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A boy’s Quest

1. Where did the story take place?........................

.2.When did the story take place?.............................

.3.why were the village people suffering?.................................

4. What do the village people hope?.............................

.5.what did the village leader tell the young boy?..................................

.6.what power did the magic scrolls have?...............................

.7.where were the magic scrolls before they were stolen?


.8.what do people say about the magic scrolls?


.9.what did the village leader ask the young boy to do? What’s the quest of the boy?


.10.why did the boy accept the quest at first?................................

.11.why did the boy have to accept the quest?...................................

.12.what did the boy ask the village leader for?


13- Why did the boy want soldiers with him?................................

.14.How would the boy find protection on his way?.............................

.15.Who would protect the boy during his quest?

.16.why were the three animals banished from the animals kingdom?

.17.why did the three animals have to help the boy?.........................................

.18.what did the village leader give the boy when he accept the quest?


.19.what would the magic headband do? What will make all the animals obey the
20 – How will the boy be assisted?

. Scene 2

.21.where was the boy walking?.............................................

.22. Why was the boy very scared?...........................................

.23.Why was the boy shocked?.....................................

24. What did the monkey ask the boy to do?..................................

.25.why must the boy help the monkey?........................................

.26.what did the monkey tell the boy about the scrolls of peace?


.27.Why was the monkey put under those rocks?....................................

.28. Why was the monkey banished from the animal kingdom? why was the queen
of the animal kingdom very angry with the monkey?


29. What was the monkey's only way to re-enter the kingdom?


.30.why can't the monkey lift the rocks?................................

.31.How can the boy help the monkey?.......................................

.32. What promise did the boy ask the monkey to make?...........................

.33.Did the monkey keep his promise? why?.................................................

.34.How could the boy stop the monkey?................................................

.35.Where did the boy ask the monkey to lead him? ……………………………


.36. Where did the boy and the monkey come to after walking for many days?

.37.why were the boy and the monkey arguing?.................................................

..38.why was is difficult to cross the river?................................................

39.what suddenly came out of the river?..........................................

.40.what did the crab ask the boy to do?.........................................

.41.why did the monkey refuse to let the boy sit on the crab's back?


.42.Did the boy believe the monkey? Why?


.43.What did the crab suddenly do?........................................

.44.How did the monkey save the boy? Why?........................................................

.45.Why must the crab obey the boy too?....................................

.46.What did the crab promise to do?...........................................

47. Why was the crab banished from the animal kingdom? Why was the crab sent
down to the river? Why was the queen of the animal kingdom very angry with the


48 - What task had the queen of the animal kingdom given to the crab?


.49.What was the crab's only way to return to the kingdom?....................................

.50.why did the Crab decide to help the boy? …………………………………….

.51.what did the crab promise the boy?..............................................

.52.How did the boy and the monkey finally cross the river?


53.what was there at the end of the forest?.........................................

54. what was there on the grassy field?....................................................

.56.why was the goat angry?...................................

.57.what did the crab want to do?..............................

.58.what did the boy decide to do?........................................

.68.How did the boy convince the goat to let them cross the field?

.59.what did the goat tell the boy about the scrolls of peace?


60.what did the goat ask the boy to do?......................................................

61. Why did the goat want to help the boy?.................................................

62. Why did the goat begin to cry?.....................................................

63- What task had the queen of the animal kingdom given to the goat?


64. Why was the queen of the animal kingdom very angry with the goat? why was
the goat banished from the animal kingdom? why was the goat sent down to the
grassy field?


65. What was the goat's only way to return to the kingdom?.............................

.67.why did the boy let the goat join his quest?.......................................

68 .what was the only hope of the boy and his animal friend?........................


69- How did the village look like?.......................................................

.70 -Did the monkey like the place? Why?.........................................

71.Did the crab like the place? What did he want do?............................

72. Did the goat like place? What did he want do?...................................

73. What did the four travelers suddenly see?.....................................

74. Who was frightening-looking woman?...............................................

75. What did the boy tell the queen?..............................................

76. What did the queen tell the boy about magic scrolls?...........................

77.Why did the fan queen get angry with the boy?.................................
78- What did the fan queen decide to do with the boy?..................................

79. What did the fan queen decide to do with the three animals? Why?


80 -Why didn't the crab and the goat help the monkey rescue their master?


81.why was the monkey angry with the crab and the goat?............................

82.what did the girl invite the animals to?.....................................................

83.what did the girl promise the animals with?................................................


84.what did the young girl thank the animals for?.....................................

85.what did the animals thank the young girl?........................................

.86.who was the young girl's father?.....................................

.87.How was the village two years ago?.................................

88.what were the rumors about the young girl's father?


.89.where did the people think the ruler had hidden the scrolls?


.90.why did the many travellers use to come to the girl's village?


.91.How was the village when many people came to visit it?


.92.who was the worst of the visitors to the village?............................

.93.what did the fan queen do to the girl's father?...................................

.94.what did the fan queen want from the girl's father? what did the girl do for a
living? why did the girl go to the fan queen's every morning?.................................

95.what did the crab want to do to save his master?


.96. what was the girl sure about?..........................................

.97.where is the prison?...............................................

.98.How can the girl and the three animal break into prison?..............................

.99.What was the secret of the fan queen?...................................................

Scene 7

100.What was the girl pulling behind her?.....................................

.101.What was there under the rice? where were the three animal hiding?


.102. What did the guards ask the girl to do? Why?


.103.What did the girl show the three animals?...........................................

.104.Where did the girl go after she broke in the palace with the animals? Why?


.105.Where did the goat and the crab go when they entered the palace? Why?


.106.Where did the monkey go when he entered the palace? Why?


.107.What did the monkey ask the goat and the crab to do?


.108. Where would they meet?.....................................................

Scene 8

.109.How many guards were guarding the prison?..............................

.110.What were the two guards doing?................................

.111.How could the two animals knock down the guards?


.112.Why couldn't the guards see animals?.........................................

.113.What was there in front of the guards ?Who were there in the

.114.How did the crab knock down one of the guards?..............................

.115.How did the goat knock down the other guards?............................

.116.where did the father and the boy go with the two animals?............................

Scene 9

.117. What was the fan queen doing when she heard the monkey?


.118.What did the fan queen decide to do with the monkey? Why did the monkey
take the queen's fan?


..119. What happened to the fan queen when the monkey took the fan queen?


.120.What did the monkey do with the fan queen after she shrank?


.121.Why was the fan queen a bad woman?..............................................

.122.What story did the father tell the boy animals?.......................................

.123.Where were the scrolls of peace hidden?...............................................

.124. What did the father order the guards to do?.........................................

.125. Why was the fan queen surprised|?.............................................

.126.what did the father do when he was young?.............................................

.127.what did the father use the scrolls for?.................................................

.128.Why had the girl’s father become the ruler of his village in the first place?


.129.Did the girl's father want to keep the scrolls with him forever?


.130.What was the girl’s father planning to do with the scrolls? why couldn't he?

Scene 10

.131.Was the quest successful? How?


132. What will happen now that the scrolls have returned to the temple?


133.Have the three animals learnt from the past mistakes?..............................

134. What would the monkey like to at the end?.....................................

135. What would the crab like to do at the end?.........................................

.136.What would the goat want to do at the end. ?..................................

.137.What did the leader give the three animals ?..........................................

.138.What did the queen of the animal kingdom tell the leader? …………………………..

.139. What plans have the leader have to the boy?............................................

.140.What did they have before the animals left?..............................................

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