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School ANIBAN CENTRAL SCHOOL Learning Area Science V

Teacher MA. RONAVIE M. TERNIDA Quarter III Week 6 D1

Teaching Date MARCH 20, 2023

Teaching Time V- Rose - 7:15- 8:05

V- Jasmine – 8:05- 8:55
V- Lotus – 1:00 – 1:50
V- Dahlia – 1:50 – 2:40

The Learners demonstrate understanding of a simple DC circuit and the relationship between electricity and
magnetism in electromagnets.

The learners should be able to propose an unusual tool or device using electromagnet that is useful for home
school or community.

The learners should be able to infer that electricity can be used to produce magnets. (S5FE-IIIh-8)

I. Objective
1. Discuss the characteristic of magnets.
2. Perform an experiment.
3. Detect objects that can attract magnets.

II. Subject Matter

A. Subject: Characteristic of Magnet
B. Reference:
Science for Active Minds 5; Rea Marie M. Hebron pp. 266 – 269
Science A Closer Look Philippines; Dr. Jay K. Hackett,pp. 110 –114
Science Works Grade 5; Myla Corazon S. Casinillo, p. 9
C. Materials: Pictures, activity sheet, chart, PowerPoint presentation
D. Values: Perseverance, Obedient
E. Science Processes: observing, classifying, analyzing.
F. Integration: AP, TLE, MATH, ENGLISH
G. Concept:
Magnetism is the force exerted by magnets when they attracted or repel each other. It is caused by the
motion of electric charge.

III. Content Standards

A. Elicit
1. Review:
Game: What’s the Word, that’s the Word
Direction: Arrange the jumbled letter to form the word
1. It is where the electrons come from like the battery – ENERGY SOURCE
2. It is a part operated by the electricity such as a light bulb – LOAD
3. It is where the electron/s flow – WIRE/S
2. Engage

What can you see in the screen?

What can you say about the magnet?
What else can you observe on the magnets?
Why do you think is the purpose of the two poles or ends.
B. Explore
Approach: Constructivist
Strategy: Direct Instruction
Suggested Activity: TGA (Tell, Guide, Act)
Group Activity: “Making a Magnet”
I. Problem: What are the characteristics of magnet?
II. Materials: Activity sheet, chart, magnets, iron wires, iron nails, coin, plastic paper clip, rubber band,
safety pin, copper wire, a piece of glass
III. Procedure:
1. Take an iron wire or iron nail and stroke it with a magnet.
2. Hold on one end of the poles of the magnet at one end of the nail. Slowly stroke the magnet in one
direction, down the length of the nail
3. After four of five strokes, the nail will become a magnet.
4. Try your magnet on different materials. Determine which of the materials will be attracted by a magnet.
Record your data in the data table.

IV. Guided Questions:

1. What are the materials that attracted by magnet? How about the materials that do not attracted by
2. What do you think will happen if you cut your magnetic wire into two pieces?
3. Can all objects be turned into a magnet, such as the iron wire? Why or why not?

C. Explain
 Reporting of group activity.
 Process of the group presentation
What are the two end points of the magnet?
Using a magnet and some iron fillings, did you feel the force coming from the two magnets that are close
Have you ever wondered how they can attract other magnets or some materials at a distance?
D. Elaborate
Direction: Draw a happy face :) if the statement is correct and sad :( face it is incorrect.
1. Magnets have two poles – north poles and west poles.
2. Opposite poles attract, and like poles repel.
3. Not all metals are magnetic.
4. Magnets come in different shape and size.
5. If you cut a magnet into two you cannot produce a new magnet.

E. Evaluate:
Direction: Draw a star ( ) on the objects that can be attracted by a magnet
and a circle ( ) if it does not attract by magnet.
_____________ 1. slipper
_____________ 2. staple wire
_____________ 3. paper
_____________ 4. t-shirt
_____________ 5. thumbtacks
F. Extend
What is a magnet?
What are the two poles?
What are the characteristics of a magnet?
IV. Assignment:
List down at least 5 materials that uses magnet.

