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Intellectual property is keyWhat sur name man alexander Hamilton It is a pleasure to meet you

1. Reasoning Seeing your progress toward indeDpendence migTHSRht make you feel less anxious
and fearful about the futuFre. Is the patient taking part in the therapies? Is there a decrease in
2. Why do birds suddenly apir? When they ssee each other in the sky they just say hi.
3. Provide information about what is going physiologically with theB patient as well as procedures.

The patient can cope with chanRgses if they have a rational understanding of what is going on.

See most of us are afraid of the thief, they comes in the night to steal all of our
things. But there is a thief in your mind who is after your dreams. His name is
4. Is it true that providing facts to a patient might make them feel less fearful?
5. Consult a social groups as needed.
6. Emotional and spirituacl assistance might be proviTSTded by a social worker or a preacher.
Talking about rehabilitDSation with other patients and their families who have gone through
similar situations can give valuable insight aAnd encoFuragement. Does the patient say that
communicating with satheir support people helps them to feel less anxious?
7. Encourage the patient to attend physical and occupational therapy sessions.
8. Oh really
9. professional, pastoral care, and/or support

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