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Task 4- Rewording ideas

Luisa Fernanda Godoy Torres

Group __87

Eleazar Salcedo


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

English Language Teaching Program

Course 518008 English III


Step 1: the speak and improve practice.

step 2 and 3: Link the documentary

step 4: Watch the TEDx video What makes a language... a language?

Language is a set of signs that speakers use to be able to

communicate, express and transmit ideas, on the contrary, language is a
diversity of the language that is used in a certain place, among other words,
it is the language of a country, region or nation now that is what formally
determines a language. The language was promoted by the creation of the
European national states in the year 1500 to establish and sustain a
centralized regime, demarcate territories and educational systems by the
government, then numerous nations promoted a standard language for the
way of speaking, norms were based on what people will converse in the
capital finally, dialectal variations are attributed to it from the origin of the
settlers in each region or nation.

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