

1.5.5. IOT Hacking:

The Internet of Things is a brave new world that has given the web access to insights into our
everyday routines and commercial activities. All of these internet-connected items are gathering
and transferring data, whether we like it or not. As you are aware, data is precious, and as such,
hackers will want to exploit any gadgets that collect it.

The more "things" we link, the sweeter the payoff for hackers. That is why it is critical to remember
that both personal and commercial passwords belong to persons... with memories that we know
will let us down from time to time.

Remember that while working in a company, everyone must take personal responsibility for
maintaining their cybersecurity. Based on what you know about your unique infrastructure and
team, you must prioritize your risks and consider the scenarios that are most likely to affect you.
Don't put off taking preventative measures until it's too late. Maintain your focus on what is coming
and try to bring your team up to speed to construct the best protection against cyberattacks.

1.5.6. Cyber Pornography:

The "internet has given an efficient way of communication and access to a multitude of
information" throughout the previous few decades.

It is a "useful tool," yet it may also be harmful to the safety of children in the face of countless
internet dangers."

Cyber pornography is thought to be the largest industry on the Internet today. Millions of
pornographic websites are proof of this business/industry that promotes pornographic websites,
pornographic online magazines, pornographic photographs, videos, books, and writings. Though
pornography is not banned in many nations, child pornography is legally prohibited in the majority
of them.

"During the previous decade, the fast rise of electronic and computer-based communication and
information sharing has transformed individuals' social interactions, learning methodologies, and
choice of entertainment."

The Internet has produced a new communication tool, particularly for young people, whose usage
of e-mail, websites, instant messaging, webcams, chat rooms, social networking sites, and text
messaging is growing rapidly throughout the world.

"There is the possibility for minors to be harmed via cyberspace through online sexual solicitation
and access to pornography," according to the report. Indeed, the internet is "overflowing with

unsuitable information, such as pornography, chatrooms with adult themes, and access to instant
messaging where others may misrepresent themselves."

Because children are actively "utilizing the internet where unknown persons might have access to
them or where they can be exposed to harmful sexual content, they require protection and
\seduction in safe internet use".

The cost of sexual exploitation to children and society is just too high to ignore the dangers of
internet solicitation.

1.5.7. Cyber Stalking:

Stalking is not a new occurrence; since the dawn of civilization, powerful individuals have used
various strategies to pursue the weaker; since then, this strategy has been employed to stalk the

It is described as "the stalking of another individual via the Internet, e-mail, or other electronic
communications devices." In other words, "an element that the person being followed must
legitimately feel disturbed, scared, or distressed about personal safety or the safety of one or more
others for whom that person is responsible".

The use of "the internet, e-mail, or other electronic communications devices to stalk another
person" is referred to as stalking. The same concept applies to businesses, as larger and more
powerful organizations want to crush smaller and weaker competitors.

1.5.8. Digital Piracy:

Theft of digital ideas, innovations, and artistic expression includes anything from commercial
secrets and proprietary goods and parts to movies, music, and software.

It's an increasing concern, especially as digital technology and Internet file-sharing networks

Digital piracy is the "illegal copying of digital products (including trademarks), software
(including source code), digital documents, digital music and video for any reason other than to
back up without clear permission from and compensation to the copyright owners. Copyright
infringement, trademark infringement, computer theft, and software piracy are a few instances of
intellectual property crimes. Downloading copyrighted content is not merely digital piracy;
uploading a copyrighted work without the owner's consent is also copyright infringement.

1.6. Targets of Cyber Crimes:
The underworld criminal does not have a specific aim, but the databases and archives of
governments, as well as national security infrastructures, are important targets.

Because they contain vast amounts of private, top-secret social, economic, and military
information, they are prime targets for cyber exploitation by the criminal underworld. Furthermore,
these crooks are targeting the databases of banks and commercial organizations.

1.7. Conclusion:
There are several hurdles to successfully overcoming cybercrime; to avoid such crimes, education
and public awareness are required. The general populace in Pakistan is suffering several issues as
a result of a lack of understanding about existing cybercrimes. Due to the complexity of these
crimes, even law enforcement authorities are unaware of them. As a result, adequate awareness of
such crimes is required to manage them. We can't develop laws to punish criminals until we know
who they are.


Das and Nayak (2013), researched cybercrime trends and concluded that as businesses,
government agencies, and individuals continue to rely on them more and more, so did the criminals
Restriction of cybercrimes was dependent on proper analysis of their behavior and understanding
of their impacts over various levels of society. Therefore, in the current manuscript, a systematic

understanding of cybercrimes and their impacts on various areas like Soci-eco-political, consumer
trust, and teenagers, with the future trends of cybercrimes were explained.

Avais et al., (2014) studied cybercrime that aimed to know the awareness of cyber victimization
among students of the University of Sindh Jamshoro. 73% of respondents did not know about any
government department for their help in case of cyber victimization. The result showed that 77%
of respondents don’t bother to share their personal information with cyber friends.

Basamh and Ibrahim (2014), published a paper on cyber-attacks in some of the Muslim countries
like The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the potential
impacts, and the possible recommendations that were implemented by governments, which can
help in raising awareness on cyber-attack issues. Various cases of security breaches and attacks
had been experienced globally, and high-level cases of cyber-attacks that threaten security had
been documented.

Bele et Al., (2014), conducted a study on issues related to cybercrimes and concluded that face-
to-face lectures were combined with courses conducted with the LMS system eCampus, which
was developed for use on mobile devices and PCs, thus ensuring extended effects of the developed
modules on the level of awareness of children and teenagers, as well as parents and teachers.
Therefore, we had prepared blended learning courses aimed at raising the awareness of the
stakeholders (i.e., children, teenagers, teachers, and parents) based on the theoretical background,
practical experience, and an analysis of questionnaires. The primary tool for such prevention was
undoubtedly education aimed at establishing greater awareness and knowledge regarding illegal
Internet content and cybercrime among children and teenagers, as well as parents and educators.
This study addresses the issue of strategic prevention of cybercrime with a key focus on the
measures to prevent cybercrime related to children and teenagers.

Mokha, (2017) studied awareness of cybercrime and security. They analyzed the awareness of
cybercrime among internet users with different age groups and educational qualifications. So, it
was the duty of one and all internet users to be aware of cybercrime and security and also help
others by creating awareness among them.