V. Reflection:
Write your realization after we discuss the topic. Use the following prompt below.
 I understand that ____________________________________.
 I realize that____________________________________.
School ANIBAN CENTRAL SCHOOL Learning Area Science V
Teacher MA RONAVIE M. TERNIDA Quarter III Week 6 D2

Teaching Date March 21, 2023

Teaching Time V- Rose - 7:15-8:05

V- Jasmine – 8:05- 8:55
V- Lotus – 1:00 – 1:50
V- Dahlia – 1:50 – 2:40
The Learners demonstrate understanding of a simple DC circuit and the relationship between electricity and
magnetism in electromagnets.

The learners should be able to propose an unusual tool or device using electromagnet that is useful for home
school or community.


The learners should be able to infer that electricity can be used to produce magnets. (S5FE-IIIh-8)

I. Objective
1. Discuss the characteristic of magnets.
2. Perform an experiment.
3. Detect objects that can attract magnets.

II. Subject Matter

A. Subject: Characteristic of electricity
B. Reference:
Developing Science Power 5, Clemence U. Abadilla, p.142;
Sci – Bytes Worktext in Science 5, Janneth C. Baa et. al., p. 261
The New Science Links Worktext in Science and Technology 5, Evelyn
Larisma,pp.266 – 267
C. Materials: Pictures, activity sheet, chart, PowerPoint presentation,
D. Values: Perseverance, Obedient
E. Science Processes: observing, classifying, analyzing.
F. Integration: AP, TLE, MATH, ENGLISH
G. Concept:
Magnetism is the force exerted by magnets when they attracted or repel each other. It is caused by the
motion of electric charge.

III. Content Standards

A. Elicit
1. Review
a. Checking of Assignment
b. Drag the images on its proper column whether the following are materials that are attracted by magnets or
B. ENGAGE (Establishing a purpose for the lesson
A. EXPLORE (Presenting examples/ instances of the lesson)
Present of a picture.

What have you noticed with the picture?

What do you think the girl is doing?
What are the differences?
Strategy: Knowledge – Building
Suggested Activity: EIBU (Experience, Inform, Build Knowledge,
Group Activity: “Group Me”
I. Problem: What are the materials run by electricity?
II. Materials: activity sheet, chart, pictures
III. Procedure:
1. Let us group the following pictures whether they are run by electricity or

Group Reporting / Presentation of the Output
Sharing of results

The teacher will let the learners to solve the Decipher codes.

Direction: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE
if the statement is incorrect.
1. Electricity is a form of energy that is normally visible.
2. An electricity cannot make appliances work.
3. The movement of the electrons is the speed of light.
4. Electricity consist only of hundreds of electrons.
5.Static Electricity is a flow of the electric charge.

What characteristic of electricity is usually used at home? Give concrete example.


List down 5 examples of static and current electricity that you can see in your community.


The learners, in their respective notebook, journal or portfolio to write their personal insights about the lesson
learned by completing the phrases.

I understand that ______________________________________________________________

I realize that ______________________________________________________________

School ANIBAN CENTRAL SCHOOL Learning Area Science V

Teacher MA RONAVIE M. TERNIDA Quarter III Week 6 D4

Teaching Date March 23, 2023

Teaching Time V- Rose - 7:15-8:05 Wednesday, March 22, 2023
V- Jasmine – 8:05- 8:55
V- Lotus – 1:00 – 1:50
V- Dahlia – 1:50 – 2:40

The Learners demonstrate understanding of a simple DC circuit and the relationship between electricity and
magnetism in electromagnets.

The learners should be able to propose an unusual tool or device using electromagnet that is useful for home
school or community.

The learners should be able to infer that electricity can be used to produce magnets. (S5FE-IIIh-8)

I. Objective
1. Discuss the characteristic of electricity.
2. Perform an experiment.
3. Distinguish the similarities of magnet and electricity.

