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Grade 7 Script

Nuchichcha: Good morning, Everybody! Today, we will present to you the Science Summer Fair
project of Grade 7 students.
Natnicha : Speaker 1: Grade 7 students used, 2 L tubes, 1 medium sized Styrofoam box, glue,
cutter, mini fan, ice and salt.
Supipong: Speaker 2: This Science invention project that we do is a DIY Air-conditioner to
lessen the electricity usage but the same cool air output.
Chonakant : Speaker 3: Step 1, We grade 7 students, trace the size of the mini fan in the cover of
the medium size Styrofoam box and cut a hole in the traced pattern.
Pananawat: Speaker 4: Step 2, we also trace a pattern in the side of the box and cut a whole for
the 2 L tubes and put the tubes in the hole cut to its size as the air passageway of the cool air
Pimchanida: Speaker 5: Step 3, we put the mini fan in the top of the cover and turned on the fan
to test if the air will do on the tube ways.
Oraya : Speaker 6: We put ice and salt combine inside the box, we put ice for the cool air output
and salt for an additional time of cooling in the ice. As we tested there is a 18 to 20 degree
Celsius output of cooled air.
_____________________________Experiment Presentation__________________________

SUPAWADI: Thank you for listening everyone! I hope you all enjoy our Story!

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