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Travel agent (n) dai ly du lich

2. Travel pot: kho du lich
3. Be on quite a tight budget: dang co mot ngan sach kha eo hep
4. Flying direct: bay thang
5. A return flight: chuyen bay khu hoi
6. Travel insurance: bao hiem du lich
7. Comprehensive: toan dien
8. Armor: ao giap
9. Address=talk about
10. own your own home
11. pass on to our children: truyen lai cho con chau
12. certain profession: nganh nghe nhat dinh
13. be based in an office full-time: lam viec toan thoi gian tai van phong
14. ahead for one’s futurE: huong toi tuong lai cua
15. inflation: lam phat
16. property investment: dau tu tai san
17. pension scheme: che do luong huu
18. horror story: Cau chuyen rung ron
19. automatically: tu dong
20. captial gains: lai von
21. give a better rate of interest on: mang lai muc lai suat cao hon
22. inflate: thoi phong
23. be in a state of negative equity: trong tinh trang am von chu so huu
24. ups and downs: thang tram
25. the housing market: thi truong nha dat
26. property market: thi truong bat dong san
27. handle correctly: xu ly dung cach
28. be enormously satisfying: cuc ky hai long
29. give sb an insight into: cung cap mot cai nhin sau sac
30. try to be of assistance: co gang ho tro
31. psychological factor: yeu to tam ly
32. tune to: dieu chinh de
33. primate: loai linh truong
34. monitor changes in sth: theo doi nhung thay doi trong
35. fascinating (a) hap dan
36. bask in the sunshine: tam nang
37. bush: bui ram
38. for some time: trong mot thoi gian
39. plain: dong bang
40. curb
41. leopard: bao hoa mai
42. in high-altitude area: o khu vuc co do cao lon hon
43. pasture: dong co
44. aid: ho tro
45. illiteracy: van de mu chu
46. compile: tong hop
47. put in place: dua ra
48. counter: chong lai
49. blend into: ket hop, tao thanh
50. systematic: co he thong
51. to make myself to you: hieu ro ban than toi voi ban
52. proponent: nguoi de nghi
53. remedial: phu dao
54. decode: giai ma
55. conceive
56. discard: tu bo
57. unwritten words: nhung tu bat thanh van
58. comprehend: linh hoi
59. constantly: tiep tuc
60. frustration: su that vong
61. hostility
62. dyslexia: chung kho doc
63. symptom: trieu chung
64. deficit: thieu hut
65. reversal: su dao nguoc
66. sequence=order
67. workbook: SBT
68. phonics phat am
Be on the tippy toes: dang kieng chan
Creep around: luon quanh
Criminal: toi pham
Bruise: vet bam tim
Cynical: hoai nghi
Puff: uon ra
Mad tight: phat dien len
Seduce: quyen ru
Play the role: nhap vai
Pity: thuong hai

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