Gondal (2017), conducted a study that investigate the current trends of cybercrimes, the extent of
awareness about cybercrimes, attitudes about cybercrime reporting, perceptions about cybercrime
laws, and the impact of cyber laws in Pakistan. On the other hand, certain people, groups, or
organizations were cleverly using this medium for their black-and-grey propaganda, cybercrimes,
and malpractices involving criminal procedures and targeted actions against individuals and
organizations. It needed time to measure if social media users are aware of common cybercrimes
and whether they are versed with the precautionary measures and if they report the crimes to law
enforcement agencies or not.

Kumbhar and Gavekar (2017), studied cybercrime impact and the research manuscript provides
an understanding of cybercrimes and their impacts on society along with victims of cybercrime.
In the current era of online processing, maximum of the information was online and prone to cyber
threats. Restriction of cybercrimes was dependent on proper analysis of their behavior and
understanding of their impacts over various levels of society.

Ismailova et Al., (2019), researched cybercrime awareness in Asia and concluded that there was a
statistically significant difference in cybercrime awareness of users in terms of the country of
residence, students in two Central Asian countries showed little difference in information security
knowledge, which, in its term, mostly depends on the computer literacy rate of students. Results
of quantitative research showed that in Kazakhstan, the gender and age of respondents affect the
cybercrime awareness rate, while in Kyrgyzstan, none of the factors had an impact on this rate.

Mohammed et al., (2019) conducted a survey on cybercrime awareness among students. This
survey aimed to examine faculty students’ awareness and therefore the level of awareness
concerning the safety problems and a few suggestions square measure set forth to beat these
problems. This survey was going too conducted in varied disciplines of students in Mangalore by
focusing on varied threats like user id and word, viruses, piracy, erotica, fraud, and cyber laws.
“Simple Random Sampling” was used to obtain the data.

Boardhurst et Al., (2019), conducted a study on cybercrime and A Generalized Linear Model
(GLM) analysis was undertaken to further explore the role of all the variables of interest the results
were consistent with the descriptive findings showing that student status (domestic compared to
international) and year of study (first-year student compared to students in second, third and later
years of study) had a higher association to the risk of scam deception. To differentiate participants

based on cybercrime awareness, participants in a ‘Hunter’ condition were primed throughout the
study to remain vigilant to all scams, while participants in a ‘Passive’ condition received no such
instruction. Analysis of all the variables showed that international students and first-year students
were deceived by significantly more scams than domestic students and later-year students. In an
exploratory quasi-experimental observational study, 138 participants recruited during a university
orientation week were exposed to social engineering directives in the form of fake email or
phishing attacks over several months in 2017.

Tibi et Al., (2019), studied the level of cybercrime awareness among teaching students to find out
whether computer science students had heightened cybercrime awareness compared to students
taking other majors at the same college. The finding of the study revealed that the level of
cybercrime awareness among the participants was inadequate and that the independent variables,
such as year of study, major subject, and prior computer knowledge did not yield any statistically
significant differences. We concluded that higher education institutions should provide training
courses on cyberspace security to all students to enable them to avoid becoming victims of
cybercrimes. In addition, no correlation was found between the students’ prior computer
knowledge and their susceptibility to being victims of cybercrimes.

Abbas et al., (2019) conducted a study on cybercrime victimization and awareness. Most Internet
service providers and social networking sites take into account cybercultures and cyber rules and
regulations that can create opportunities for personal freedoms, especially freedom of expression
as well as privacy rights. The study aimed to check the awareness level of the users under
consideration and to investigate the weakness of awareness as well as the deployment of cyber
security rules and policies within the organization under observation.

Chaudhary, (2020) performed research on cybercrime awareness among higher education students.
It showed that professional students have more awareness of the words cybercrime as compared
to traditional students but not any difference based on gender. The cyber-world became the forte
of everyone, government sector to businessmen, school students to college students, and teenagers
to adults. The purpose of the study was to check the attitude toward cybercrime awareness among
college students.

Joshi (2020), conducted a study on cybercrime awareness among adolescents and the finding of
the study showed that there is no significant difference in cybercrime awareness among

adolescents concerning their gender and locality. In the present study, the researcher adopted the
descriptive survey method to collect the data for cybercrime awareness among adolescents. As
adolescents were at high risk of becoming cybercrime victims, proper awareness and training
should be imparted among them about cybercrime. Problems such as lack of proper training and
education, and the poor awareness of cybercrime among Indians had also contributed to the growth
in cybercrime. This paper aimed to explore cybercrime awareness among adolescents concerning
their gender and locality.

Anjum (2020), conducted a study on Cyber Crime in Pakistan; Detection and Punishment
Mechanism” that addressed the improvement of public health and safety policies by focusing on
enhancing knowledge about cybercrime, women victimization, the pattern of time spent on the
internet, sexual harassment and cyberbullying and the effect of sociodemographic factors on
cybercrime. A quantitative, self-selected research study designed by the researcher and utilizing a
voluntary, anonymous internet survey consisting of open and closed-ended questions targeted
students attending large universities in Pakistan (N=400), based on Routine Activity Theory
(RAT). Time spent online and deficient knowledge of cyber protection measures were positively
correlated with digital victimization.

Verma (2021), studied cybercrime to obtain data from the respondents and to determine the
cybercrime awareness categories a five-point Likert-type cybercrime awareness rating scale
exclusively constructed to fulfill the purpose of this study was used to determine cybercrime
awareness in five categories. The cyber-world provided all sorts of the required information to the
students and it was a whole lot of knowledge that a student can gain from the internet, on the other
hand, the cyber world also posed serious threats to the users and without proper awareness
regarding cybercrime students were prone to cybercrime victimization. The present investigation
was aimed to determine cybercrime awareness among undergraduate students concerning their
gender and college management type. Results revealed that gender (male & female) and type of
college management (government & self-finance) were not an indicator of cyber-crime awareness
among undergraduate students.

Mwiraria et Al., (2022), researched cybercrime awareness to achieve three specific research
objectives that were addressed; to determine the association between gender and cybercrime
awareness among university students, to examine the association between age and cybercrime

awareness among university students, and to find out the relationship between the level of study
and cybercrime awareness among university students. The study found no association between
gender and the level of cybercrime awareness but it found a significant association between the
age of students and the level of cybercrime awareness. The study had provided the information
necessary for designing and implementing cybercrime awareness activities, thus helping
implement Kenya’s National Cybersecurity strategy. This study sought to examine the factors
associated with students’ level of awareness of cybercrime at Egerton University, Njoro Campus,
Nakuru County, Kenya. The study adopted the cross-sectional design and stratified random
sampling technique to select respondents from the study population. In addition, there was a
significant association between students’ level of study and cybercrime awareness. Students were
heavy internet users because they perform the majority of their daily communications and school-
related activities on the internet.