II. Subject Matter

A. Subject: Similarities between Magnet and Electricity
B. Reference:
Developing Science Power 5, Clemence U. Abadilla, p.142;
Sci – Bytes Worktext in Science 5, Janneth C. Baa et. al., p. 261
The New Science Links Worktext in Science and Technology 5, Evelyn
Larisma,pp.266 – 267
C. Materials: Pictures, activity sheet, chart, PowerPoint presentation,
D. Values: Perseverance, Obedient
E. Science Processes: observing, classifying, analyzing.
F. Integration: AP, TLE, MATH, ENGLISH
G. Concept:
Magnetism is the force exerted by magnets when they attracted or repel each other. It is caused by the
motion of electric charge.
III. Content Standards
Direction: Write whether the following materials are static or current electricity.
_________ 1. Rubbing your feet on a carpet.
_________ 2. Swimming pool
_________ 3. Lightning
_________ 4. Touching a doorknob
_________ 5. Microwave oven

A video presentation
What have you noticed with the sounds you’ve heard?

Approach: Collaborative
Strategy: Jigsaw Method
Suggested Activity: TDAR (Think, Discuss, Act, Reflect)
Group Activity: “Let’s Talk and Observe”
I. Problem: What are the similarities between Magnet and Electricity?
II. Materials: Chart, activity sheet, video clip
III. Procedure:
1. Group the pupils into five.
2. Have them brainstorm on the video clip that they watched.
3. Let them collate their thoughts and come up to the following
What are the similarities between an electricity and magnet?
IV. Conclusion:
Group Reporting / Presentation of the Output
Sharing of results

Direction: Fill in the Venn diagram on the similarities between electricity and magnet.

Direction: Draw a happy face if the statement is correct and if it is not.
_________ 1. Electricity and Magnet can alter the velocity of a charged particle moving through the field.
_________ 2. The types of charge for electricity are north and south Poles.
_________ 3. The force that occurs in magnet is that the two like poles repel and the two unlike poles attract.
_________ 4. Positive and negative charge attract.
_________ 5. Both exert forces directly proportional to the charge of the particle feeling the force.

How does electricity and magnet affect your daily activities/ living?

List down at least 5 materials that you can find at home or in the community that use electricity and magnet.


The learners, in their respective notebook, journal or portfolio to write their personal insights about the lesson
learned by completing the phrases.

I understand that ______________________________________________________________

I realize that ______________________________________________________________

School ANIBAN CENTRAL SCHOOL Learning Area Science V

Teacher MA RONAVIE M. TERNIDA Quarter III Week 7 D1

Teaching Date March 27, 2023

Teaching Time V- Rose - 7:15-8:05
V- Jasmine – 8:05- 8:55
V- Lotus – 1:00 – 1:50
V- Dahlia – 1:50 – 2:40
The Learners demonstrate understanding of a simple DC circuit and the relationship between electricity and
magnetism in electromagnets.

The learners should be able to propose an unusual tool or device using electromagnet that is useful for home
school or community.

The learners should be able to infer that electricity can be used to produce magnets. (S5FE-IIIh-8)

I. Objective
1. Discuss the characteristic of electricity.
2. Perform an experiment.
3. Distinguish the similarities of magnet and electricity.

II. Subject Matter

A. Subject: Can be used to produce Magnets
B. Reference:
Science for Active Minds 5; Rea Marie M. Hebron pp 269 – 270;
Cyber Science Worktext in Science and Technology 5, Nicetas G. Valencia et. al., pp. 65 – 67;
Sci-Bytes Worktext in Science 5, Janneth C. Basa, pp.106-108Larisma,pp.266 – 267
C. Materials: Pictures, activity sheet, chart, PowerPoint presentation, laptop, remote car
D. Values: Perseverance, Obedient
E. Science Processes: observing, classifying, analyzing.
F. Integration: AP, TLE, MATH, ENGLISH
G. Concept:
Magnetism is the force exerted by magnets when they attracted or repel each other. It is caused by the
motion of electric charge.
III. Content Standards
A. Elicit
Form six groups. (Learners picked shapes prepared by the teacher which will be used for the group activities).

The teacher will use the realia object of a remote car.

What have you observed?
Why do you think it is moving?

The teacher will use the realia object of a remote car.
What have you observed?
Why do you think it is moving?

