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 First speaker:

Hello everybody, we're here today to discuss the topic: Should there be a ban on child
performers? My name is .... And as a member of the affirmative team, we would like to express
some of the resons that child performers shoud be banned. 

1st reason:
Expanding on the idea of protecting the physical and emotional well-being of child performers, it
is essential to recognize the detrimental effects that the entertainment industry can have on
young individuals. Child performers often face demanding schedules that require them to juggle
school, rehearsals, performances, and promotional activities. These rigorous demands leave little
time for rest, leisure activities, and social interactions, which are crucial for their healthy
The intense competition within the entertainment industry can create an atmosphere of constant
pressure and comparison for child performers. They may feel the need to meet unrealistic
expectations, both from their families and the industry itself. This pressure can result in
heightened levels of stress and anxiety, leading to physical ailments such as exhaustion, sleep
disorders, and weakened immune systems.
In conclusion, the physical and emotional well-being of child performers should be a paramount
concern for society. The grueling schedules, intense competition, and unrealistic expectations
that they face within the entertainment industry can have severe consequences on their overall
 Second speaker:
Preserving a Normal Childhood: 
Expanding on the idea of preserving a normal childhood, it is essential to recognize the value of
allowing children to experience a range of activities that promote their development and well-
being. Childhood is a time of discovery, exploration, and learning, where children should have
the freedom to engage in age-appropriate activities and develop social skills.
Child performers often sacrifice their childhood experiences in pursuit of their careers. They may
miss out on simple pleasures such as playing with friends, participating in extracurricular
activities, and having unstructured time for creative play. These activities are essential for their
cognitive, emotional, and social development. By imposing a ban on child performers, we create
a space for them to engage in activities that align with their developmental needs and enable
them to have a well-rounded childhood experience.
In conclusion, preserving a normal childhood is of paramount importance for the overall
development and well-being of children. Child performers often miss out on essential
experiences and opportunities that are fundamental to their growth, such as exploring interests,
developing social skills, and receiving a comprehensive education. By implementing a ban on
child performers, we prioritize their right to a well-rounded childhood and foster a healthier
transition into adulthood.

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