Arpaci and Aslan (2022), conducted a study about Cybercrime Awareness on Social Media Scale
(CASM-S) that was tested and based on data collected from 1045 social media users. Exploratory
factor analysis (EFA) with principal components analysis was used to identify the underlying
factor structure of the scale (N = 545). This study developed a psychometric scale to measure
users’ cybercrime awareness level on social media. The findings revealed that the CASM-S is a
reliable and valid tool to measure users’ cybercrime awareness levels on social media.
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to verify the factor structure of the CASM-S
(N = 500).


3.1. Graph & Charts:
Graphs primarily focus on raw data and represent the trend of such data through time. A two-
dimensional graph indicates the relationship between data using a line, curve, or another shape,
with a horizontal line along the bottom (called the X-axis) and a vertical line up the side (called
Y-axis). "A graph is a mathematical figure that illustrates the relationship between two or more
sets of statistics or measurements," according to the Advanced English Dictionary. A graph
enables the user to readily represent the values in data using a visual representation.
A chart is a visual representation of enormous amounts of data that helps the user understand it
better. Using the same assist in the prediction of existing data as well as the forecasting of future
data based on the current data pattern. A chart can be represented as a diagram, a photograph, or a
graph. Using charts, we can convert datasets into relevant information displays.

3.1.1. Types:
There are many types of graphs and charts given below:

Graphs Charts
o Historigram o Simple Bar Chart
o Histogram o Multiple Bar Chart
o Frequency Polygon o Component Bar Chart
o Frequency Curve o Rectangles & Sub-divided rectangles
o Ogive o Pictogram
o Ratio & Semi logarithmic Graph o Pie Chart
o Profit & Loss Chart Historigram:
A historigram is a graphical depiction of a time series that shows the changes that occurred at
various points in time. An analysis of the set of prior data is the initial stage in the prediction (or
forecast) of a time series. In this scenario, a historigram could be useful. The following steps are
involved in the creation of a historigram:

o Use an appropriate scale and time as an independent variable along the -axis.
o Plot the observed values of the variable as a dependent variable against the supplied points
in time using an appropriate scale.
o To provide the desired graphical representation, connect the plotted points with line

An example of a historigram graph is given:

o On X-axis take Census Year

o On Y-axis take the Population
o Plot Census against Population

16 Histogram:
A histogram is a graphical depiction of a frequency distribution with continuous classes
that have been grouped. It is an area diagram with bases and intervals between class
boundaries, and areas proportional to frequencies in the respective classes. Because the
base spans the spaces between class boundaries, all rectangles in such representations are
contiguous. Rectangle heights are proportional to matching frequencies of similar classes,
and heights of dissimilar classes are proportional to corresponding frequency densities.
A histogram, in other terms, is a figure consisting of rectangles whose area is related to the
frequency of a variable and whose width is equal to the class interval.
An example of the histogram is given below: Frequency Polygon:

A histogram is a graphical depiction of a frequency distribution with continuous classes that have
been grouped. It is an area diagram and may be characterized as a series of rectangles with bases
and intervals between class bouncing balls. A frequency polygon is a graphical data representation.
It is used to show the continuous data contour. It is typically drawn with the aid of a histogram,
but it can also be done without one. A histogram is a set of rectangular bars with no space between
them that are used to depict frequency distributions.

Drawing a Frequency Polygon

o On the horizontal axis, mark the class intervals for each class. On the vertical
axis, we shall plot the frequency.
o For each class interval, compute the class mark. The class mark formula is as
(Upper limit + Lower limit) / 2 = Class mark
o Mark the horizontal axis with all of the class marks. It is also known as the class's
o Plot the frequency supplied to you about each class mark. The frequency is
always represented by the height. Make certain that the frequency is plotted
against the class mark, rather than the upper or lower limit of any class.
o A line segment is used to connect all of the plotted points. The resulting curve
will be kinked.
o The resulting curve is known as the frequency polygon. Frequency Curve:

As the number of data points increases, a Frequency Curve is a smooth curve that
corresponds to the limiting situation of a histogram computed for a frequency distribution
of a continuous distribution. The frequency curve is formed by connecting the points of the
frequency polygon with a freehand smoothed curve. To create a frequency curve without
the use of a histogram, plot the frequency of the class against its class marks and connect
the points with line segments.
The frequency curve has the following characteristics:

o A Frequency curve is created by combining consecutive points on a graph in a
certain way.
o A frequency curve can also be produced using a histogram by connecting the
rectangle's midpoints.
o Frequency polygons and frequency curves are the same things, except that the
frequency curve is drawn freehand while the frequency polygon is drawn with a

There are several types of frequency curves some of which are given below in the figure. Ogive:
The frequency distribution graph of a series is defined as the Ogive. The Ogive is a
cumulative distribution graph that explains data values on the horizontal plane axis and
cumulative relative frequencies, cumulative frequencies, or cumulative percent frequencies
on the vertical axis.
The sum of all previous frequencies up to the current point is defined as the cumulative
frequency. Ogive curve assists in precisely determining the popularity of the given data or
the likelihood of the data that fall within a specified frequency range.
Plot the point according to the cumulative frequency of each class interval to create the
Ogive. Most statisticians employ the Ogive curve to depict data in a visual format. It assists
in calculating the number of observations that are less than or equal to a certain value.
Ogives' two ways are as follows:

o Less than Ogive
o Greater than or equal to Ogive Less than Ogive:

The frequencies of all preceding classes are added to a class's frequency. This is known as the less-
than-cumulative series. It is built by multiplying the first-class frequency by the second-class
frequency, then by the third-class frequency, and so on. The less-than-cumulative series is the
consequence of the downward cumulation.

A graph of less than ogive is given below:

o Take upper-class limits on X-axis

o Take cumulative frequency on Y-axis
o Plot points
o Join them Greater than or Equal Ogive:

The frequencies of successive classes are added to a class's frequency. This series is known as the
cumulative more than or greater than series. It is built by deducting the first-class frequency from
the total, then the second-class frequency from that, and so on. The upward cumulation result
equals or exceeds the cumulative series.

A graph greater than or equal to ogive is given below:

o Take lower class limits on X-axis

o Take cumulative frequency on Y-axis
o Plot points
o Join them Ratio & semi-logarithmic:

The y-axis in a semi-log graph is logarithmic, which means that the distance between the ticks on
the graph is proportional to the logarithm of numbers. Because the x-axis has a linear scale, the
ticks are uniformly spaced. When graphing exponential functions, a semi-log graph is handy.
Consider the following function: y = bax.