C. EXPLORE (Presenting examples/ instances of the lesson)

Approach: Constructivism
Strategy: Direct Instruction
Activity: TGA (Tell, Guide, Act)
Group Activity: “Investigating Electromagnet Power”
I. Problem: How is electricity can be used to produce magnets?
II. Materials: long iron nail, iron filling, pair of scissors, a piece of electrical wire (100 cm long), pliers,
two – three dry cells, cardboard, masking tape, electric tape
III. Procedure:
1. Get a long nail and a piece of wire about 100 cm long.
2. Wrap the wire around the nail ten times, starting at the flat end.
3. Attach the ends of the wire to the positive and negative ends of the battery (dry cell), thus making a
complete circuit.
4. Place some paper clips near the nail. Observe what happens. Count the number of paper clips picked up
by the electromagnet.
5. Remove one end of the wire from the battery. Observe again what happens.
6. This time attach the ends of the wire to two dry cells. Place the nail near some paper clips. Observe
what happens.
7. Make a battery holder for the three dry cells. Connect the wires to the battery. Repeat step 4. Take note
of any changes in the way the iron fillings behave.
8. Collect data with one dry cell, with two dry cells, and with three dry cells.
Make three trails each time. Count the number of paper clips attracted by the electromagnet each time.

IV. Guided Questions:

1. When did the nail becomes a temporary magnet?
2. What happened to the nail when one end of the wire was detached?
3. What did you observe when only one dry cell was used?
4. What happened when two dry cells were used?
5. When did your electromagnet become able to attract more iron fillings?
6. What is the difference of using 1, 2, and 3 dry cells?
V. Conclusion: ____________________________________________________________________

Group Reporting / Presentation of the Output
Sharing of results

Direction: Write T on the blank if the statement is correct. If it is false, change the underlined word/s to make the
statement correct.
_________ 1. A magnet attracts object made of iron and plastic.
_________ 2. An electromagnet uses electricity to attract objects.
_________ 3. An electromagnet cannot be turned off and on.
_________ 4. The strength of an electromagnet depends on the kind of wire used.
_________ 5. Examples of devices that use electromagnets include telephone, radio, television, and tape records.

Direction: Match the description in Column A with the correct word in column B.
Iron filings and bar magnets were placed on a sheet of paper, showing a pattern. At which locations are the
magnetic field the strongest? Why?

Research on other examples of household appliances that are run using magnet.

The learners, in their respective notebook, journal or portfolio to write their personal insights about the lesson
learned by completing the phrases.

I understand that ______________________________________________________________

I realize that ______________________________________________________________

School ANIBAN CENTRAL SCHOOL Learning Area Science V

DLP Teacher MA RONAVIE M. TERNIDA Quarter III Week 6 D5

Teaching Date March 24, 2023

Teaching Time V- Rose - 7:15-8:05

V- Jasmine – 8:05- 8:55
V- Lotus – 1:00 – 1:50
V- Dahlia – 1:50 – 2:40
The Learners demonstrate understanding of a simple DC circuit and the relationship between electricity and
magnetism in electromagnets.

The learners should be able to propose an unusual tool or device using electromagnet that is useful for home
school or community.

The learners should be able to infer that electricity can be used to produce magnets. (S5FE-IIIh-8)

I. Objective
1. Discuss the characteristic of electromagnet
2. Perform an experiment.
3. Classify the materials to be use to produce electromagnet.

II. Subject Matter

A. Subject: Explaining Electromagnet
B. Reference: Science and Health in today’s Environment, Carol A. Cruz et. al., p. 258
Cyber Science Worktext in Science and Technology 5, Nicetas G. Valencia et. al., pp. 65 – 67;
Sci-Bytes Worktext in Science 5, Janneth C. Basa, pp.106-108
C. Materials: Pictures, activity sheet, chart, PowerPoint presentation, laptop, remote car
D. Values: Perseverance, Obedient
E. Science Processes: observing, classifying, analyzing.
F. Integration: AP, TLE, MATH, ENGLISH
G. Concept:
Magnetism is the force exerted by magnets when they attracted or repel each other. It is caused by the
motion of electric charge.
III. Content Standards
A. Elicit
The students will share their assignment to the class.

Suppose you have wires, magnet and battery what can you construct out of it?

