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Student’s problems with presentations

After interviewing and evaluating the problems and concerns of the students when
presenting orally, we select the main ones and present a proposal to support them to
overcome these issues and have a better performance.

To begin with, we identified that several students feel insecure about their mastery of the
subject, since they sometimes accumulate doubts about the course and that means that
when they are given a presentation, they are not sure about what they are saying or about
what they investigated. For this, we suggest the advice of the students with the teacher
corresponding to the area they will present, so that in this way they feel safer and resolve
their doubts about the topic or mode of presentation. 

Another problem is the lack of practice, since inexperience makes them feel tense or
anxious when presenting and their speaking skills noticeably decline due to nerves even if
good research was done on the subject. With the students we reached an agreement to
implement more speaking and presentation activities so that they polish these skills.

Finally, most feel uneasy because it is a final task. If we execute the previous points, this
restlessness will decrease, however, the environment can also be prepared to a suitable
one so that in this way the oral presentations flow and there are no interruptions or
distractions for the students, this can be achieved by choosing a large and quiet place and
paying attention when exhibitors speak.

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