This function produces a straight line with slope log (a) and y-intercept b

21 Simple Bar Chart:
A bar graph is an image made up of bars of varying heights. Each bar indicates a distinct category.
The height of each bar can indicate how frequently something occurs or the number of items in
each group.

o Draw two perpendicular lines, one horizontally and one vertically, in a suitable location on
the paper.
o Consider the classification foundation as a horizontal line (X-axis) and the observed
variable as a vertical line (Y- axis) or vice versa.
o Mark equal breadth indications for each class and leave at least half a breadth between
o Finally, indicate the values of the supplied variables to create the necessary bars. Multiple Bar Chart:

A multiple-bar graph is one in which each category includes multiple bars. A multiple bar graph
compares as many data sets as you like. The technique for making a multiple bar graph is the same
as for any other bar graph, only you'll have more colors to represent distinct sets of data.

To make a multiple-bar graph, follow these steps:

o Sketch out the horizontal (x) and vertical (y) axes.
o Provide a title for the graph.
o Identify the horizontal x-axis.
o Identify the vertical y-axis.
o Examine the data range and select how to mark the units on the vertical axis (y). Component Bar Chart:

A component bar chart is used to display data in which the total magnitude is divided into various

In this diagram, we first create simple bars for each class based on the overall magnitude in that
class, then break these simple bars into sections based on the ratio of various components. This
sort of graphic depicts the diversity in many components within each class as well as between
classes. A component bar chart or stacked chart is another name for a subdivided bar diagram.

23 Pictogram:
A pictogram is a type of chart in which images are used to convey data. Pictograms are laid up
similarly to bar charts, except instead of bars, they utilize columns of pictures to represent the
numbers involved. Pictograms are most typically used as a basic and entertaining introduction to
bar charts in Key Stage 1. Teachers will occasionally give youngsters cut-out drawings to count
out and paste into a pre-made sheet. For young toddlers, this physical activity makes the concept
very plain.

24 Pie Chart:
As a circle is divided into radial slices, a pie chart depicts how a total quantity is distributed
between levels of a categorical variable. Each categorical value corresponds to a single slice of the
circle, and the size of each slice (both in area and arc length) represents how much of the total each
category level takes up.

The pie chart above displays the vote distribution in a fictitious election for a tiny city. Reyes,
represented by the first blue slice, has slightly less than half of the votes. Chu (yellow) is second
with roughly one-third of the vote, while Williams (purple) is last with roughly one-fifth of the
vote. The comments in the upper right offer us a more accurate estimate of the proportions, but the
pie chart tells us where the votes fell overall. Profit & Loss Chart:

Profit and loss graphs show how an options strategy might perform at different prices. These
graphs assist us in understanding our prospective gain or loss for a certain plan. Profit/loss graphs
can also be used to duplicate different positions using options. For instance, how to mimic a long
stock position's gain/loss profile using a specific option strategy (long call coupled with a short

Because of the way the graph appears, these graphs have also been useful in defining specific
techniques. The butterfly spread, for example, is named for the shape of the profit/loss graph,
which resembles that of a butterfly.

3.2. Sampling:
A sample is a collection of people, objects, or stuff drawn from a larger population for
measurement purposes. To ensure that the findings from the research sample can be generalized
to the population as a whole, the sample should be representative of the population. To derive
conclusions about populations from samples, we must employ inferential statistics, which allow
us to determine the features of a population by directly seeing only a subset (or sample) of the
population. We take a population sample for a variety of reasons, as it is rarely possible and nearly
never economical.

Sampling is a strategy for picking individual members or a subset of a population to make

statistical inferences and estimate the characteristics of the entire population. Researchers in
market research utilize a variety of sampling approaches to avoid having to survey the complete
community to get meaningful information. It is also a time-efficient and cost-effective strategy

and hence serves as the foundation of any research design. For optimal derivation, sampling
approaches can be utilized in research survey software.

The sampling frame (sometimes referred to as the "sample frame" or "survey frame") is, in fact, a
collection of units. A sample of this has now been taken. All units in a basic random sample have
an equal chance of being drawn and appearing in the sample. In an ideal world, the sample frame
would correspond to the sample of persons. A comprehensive list or collection from which your
sample participants will be picked in a specific order. In some way, the list will be organized. That
is, each member of a population will have a distinct identity as well as a means of communication.
This allows you to categorize and code known segmentation feature information.

In market research, sample size refers to the number of participants included in a sample size. We
define sample size as a group of participants chosen from the general public who are regarded to
be representative of the real population for that specific study.

Sampling can be done in two ways:

o Sampling with replacement

o Sampling without replacement

To determine the probability with replacement, sampling with replacement is employed. In other
words, you want to determine the likelihood of an occurrence in which there are several balls,
cards, or other objects and you replace one of them each time you choose one. Sampling without
Replacement is a method for calculating probability without using replacement. In other words,
you do not replace the first item you select with a second. This significantly alters the likelihood
of selecting sample items.

3.2.1. Types of Sampling:

There are two types of sampling

o Probability Sampling
o Non-Probability Sampling Probability Sampling:

Probability sampling is the choosing of a sample from a population based on the idea of
randomization, also known as random selection or chance. Probability sampling is more difficult,
time-consuming, and typically more expensive than non-probability sampling. However, because

units from the population are chosen at random and the selection probability of each unit can be
determined, valid estimations and statistical inferences about the population can be established. A
probability sample can be chosen in several different ways. When selecting a probability sample
design, the goal is to reduce the sampling error of the estimates for the most significant survey
variables while also minimizing survey time and expense. Some operational constraints, such as
survey frame features, may also have an impact on that decision.

There are several types of probability sampling:

o Simple Random Sampling

o Stratified Random Sampling
o Systematic Random Sampling
o Cluster Sampling
o Multistage Sampling
o Multiphase Sampling
o Sequential Sampling Simple Random Sampling:

Simple random sampling is a process in which every item in the population has an equal chance
and likelihood of being chosen. Because the selection of items is fully dependent on chance or
probability, in this case, this sampling methodology is also known as a method of chance.

Simple random sampling is a fundamental approach that can be incorporated into a more complex
sampling method. The fundamental feature of this sampling approach is that every sample has the
same chance of being chosen.