Textbook pages:
Approach: Collaborative
Strategy: Jigsaw Method
Suggested Activity: TDAR (Think, Discuss, Act, Reflect)
Group Activity: “Let’s Talk and Observe”
I. Problem: How electromagnet works?
II. Materials: chart, activity sheet, video clip
III. Procedure:
1. Group the pupils into five.
2. Have them brainstorm on the video clip that they watched.
3. Let them collate their thoughts and come up to the following
4. How n electromagnet works?
IV. Conclusion: ____________________________________________________________________
Group Reporting / Presentation of the Output
Sharing of results
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer
1. Which material can be a conductor for an electromagnet
A. rubber C. plastic
B. copper D. cotton
2. Which object is not used in making an electromagnet?
A. electricity C. magnet
B. wire D. core
3. Which activity can be done with the use of an electromagnet?
A. keeping a room well – lighted C. Lifting the refrigerator
B. sweeping the floor D. Sewing a dress.
4. How does an electromagnet work?
A. When an insulated wire is wrapped around an iron rod, the rod becomes magnetized.
B. When electric current flows through the wire wrapped around an iron core.
C. An electromagnet behaves like magnet only when the wire is wrapped around an iron core.
D. An electromagnet maintains its magnetic properties even without the source of electricity.
5. David wants to construct an electromagnet. Has a long piece of iron wire and two dry cells.
A. iron screw C. glass tube
B. plastic tube D. aluminum screw

Direction: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the blank before each number.
______ 1. Why is the wire used in an electromagnet coiled?
a. It has more force.
b. It makes the electromagnet stronger.
c. It controls the field of attraction.
d. It controls the flow of electricity.
______ 2. Which of the following can make an electromagnet? stronger?
a. Adding more dry cells
b. Using a core with a bigger diameter.
c. Increasing the number of turns in the coil of wire.
d. All the above
______ 3. Which of the following devices makes use of electromagnet?
a. Electric bell
b. Electric buzzer
c. telephone
d. all the given options
______ 4. Which one of the following is not a part of an electromagnet?
a. The wire coil
b. The nail as the core
c. The dry cell as the source of electricity
d. Pins, clips, and needles attracted by the electromagnet.
______ 5. What happens when a part of an electromagnet is disconnected?
a. It loses its magnetism.
b. Electricity continues to flow through it.
c. The electromagnet becomes a permanent magnet.
d. There is an increase in the number of materials attracted.

How can you make an electromagnet stronger?

Make a song about electromagnet.

The learners, in their respective notebook, journal or portfolio to write their personal insights about the lesson
learned by completing the phrases.

I understand that ______________________________________________________________

I realize that __________________________________________________________________
School ANIBAN CENTRAL SCHOOL Learning Area Science V
Teacher MA RONAVIE M. TERNIDA Quarter III Week 6 D5

Teaching Date March 24, 2023

Teaching Time V- Rose - 7:15-8:05

V- Jasmine – 8:05- 8:55
V- Lotus – 1:00 – 1:50
V- Dahlia – 1:50 – 2:40
The Learners demonstrate understanding of a simple DC circuit and the relationship between electricity and
magnetism in electromagnets.

The learners should be able to propose an unusual tool or device using electromagnet that is useful for home
school or community.

The learners should be able to infer that electricity can be used to produce magnets. (S5FE-IIIh-8)

I. Objective
1. Answer the questions correctly.
2. Show the honesty and fun in answering test questions.

3. Follow instructions in answering questions.

II. Subject Matter

A. Subject: 3RD Summative Test
B. Reference: TG page 32,
Cyber Science Worktext in Science and Technology 5 pp. 215 – 219
Journey to Science 5 pp. 148 – 152
The New science Links 5 pp. 201 - 206
C. Materials: answer sheet, printed copy of test paper and ballpen.
D. Values: Show the honesty and fun in answering test questions, follow instructions in answering questions.
III. Content Standards
A. Elicit
1. Review:
Discuss the last topic before answering test.
2. Checking of Assignment.

B. Engage

1. Prepare all the materials needed such as ballpen and test paper.
2. Check the test paper.
3. Discuss the instruction in the test.
4. Give a standard in taking test.
5. Answer the test questions.

C. Final Task:

See attached test paper at the back.

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