In this sampling procedure, the sample size should ideally be greater than a few hundred so that
simple random sampling may be used appropriately. They claim that while this strategy is
conceptually simple to understand, it is challenging to put into practice. Working with a big sample
size is not a simple endeavor, and selecting a reasonable sampling frame might be difficult at times. Methods of SRS:

To utilize simple random sampling in a market research tool, a researcher must first determine the
population size to determine the total number of units in the population. Following the

determination of the total number of units/people in the population, the researcher must assign
serial numbers to each of them.

For example, if the study is being conducted on the employees of a company with 300 employees,
each of them must be allocated a number because they constitute the population from which the
sample must be taken. After the numbers have been assigned, there are a few typical methods for
drawing the desired sample size from the population:

o Lottery Method:
This approach entails writing down all of the serial numbers on chits of paper and placing
them in a manually mixed container. The sample group is then chosen by drawing chits
from a container.
o Software Packages:
Researchers select a sample group using several market research methodologies. The most
common are Excel and SPSS. Input the necessary commands in terms of population size
and sample size.
o Random Number Tables:
Random number tables ranging from 000 to 300, such as the one below, can also be used.
After constructing a random number table containing your target population's serial
numbers, you can choose specific columns/rows for your sample group based on your
sample size. Stratified Random Sampling:

Stratified sampling is a random sampling approach in which researchers divide a population into
smaller subgroups, or strata, based on shared features of the members and then randomly choose
from these strata to generate the final sample. Stratification is the process of categorizing a
population into groups before sampling. The strata must be mutually exclusive, and each member
of the population can only belong to one of them. When stratifying, researchers typically use
proportionate sampling, which ensures that the necessary proportions are maintained to represent
the population as a whole.

The following steps are used to obtain a stratified sample:

o Define your target population and select the characteristic(s) that will be used to split your
o Separate your sample into strata based on the relevant attribute (s). Each stratum must be
mutually exclusive, yet they must collectively represent the total population.
o Determine the sample size for each stratum and if it will be proportionate or
disproportionate. The sample size in each stratum should ideally be proportional to the
number of members of that category in the target population or sampling frame.
o Draw a sample at random from each stratum and combine them to generate your final
sample. Systematic Random Sampling:

Systematic sampling is a probability sampling approach in which researchers select individuals of
the population at a predetermined regular interval (or k).

If the population order is random or random-like (e.g., alphabetical), this method will produce a
representative sample from which you can make inferences about your population of interest.

Systematic Sampling Methods

In general, there are three methods for generating a systematic sample:

Systematic random sampling: The most common type of systematic sampling in which the subject
is chosen at a predefined interval.

Linear systematic sampling: Instead of selecting the sample interval at random, a skip pattern is
constructed by following a linear path.

Circular systematic sampling: It occurs when a sample begins and ends at the same spot. Cluster Sampling:

When cluster sampling is utilized, every unit/person in the population has an equal and known
chance of being chosen for the sample group.

Researchers divide the population into internally diverse and outwardly homogenous
subpopulations known as clusters using this sampling strategy. The clusters appear to be clustered
together by similar characteristics/criteria, yet they are internally heterogeneous since the
subpopulations inside the clusters differ in composition.

Different cities in a country, separate areas in a city, different organizations, distinct institutions,
different industrial estates, and so on can be used to split clusters. Following the selection of these
clusters, researchers delete the remaining clusters.

Types of Cluster Sampling:

Typically, there are three types of cluster sampling:

o One-Stage Sampling
o Two-Stage Sampling
o Multistage Sampling

Steps to draw sample:

o Determine your target population and sample size.

o Using specified criteria, divide the target population into clusters.
o Select clusters using random selection methods while keeping the desired sample size in
o Gather information from the final sample group. Multistage Sampling

Multistage sampling is a sampling strategy that splits the population into groups (or clusters) for
research purposes. It is a more complex type of cluster sampling, often known as multistage cluster
sampling. Significant clusters of the selected people are divided into sub-groups at several phases
of this sampling approach to facilitate primary data collecting.

Multistage sampling consists of four multistage steps:

o Select a sampling frame based on the population of interest. The researcher assigns a
number to each separate group and chooses a small sample of relevant different groups.
o Choose a sampling frame comprised of appropriate discrete sub-groups. Do this with the
linked, distinct discrete groups you chose in the previous stage.
o If required, repeat the second step.
o Select members of the sample group from the sub-groups using some version of probability
sampling. Sequential Sampling:

Sequential sampling is a sampling approach in which each sample taken from a population is
evaluated to see whether it fits the desired result; the auditor stops reviewing samples as soon as
there is sufficient support for the conclusion. This method may result in fewer sampling units being
investigated; nevertheless, sampling will continue if any deviations are discovered. As a result,
sequential sampling plans operate best when there are few variances expected.

The auditor examines the first group of sampling units in the sequential sampling process. Based
on the findings of this assessment, the auditor determines whether or not to:

o Accept the assessed amount of control risk without any further sampling;
o Stop further sampling if the planned confidence and tolerated rate of variation cannot be
met due to the existence of too many deviations; or

o Examine additional sampling units to gain more information about whether the anticipated
evaluated level of control risk can be supported. Non-Probability Sampling:

Non-probability sampling (also known as non-random sampling) is a type of sample selection that
employs non-random methods to pick a group of people to engage in research. Non-probability
sampling, unlike probability sampling and its methodologies, is not concerned with precisely
reflecting all members of a large population within a smaller sample set of participants. As a result,
not everyone in the population has an equal chance of taking part in the study.

There are several types of non-probability sampling:

o Purposive Sampling
o Quota Sampling
o Convenience Sampling
o Snow-Ball Sampling Purposive Sampling:

Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling strategy and it occurs when "items picked for
the sample are chosen by the judgment of the researcher. Researchers frequently believe that by
exercising sound judgment, they can obtain a representative sample, thereby saving time and
money." Purposive sampling may be effective when only a limited number of people can serve as
primary data sources due to the nature of the research design and aims and objectives. For example,
in a study examining the effects of personal tragedy, such as family bereavement, on the
performance of senior-level managers, the researcher may use his or her discretion in selecting
senior-level managers to participate in in-depth interviews.

33 Quota Sampling:
Quota sampling is a non-probability sampling method that involves the non-random selection of a
set number or proportion of units. This is known as a quota.

You split the population into mutually exclusive subgroups (called strata), and then recruit sample
units until your quota is met. These units share unique qualities that you determined before building
your stratum. The goal of quota sampling is to have control over who or what makes up your

34 Convenience Sampling:
Convenience sampling is a practice used by researchers to acquire market research data from a
readily available pool of respondents. It is the most often used sample technique since it is
extremely quick, simple, and inexpensive. Members are frequently approachable to be a part of
the sample.

A simple example of a convenience sampling method is when corporations distribute promotional

leaflets and ask questions to randomly selected participants in a mall or on a crowded street. Snowball Sampling:

Snowball sampling, also known as chain-referral sampling, is a non-probability sampling approach
in which the samples have uncommon characteristics. This is a sampling approach in which
existing individuals refer new subjects to be recruited for a research study.

For example, if you are researching the level of customer satisfaction among members of an elite
country club, collecting primary data sources will be extremely difficult unless a member of the
club agrees to have a direct conversation with you and provides contact information for the other
members of the club.

3.3. Testing of Hypothesis:
In statistics, hypothesis testing is the process by which an analyst tests an assumption about a
population parameter. The analyst's approach is determined by the type of data and the purpose of
the study.

Using sample data, hypothesis testing is performed to examine the plausibility of a theory. Such
information may be derived from a wider population or a data-generating process.

Hypothesis testing consists of the following steps

o Formulation of hypothesis
o Level of Significance
o Test Statistic
o Calculation
o Critical Region
o Conclusion

3.3.1. Formulation of Hypothesis:
A hypothesis is a forecast about what your investigation will uncover. It is an untested preliminary
response to your research question. You may be required to write many hypotheses that address
distinct areas of your research issue for some research initiatives.

A hypothesis is more than just an educated guess; it should be founded on current theories and
knowledge. It must also be testable, which means that scientific research methods may be used to
support or deny it (such as experiments, observations, and statistical analysis of data).


o Null Hypothesis
o Alternative Hypothesis Null Hypothesis:

A null hypothesis is a sort of statistical hypothesis that asserts that there is no statistical significance
in a particular set of observations. Using sample data, hypothesis testing is performed to determine
the believability of a theory. Sometimes referred to simply as the "null," it is represented as H0.

The null hypothesis, also known as the conjecture, is used in quantitative analysis to determine if
a theory regarding markets, investing methods, or economies is correct or false. Alternative Hypothesis:

The alternate hypothesis is just an alternative to the null hypothesis. For example, if your null is
"I'll win up to $1,000," your alternate is "I'll win $1,000 or more." Essentially, you're determining
whether there's enough difference (with the alternate hypothesis) to reject the null hypothesis.

3.3.2. Level of Significance:

The degree of significance is defined as the fixed probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when
it is true. The degree of significance is defined as the probability of type I main stake and is
predetermined by the researcher based on the outcomes of the error. The statistical significance is
measured by the level of significance. It specifies whether the null hypothesis is accepted or
rejected. It is anticipated to determine if the outcome is statistically significant enough for the null
hypothesis to be false or rejected.

The Greek symbol denotes the level of significance (alpha). As a result, the significance level is
defined as follows:

Level of Significance = p (type I error) = α

3.3.3. Test Statistic:

When deciding whether to support or reject the null hypothesis, a test statistic is used. The test
statistic compares your results from an experiment or survey to the outcomes you would expect
given the null hypothesis.

The test statistic is a numerical value that indicates how much your test results deviate from the
null hypothesis. For example, suppose you believe Drug X will treat warts. The currently accepted
reality (the null hypothesis) is that approximately 30% of warts will naturally disappear. You run
a clinical experiment and discover that medication X cures 57% of your patients. Is this an
important outcome? Is the medication effective? Is the 57% a one-time occurrence? You can
answer these questions using a test statistic and a probability value (p-value).

3.3.4. Calculation:
Collect data that is required for test statistics. For example, in z test, the following terms are used

3.3.5. Critical Region:

The critical zone is the range of values that corresponds to the null hypothesis being rejected at a
given probability threshold. The level of significance is equal to the shaded area under the student’s
t-distribution curve.

The crucial values are tabulated and derived from the student’s t table or another suitable table. If
the t statistic's absolute value is greater than the tabulated value, t is in the critical region.

3.3.6. Conclusion:
P-value = level of significance (α) => Replace your null hypothesis with your alternative
hypothesis. Your findings are statistically significant.

P-value greater than the significance level (α) => You have failed to reject your null hypothesis.
Your outcome is statistically insignificant.

3.4. Chi-Square:
A chi-square statistic is a test that compares a model to real observed data. A chi-square statistic
requires data that is random, raw, mutually exclusive, obtained from independent variables, and
drawn from a large enough sample. Tossing a fair coin, for example, meets these criteria.

Chi-square tests are frequently used in hypothesis testing. Given the size of the sample and the
number of variables in the relationship, the chi-square statistic evaluates the size of any disparities
between the expected and actual results.

There are two types of chi-square tests: the test of independence, which asks a connection question,
such as "Is there a relationship between student gender and course choice?" and the goodness-of-
fit test, which asks, "How well does the coin in my hand match a hypothetically fair coin?"



These are the fundamental steps to executing a goodness of fit test or an independence test:

o Make a table containing the observed and expected frequencies.

o Calculate the chi-square value using the formula;
o Using a chi-square value table or statistical software, determine the crucial chi-square
o Determine if the chi-square value or the critical value is greater.
o Accept or reject the null hypothesis

3.4.1. Independence:
A χ2 test for independence could be employed when evaluating student gender and course
selection. To conduct this test, the researcher would collect data on the two variables of interest
(gender and courses chosen) and then compare the frequency with which male and female students
select from the available classes using the above-mentioned formula and a χ2 statistical table.

A χ2 test for independence can tell us how probable it is that any observed variation between the
actual frequencies in the data and these theoretical assumptions may be explained by random

3.4.2. Goodness of Fit:
χ2 allows you to see how well a data sample fits the (known or assumed) features of the larger
population that the sample is meant to represent. This is referred to as goodness of fit.

If the sample data do not match the predicted attributes of the population in question, we should
not utilize this sample to draw inferences about the wider population.

3.4.3. Test of Homogeneity:

The chi-square homogeneity test is a nonparametric test used when the dependent variable is
categorical. A contingency table can be used to present data, with the row and column labels
representing populations and variable categories. The null hypothesis states that all populations
are homogeneous in terms of categorical variable proportions. If the null hypothesis is rejected, it
is concluded that the proportions mentioned above differ in the observed populations. The chi-
square test of homogeneity statistic is calculated in the same way that the chi-square test of
independence statistic is. The distinction between these two tests is in how the null hypothesis,
underlying logic, and sampling processes are stated.


4.1 Description of Data analysis:
A survey is conducted to analyze the awareness regarding cyber victimization among students
of university. For this purpose a questionnaire is designed consisting 12 questions that are close
ended. Each question contains two options such as yes, no. A sample of size 100 is chosen for
survey and respondents are the students of university of Sargodha. Their responses are given as

4.2 Figures of Results

Figure 4.1

There are 45 percent individuals who knows about the age of joining cyber community as like
Facebook while 55 percent do not have any information about the age to join cyber community.
Figure 4.2

21 percent respondent are willing to allow their friends and relatives to use their personal id while
79 percent respondent deny to allow their friends and relatives to use their id.
Figure 4.3

There are 50 percent respondent who faced bad experience in social networking while 50
percent are those who did not feel any bad experience with social networking.

Figure 4.4

According to this figure 28 percent respondent have experience of hacking their id while 72 percent
do not have any such experience of hacking their id.

Figure 4.5


There are 28 percent are those individuals who are impersonated by email account/ social
networking profiles/ websites etc. while 72 percent respondent are not impersonated by email
account/ social networking profiles/ websites etc.
Figure 4.6

18 percent respondent see their morphed picture on cyber space while 82 percent are those
respondent who never see their morphed picture on cyber space.

Figure 4.7


there are 27 percent respondent who felt that they are victim of defamatory statements/activities
involving yourself in the cyber space. On the other hand 73 percent respondents don’t have any
such experience of feeling as they are victim of defamatory statements/activities involving yourself
in the cyber space.
Figure 4.8

According to this figure 69 percent respondent read policy guidelines of social networking sites
before joining while 31 percent don’t read policy guidelines of social networking sites before
Figure 4.9

There are 34 percent respondent are victimized by their own virtual friends while 66 percent are
those who are not victimized by their own virtual friends.
Figure 4.10

According to this figure 69 percent respondents feel that women are prone to cyber attacks
While 31 percent respondents do not feel that women are prone to cyber attacks
Figure 4.11

There are 60 percent are those respondents who responds yes as there are government
Departments to control on cyber victimization in Pakistan.

Figure 4.12

According to this figure there are 81 percent respondents use social network for beneficial purpose.
4.2 Testing
4.3 Chi Square Test
Question no.1
1. Formulation of hypothesis
H0; There is no association between attributes.
H1; There is association between attributes.
2. Level of significance
α =0.05
3. Test Statistics
χ2 =∑(O-E)2/E

4. Calculation

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 9.335a 1 .002
Likelihood Ratio 9.423 1 .002
Linear-by-Linear Association 9.242 1 .002
N of Valid Cases 100

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 15.75.

5. Critical Region
P>0.05 Do not reject null hypothesis
P<0.05 reject the null hypothesis
6. Conclusion
Since the p value is less than α =0.05 so we reject H0 it means that there is association
between attributes.

Chi Square Test On Question no.2

1. Formulation of hypothesis
H0; There is no association between attributes.
H1; There is association between attributes.
2. Level of significance
α =0.05
3. Test Statistics
χ2 =∑(O-E)2/E

4. Calculation

Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .483a 1 .487
Likelihood Ratio .495 1 .482
Linear-by-Linear Association .478 1 .489
N of Valid Cases 100

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 7.35.

5. Critical Region
P>0.05 Do not reject null hypothesis
P>0.05 reject the null hypothesis
6. Conclusion
Since the p value is greater than α =0.05 so we don’t reject H0 it means that there is no
association between attributes.

Chi Square Test On Question no.3

1. Formulation of hypothesis
H0; There is no association between attributes.
H1; There is association between attributes.
2. Level of significance
α =0.05
3. Test Statistics
χ2 =∑(O-E)2/E

4. Calculation

Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .396a 1 .529
Likelihood Ratio .396 1 .529
Linear-by-Linear Association .392 1 .531
N of Valid Cases 100

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 17.50.

5. Critical Region
P>0.05 Do not reject null hypothesis
P>0.05 reject the null hypothesis
6. Conclusion
Since the p value is greater than α =0.05 so we don’t reject H0 it means that there is no
association between attributes.

Chi Square Test On Question no.4

1. Formulation of hypothesis
H0; There is no association between attributes.
H1; There is association between attributes.
2. Level of significance
α =0.05
3. Test Statistics
χ2 =∑(O-E)2/E

4. Calculation

Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .314a 1 .575
Likelihood Ratio .311 1 .577
Linear-by-Linear Association .311 1 .577
N of Valid Cases 100

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 9.80.

5. Critical Region
P>0.05 Do not reject null hypothesis
P<0.05 reject the null hypothesis
6. Conclusion
Since the p value is greater than α =0.05 so we don’t reject H0 it means that there is no
association between attributes.

Chi Square Test On Question no.5

1. Formulation of hypothesis
H0; There is no association between attributes.
H1; There is association between attributes.
2. Level of significance
α =0.05
3. Test Statistics
χ2 =∑(O-E)2/E

4. Calculation

Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .314a 1 .575
Likelihood Ratio .311 1 .577
Linear-by-Linear Association .311 1 .577
N of Valid Cases 100

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 9.80.

5. Critical Region
P>0.05 Do not reject null hypothesis
P>0.05 reject the null hypothesis
6. Conclusion
Since the p value is greater than α =0.05 so we don’t reject H0 it means that there is no
association between attributes.

Chi Square Test On Question no.6

1. Formulation of hypothesis
H0; There is no association between attributes.
H1; There is association between attributes.
2. Level of significance
α =0.05
3. Test Statistics
χ2 =∑(O-E)2/E

4. Calculation

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .861a 1 .354
Likelihood Ratio .839 1 .360
Linear-by-Linear Association .852 1 .356
N of Valid Cases 100

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 6.30.

5. Critical Region
P>0.05 Do not reject null hypothesis
P>0.05 reject the null hypothesis
6. Conclusion
Since the p value is greater than α =0.05 so we don’t reject H0 it means that there is no
association between attributes.

Chi Square Test On Question no.7

1. Formulation of hypothesis
H0; There is no association between attributes.
H1; There is association between attributes.
2. Level of significance
α =0.05
3. Test Statistics
χ2 =∑(O-E)2/E

4. Calculation

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.450a 1 .229
Likelihood Ratio 1.421 1 .233
Linear-by-Linear Association 1.436 1 .231
N of Valid Cases 100

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 9.45.

5. Critical Region
P>0.05 Do not reject null hypothesis
P>0.05 reject the null hypothesis
6. Conclusion
Since the p value is greater than α =0.05 so we don’t reject H0 it means that there is no
association between attributes.

Chi Square Test On Question no.8

1. Formulation of hypothesis
H0; There is no association between attributes.
H1; There is association between attributes.
2. Level of significance
α =0.05
3. Test Statistics
χ2 =∑(O-E)2/E

4. Calculation

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square .950a 1 .330

Likelihood Ratio .937 1 .333
Linear-by-Linear Association .940 1 .332

N of Valid Cases 100

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 10.85.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

5. Critical Region
P>0.05 Do not reject null hypothesis
P>0.05 reject the null hypothesis
6. Conclusion
Since the p value is greater than α =0.05 so we don’t reject H0 it means that there is no
association between attributes.

Chi Square Test On Question no.9

1. Formulation of hypothesis
H0; There is no association between attributes.
H1; There is association between attributes.
2. Level of significance
α =0.05
3. Test Statistics
χ2 =∑(O-E)2/E

4. Calculation

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.896a 2 .387
Likelihood Ratio 2.139 2 .343
Linear-by-Linear Association .055 1 .815
N of Valid Cases 100

a. 2 cells (33.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .35.

5. Critical Region
P>0.05 Do not reject null hypothesis
P>0.05 reject the null hypothesis
6. Conclusion
Since the p value is greater than α =0.05 so we don’t reject H0 it means that there is no
association between attributes.

Chi Square Test On Question no.10

1. Formulation of hypothesis
H0; There is no association between attributes.
H1; There is association between attributes.
2. Level of significance
α =0.05
3. Test Statistics
χ2 =∑(O-E)2/E

4. Calculation

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .577a 2 .750
Likelihood Ratio .899 2 .638
Linear-by-Linear Association .007 1 .932
N of Valid Cases 100

a. 2 cells (33.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .35.

5. Critical Region
P>0.05 Do not reject null hypothesis
P>0.05 reject the null hypothesis
6. Conclusion
Since the p value is greater than α =0.05 so we don’t reject H0 it means that there is no
association between attributes.

Chi Square Test On Question no.11

1. Formulation of hypothesis
H0; There is no association between attributes.
H1; There is association between attributes.
2. Level of significance
α =0.05
3. Test Statistics
χ2 =∑(O-E)2/E

4. Calculation

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .733a 1 .392
Likelihood Ratio .739 1 .390
Linear-by-Linear Association .725 1 .394
N of Valid Cases 100

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 14.00.

5. Critical Region
P>0.05 Do not reject null hypothesis
P>0.05 reject the null hypothesis
6. Conclusion
Since the p value is greater than α =0.05 so we don’t reject H0 it means that there is no
association between attributes.

Chi Square Test On Question no.12

1. Formulation of hypothesis
H0; There is no association between attributes.
H1; There is association between attributes.
2. Level of significance
α =0.05
3. Test Statistics
χ2 =∑(O-E)2/E

4. Calculation

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .521a 1 .471
Likelihood Ratio .510 1 .475
Linear-by-Linear Association .515 1 .473
N of Valid Cases 100

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 6.65.

5. Critical Region
P>0.05 Do not reject null hypothesis
P>0.05 reject the null hypothesis
6. Conclusion
Since the p value is greater than α =0.05 so we don’t reject H0 it means that there is no
association between attributes.


According to this article, most of the respondents do not know about the minimum age for using
social media platforms. Most of the respondents do not know about cybercrime or cyber
victimization. Some of them even don not know about the government department to control
cybercrimes or cyber victimization. Most of them thought that women are prone to cyber-attacks.

o Minimum Age:
The minimum age for joining any social media or social networking website is 13 plus.
According to this study out of 100 respondents of which 35 were males and 65 were
females a total of 45 respondents knows about the minimum age to join the cyber
community. 23 males and 22 females gave a positive answer while the other 55 respondents
of which 12 males and 43 females do not know about the age criteria for joining a cyber
o Government Departments:
According to the analysis of the data out of 100 respondents of which 35 were males and
65 were females a total of 60 respondents knows about the government departments to
control cyber victimization in Pakistan. 23 males and 37 females gave a positive response
while the other 40 respondents of which 12 males and 28 females do not know about the
departments that control cyber victimization in Pakistan.
o Women are prone:
According to the results and interpretation out of 100 respondents of which 35 were males
and 65 were females a total of 69 respondents thought that women are prone to
cyberattacks. 24 males and 45 females gave a positive response and thought that women
become a victim of cyberattacks more than males while the other 31 respondents of which
11 males and 20 females do not think that women experience more cyberattacks than men.

The overall results of this study indicate that in the modern era, most of the individuals know about
cybercrimes or cyber victimization the people do not share their passwords and account details
with anyone due to scams. In the future, this study helps many researchers like the impact of

cybercrime on a person’s mental and emotional health as well as physical health. Impact of
cybercrimes on youth, cases of cyber victimization, the ratio of cyber criminals in Pakistan etc.

All target groups require more education about the risks of cybercrime and the value of information
safety, according to a preliminary study. Implementing successful preventive strategies across all
target groups is crucial for effectively tackling the problem of cybercrime. Consequently, we came
to the conclusion that ongoing education is crucial for increasing user awareness and motivating
people to utilize preventive measures in their daily lives. Following the completion of each
educational module, an evaluation will be conducted to determine the outcomes of its
implementation. We will take the first step toward establishing an information security culture by
implementing these teaching modules aimed at the youngest Internet users.

There will always be a problem with cybercrime. The problem of cybercrime must be understood
since technology has a significant impact on society as a whole. Since technology is developing
and making it incredibly simple for anyone to steal without physically harming someone,
cybercrime is increasing daily.

As technology develops, cybercriminals become more computer literate, making it nearly

impossible to eradicate cybercrime from the internet. Therefore, it is advised that all individuals
and organizations make sure they are informed about what to do to avoid becoming the next victim
of cybercrime. This fundamental knowledge may aid in preventing any cybercrimes against them.

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Read the following statements carefully and choose the

best option from the following (yes, no)


Do you know regarding minimum age to join cyber community
as like Facebook etc?

Do you allow others (Friends, relatives) to use your personal ID?

Did you ever face bad experience in the social networking sites?

Did you ever experience of hacking (either directly /indirectly)

your ID
Did you ever see you are impersonated by email account /social
networking profiles /websites etc?
Did you ever see your morphed picture on cyber space?

Do you feel that you are a victim of defamatory

statements/activities involving yourself in the cyber space?

Do you read policy guidelines of social networking sites before


Did you ever Victimized by your own virtual friends?

Do you feel that women are prone to cyber attacks?

Is there any government department to control on cyber

victimization in Pakistan

Social network is used for benefical purpose.


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